139. A Small Clue -2 (Part Two)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


Count Timong quickly began drawing a warp magic circle on the floor.

'Yes, I'll flee to somewhere far away. No, even further away than that!'

Simply using the warp magic alone was still not safe. If that bastard had indeed really decoded the warp runes, then it didn't take a genius to realise that he'd chase Timong down even after using the warp itself.

That meant that Timong had to start running on foot the moment he successfully warped somewhere.

'Dammit, dammit! And the end goal was right in front of my nose, too!'

He finished drawing the magic circle, then injected his demonic energy into it.

For a moment there, the magic seemed to be activating, but then, the demonic energy was suddenly expelled from the circle.

"What the...?!"

That had to be warp interference magic of some kind!

'Oh, no! He even brought along a Magician capable of disrupting warp magic?!'

Just how thoroughly did the other party prepare for today?!