"Ronald Weasley! I said stop!"
A girl whose uniform was unbuttoned far too low for dress code requirements ran up to a red headed Weasley who was angrily storming away. "Ron! Can you stop for just a second!" she yelled after the male, bumping into his back as he suddenly stopped in his steps.
"What do you want Gaunt?" he hissed, turning to face her, their eyes meeting each other intensely. "Spit it."
"Why are you being so rude to me?" she questioned, smoothing out her uniform and smiling at the slightly taller male.
"Rude? You're calling me rude?" he questioned back, not wanting to look further down as he could see her cleavage. "Will you button your shirt up, you're only 15."
'Right….I'm 15 now.' Stella thought to herself as she clasp one button together, hiding her tiny cleavage. "Sorry…" she muttered softly.
"Stella what in the world has gotten into you? What happened to the shy Slytherin that gets bullied by her own housemates?" Ron shook his head in displease, pointing to her high heels and skirt she rolled up to show off her milky white thighs. "You hit people, toss things around, dress like that. You look like a harlot."
"Harlot?! Did you just call me a harlot?!" Stella narrowed her eyes angrily at the Weasley, but his concerned eyes easily diminished the fire burning in the pit of her stomach. The young girl turned away, not wanting to start a fight as she saw the Slytherin Quidditch Team stalking up to the Gryffindor's team.
"Stel, I'll say this once. I like how you have more confidence and that you can stand up for yourself, but I despise this bloody attitude of yours." Ron sighed, turning away from the female and running up to Hermione and the Gryffindor team.
"Stupid Weasley…" Stella muttered to herself as she walked towards her own housemates, seeing Draco hiding behind the taller males.
"Stella." Flint nodded his head in greeting before turning to Oliver Wood, the captain of the opposing team. Stella fell into place next to Adrian Pucey, the handsome chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team.
"Hey baby." he smirked, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her in close to him. Draco raised his eyebrow curiously slightly uncomfortable with how chummy the two were in front of him, not that he liked her or anything.
"We booked the field today Flint, choose another day." Wood called out, waving his reservation pass in front of him.
"Nope. You choose another day, Wood." Flint smirked, tossing a letter into the male's hand triumphantly. Draco walked out from behind the third year students, smirking at Harry Potter as he showed off his new broomstick.
"He's the new chaser? You've got to be kidding me Flint. You know you're not allowed to take bribes." Wood hissed, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Those are the new Nimbus 2001s?!" Ron gasped out, looking at the sleek black wooden broomstick with golden markings. "Those must be expensive…"
The Slytherins laughed out loud, showing off the new broomsticks to all the Gryffindors who starred amazed at the intricate work of the Racing Broom Company's latest collection .
"You see, unlike some. My father could afford the best." Draco grinned, shrugging his shoulders as if the amount of money his father spent on the fine broomsticks were merely pennies. Stella narrowed her eyes at Draco, knowing how poor the Weasleys were despite Arthur Weasley working in the Ministry of Magic.
"Well at least some people got into the team on talent and not bribery." Hermione retorted, standing in front of Ron protectively. Stella had always liked Hermione's smart mouth, but hated how she had to put her toes into everything.
"No one asked your opinion Granger." Stella hissed out, causing Ron to glare at her to shut up. From a single look, Stella glanced away and kept her mouth shut, not wanting the Weasley to be upset at her any further.
"Look at her like that one more time and see what happens." Flint warned, noticing the way the red head looked at Stella as if challenging her to speak up once again.
"No one wants to look at a slag." Hermione challenged, glancing at the female Slytherin who's dressed far too loose for a pre-teen. With that, the men stood in front of Stella protectively, glaring down at the female Gryffindor angrily. The one thing she found interesting about Slytherins was that despite them hating certain people from their own house, whenever something happens, they would always stand by their Slytherin Housemates no matter what.
"Say that again." Pucey hissed, unwrapping his arms around the Gaunt.
"Wrong move you filthy little mudblood." Draco growled, his eyes boring holes through the female's skull.
Ron immediately jumped in front to protect his friend, holding his awfully taped wand out in front of him defensively. Stella quickly, held onto Draco's hand, faintly remembering she had read somewhere that the redhead had caused him to puke out slugs.
"Malfoy.." she whispered, shaking her head.
"You'll pay for that one Malfoy! Eat Slugs!" Ron yelled, with the wave of his wand a green light emitted before blasting in front of his face, sending him flying backwards with a loud crash. The entire Slytherin team broke out laughing at Weasley, howling at the fact that he couldn't even cast a simple spell. Stella immediately let go of Draco's hand and rushed to aid Ron who was crouching downwards, his face green in discomfort.
'Huh? I thought...Draco was going to vomit slugs. Did I misread the book?' Stella thought to herself as she kneeled down to pat Ron on the back.
"Ron, how are you feeling?" she questioned before Harry and Hermione flung her off to the side. Flint helped the female up, laughing harder as he saw Weasley puking out a slimy slug out of his mouth. Feeling sick to her stomach, Stella gagged once she saw the slimy drool dribbling out the corner of Ron's mouth.
