If Only You'd Asked

Barring entities of transcendent powers, no one can conquer a world, much less a Landverse, by giving precedence to innocent lives. Harun's considerations for those he harmed might seem praiseworthy to the righteous masses, but in the top experts' eyes, it made no sense. The System set Harun on a path of sheer carnage. Yet even without it, the Omniverse didn't lack in hegemonic powerhouses eager to hunt him down, eager to revive or erase the tiniest trace of Golden Cicada. Devils, Seers, Refiners, Saints and Tyrants, driven by frantic zeal or self-serving objectives, how many would put him at an impasse? Said otherwise, if not for the System pushing him on this vicious course early, Harun would be long dead and this…wasn't even the worse part.