129. Ronia of the Northern Region (Part One)

Translated by: A Passing Wanderer

Edited by: RED


The Land of Dead Spirits was a place of constant dense fog and vicious snowstorms lashing out seemingly endlessly.

Toward the end of this land was a frozen ocean and a barren plain covered in nothing but thick layers of snow.

And on top of the densely-piled snow were staggering zombies wandering around aimlessly. Their numbers seemed to be well past tens of thousands – no, maybe hundreds of thousands, if the ones scattered in the vicinity were all taken into account.

A group of Vampires kitted out in robes were currently treading on this land where the undead, usually found scattered throughout the continent, were naturally drawn to.

Not only were these Vampires strongly resistant to cold, the demonic energy emitted by the Land of the Dead Spirits actually made them feel a sense of belonging to this place.

They were led by a Lycanthrope who had been charged with a mission.