"I don't feel well.." Stella retched, holding onto Draco as he was the second one closest to her. Malfoy helped steady her, grinning as Harry and Hermione quickly fled the scene to help the slug vomiting male.
"Alright boys, time for practice." Flint instructed, climbing on top of his broomstick to fly to the Quidditch field. "Lady Stella, you joining practice today?"
The girl who was still busy trying to control her gagging waved her hand as if saying she'll join as long as you take her away from the few slugs slithering around on the ground beneath her. Malfoy helped her onto his broom, slightly disgusted by the sounds she was making behind him as they ascended to the sky.
"Can you not!" Draco yelled as the wind slapped him across the face. The slytherin female wrapped her arms around Malfoy's waist, sinking her head into his back as she tried to rest against it, her face turning from pale to green as she started feeling nauseous again.
"I can't help it... it's still floating in my head…" she croaked out, inhaling his scent to try and calm her down. She noted he had quite a pleasant scent, a concoction that combines bergamot with lemon. "You smell good…" she whispered softly, taking another whiff and slowly calming down.
"Are you sniffing me….? What are you, a dog now?" he questioned, taking a glance downwards as they descended into the Quidditch field. Once they landed, Stella unwrapped her arms around his waist and plopped onto the grassy field as Draco knelt down and placed a hand on her head. "Feeling better?" he questioned, feeling a rush of concern flash before him for some unknown reason.
"Malfoy...water...water..." she gasped, holding onto his hand tightly as that was the only thing she could of doing to brace herself. With the wave of his wand, a flask of water appeared, Draco held onto her hair as she inhaled the contents, panting as she finally felt better. He glanced on their intertwined hands, a slight fuzzy feeling embraced him as he squeezed her hand gently.
"How you feeling Stel?" Pucey questioned as he walked over, kneeling down to give the female a peck on her cheek. Draco quickly let go of Stella's hand, slightly disgusted that he even held onto her hand for so long.
"Fine, now that you're here." she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and allowing him to carry her over to the stands.
Ever since Stella Gaunt changed the way she looked, boys swarmed all over and couldn't get enough of the wickedly alluring female she now presented herself as. Even Draco couldn't deny the fact that she was pleasing to the eyes, let alone the third year students who were thirsting for someone new.
"Oh get a room would you. You two are disgusting." Draco growled out, storming over to the team captain and taking his place in the center of the ring.
"Stel, heed my warning…" Adrian started, his smile turning into a deep frown as his eyebrows furrowed. He settled her onto the bench, brushing a stray hair away from her face gently. "Stay away from Weasley, I see the way you look at him. You're no longer the same Gaunt you used to be, he won't treat you the same."
"Pussy, don't tell me what to do." Stella growled back, not liking how the male was trying to order her around as if she was actually his girlfriend. "You're not my dad nor my boyfriend."
"Pucey not Pussy." he replied softly, flicking her forehead before returning to the field with his other teammates. He took a quick glance behind him and yelled, "I am your boyfriend, don't you forget that!"
Draco's eyes widened in distraught, choking on air as everyone whooed at the couple, nudging Pucey in the rib cage playfully. Stella rolled her eyes in disgust as she had originally gotten affectionate with the male due to his good looks. Not once had the thought of claiming him as her significant other crossed her mind and nor did she expect him to be serious about her.
Pulling out a tattered binding of a journal titled Into the New Body, Stella opened it to find a single moving picture of a snake and a girl who held out a rose covered in thorns to it. Flipping to the next page it was another picture of what is perceived to be a ghost of a girl entering into the snake's body. "What is this? A picture book?" Stella questioned internally as she flipped to the next page which of course was another image. Only this time the picture was quite gruesome as it showed a large serpent biting the heads off of certain people and using its fang to write the words 'Welcome Back' with blood.
'Welcome back? What kind of library carries a disturbing ass book like this…?" her lips twitched ever so slightly in confusion as she slammed the book shut. A snake slithered it's way towards the female as she sat and looked at the quidditch team practicing for their upcoming game.
"Misssstressss Ssssstella."
The young female turned to look around at what was calling her name in a gruesomly snakey way, glancing downwards she saw a blue snake looking at her and moving it's head side to side.
"Sssssstella." it hissed out, nodding its head up and down this time.
"Are you...talking to me?" She questioned, slapping her cheeks, freaking out at the fact that a snake is talking to her and even more shocking that she understands it.
"Open?" she asked, watching as it slithered its way to the top of her book and nudging its head for her to open it. "Okay I've gone mad haven't I…I'm talking to a snake….I am talking...to...a. Snake. A bloody blue snake."
The snake looked at her questioningly, hissing as he dug his head into the book and flipped to a certain page.
"Rrreeeaad." it commanded slightly agitated.
"Read…" Stella repeated, looking at the page that showed a floating image of a girl and a man dancing happily in a circle. "Read what?" The snake stayed silent as the two watched the couple dance within the pages, beautiful red calligraphy revealed itself as the couple finished dancing and smiled at her through the pages.