175. The Beginning of the Destruction -1 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


I couldn't help but feel these weird gazes fixed on me as I walked down the Imperial Palace's corridor.

"Who is Marvel, and..."

"Who is Marcel? Can you tell?"

I glanced behind me just as the twins threw me a question.

Despite sensing an onset of powerful migraine, I still pointed to each of the twins and replied, "Right is Marcel, and left is Marvel."

After we returned to the Imperial Palace and finished warning the ambassadors, the twins kept asking me similar questions to this one every chance they got.


The twins smiled brightly back at me. However, I kept getting this strong feeling of disharmony from them. It was like they were acting all spoiled and such just to help them cope with their deep-seated sorrow.

After the twins left my side, Charlotte walked up and addressed me, "The two princes seem rather taken by Your Majesty."

"It's kinda burdensome for me, actually."