199. At the End of the Apocalypse -1 (Part Two)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

One short sentence from the Holy Emperor reverberated throughout the battlefield. The celebrating soldiers were puzzled by that. They slowly shifted their gazes to the dust cloud over yonder.

Lightning cracked within the dark clouds, but even louder noises were coming from the curtains of dust. Demonic energy filled the air, and a rain of blood began falling to the ground.

The crimson rain rapidly dissipated the dense dust clouds, and the resulting sight froze everyone in their spots.

"Just how in the world..."

Jenald yanked on the reins to stop his horse.

His eyes now took in the sight of the army of blood spread over a wide plain. A zombie army, well over four hundred thousand strong even at a casual glance, was waiting for the living.

But, was that all? No!