The Key

Daneel settled comfortably onto the only chair in Harrold's library.

As soon as he found a comfortable position with a sigh, the door burst open to reveal a bearded man almost unrecognizable from the one he had first met.

Reese wasn't wearing anything ostentatious, but still, the change that had come over him was remarkable. Finally discarding the slaves' garb, he was now dressed in a green wool coat underneath which he was wearing a simple shirt and grey pants. His long hair had been combed back to fall to his shoulders, and his beard had been carefully cut, giving him a stately look that would garner respect from almost anyone who laid their eyes on him.

The healer's kind eyes crinkled when he smiled on seeing Daneel. Folding his hands behind his back, he said, "Don't say anything. This is how I used to be before… all that happened. And…these were Sebastian's clothes. I think I can still feel him when I wear them."