133. An Extra Priest -2 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


In the training hall of the Count's residence...

There was no roof here, allowing the snow to cover the floor in pure white.

Charlotte was currently covering her mouth, while wobbling unsteadily on her feet on top of this lightly-packed layer of snow.

She usually sported a taciturn, expressionless face, but at this very moment, a heavy frown filled her face, while tears were forming on the edges of her eyes.

In the end, she couldn't endure and leaned against the training hall's wall, before sinking to the floor powerlessly.

I muttered quietly, "...I guess the drug really is pretty nasty."

This would be my first time seeing her this out of sorts.

She didn't have to force herself and drink the dang potion, but when I told her about its effects, she just chugged the whole bottle down without any hesitation whatsoever.