Chapter 3 : Happy Birthday

5 years passed in a blink of an eye. The 5 years old little devil grows up to a beautiful 10 years old devil. Still the same stubborn, mischievous devil, only smarter and stronger compared to the frail 5 years old girl who looks like she's going to be blown away by wind anytime.

Her master stood by her side, proud of his discipline who have been absorbing all his teaching like a sponge. A genius, indeed. Worthy to be called a discipline of the "Devil Physician". Since he always drag her along since the past 5 years whenever they go to the medical pavilions to sell medicines or visiting patients for treatments, a lot of people in the city recognize her as the 'Devil Physician' discipline. Occasionally, he let her handle patients on her own and preparing pills on her own and selling them. By the time she turns 10, she finally able to concoct medicine on her own, memorizing all the herbs and their properties, diagnosing illness and preparing a descriptions for medicine. He no longer have to worry about leaving her behind on her own. Whether its earning money and feeding herself or self-defense, he have done all his might to this devil discipline of him.

One fine day after she come back from the city alone, she come home to see her master busily cooking and preparing all kind of dishes – which were all her favorite foods.

"You're back? How is your trip this time?"

"Everything is good! I sell all the medicines and make a trip to see Madam Wang. Her illness is cured and she no longer need any medical assistant."

"Ahh… That's good to know. Come, master prepare a lot of your favorite dishes. Sit down, let's eat."

"Indeed, master did prepare a lot of dishes today. Enough to last a lifetime", she laugh at her master who has been singing happily since she enter the house. "What's the happy occasions? Is it master's birthday today?", She laugh jokingly.

"Hmm..Yes. Indeed. Its master birthday today", he stare at his discipline, trying to get a reaction from her.

"Ahh? Really? Why didn't you tell me earlier? If I know its master's birthday, I would have bought present for master!"

"Its fine, I don't need a present. Plus, I just know today that's its my birthday."

"Master, you live for 3500 years. How can you just know its your birthday today?"


"The dishes are getting cold. Lets eat, eat!"

He gave her a bowl of rice and occasionally putting some dishes inside her rice bowl, filling it until it looks like a mountain.

"Master, stop filling my bowl. I can't see my rice anymore."

"Eat the meat first then, then eat the rice. Slowly, dig in… Ahh... Drink the soup too.. Do you like it? Master catch the fish in the river this morning. It's the fattest fish in the river."

"Yummy.. Master cooking is the best in the whole world."

He look at his discipline whose cheeks looks like hamster, stuffing foods inside her mouth.

They spent 2 hours eating dinner, laughing and arguing and fighting.


"Yes, master?"

"Let's go to the medicine room. Master need to pass you something."

When they enter the medicine room, her master take out a wooden box, slowly opening it, revealing a jade pendant and a necklace.

"This is master's most precious treasure," he speak as he took out the necklace and jade pendant, "From now on, always wear this necklace and never lost it. This is a dragon's treasure that can cure all poisons. Although master has trained your body to resist poisons since you're five years old, but its good to be on the safe side anyway. Don't shame your master's reputation by dying from poisoning," he then pull out a jade pendant with a dragon's image on one side, and the word "Dragon" on the other side, "this is a token from your master to this precious discipline of him."

"Master, why are you suddenly passing down your treasure?", she asked him, but deep inside, she realize what's happening now.

"It's time."

"Birth day?"

"Yes, its time for master to be rebirth."

"Ahhh… Then its means that master's wife has be reincarnated, right?", She smile at her master, trying not to cry, trying to celebrate that happy moment her master has been waiting for hundreds of years.

"Yes, I sensed her soul has been rebirth last night. So naturally, its time for master to be reborn again", he look at his devil discipline that he have been taking care of this past 5 years, "You have grow your own wings now, you no longer need master to take care of you. Master can finally leave without worries now."

"Master, don't worry about me. Follow your heart, master."

There was a silence in the room.

"Master, will I be able to find you again?"


"How can I recognize master?"

"Hmmm… that's a heaven's secret."

Slowly, bright lights start to fill the dark room. The image of her master slowly turning transparent and he smile at his discipline. He reach out his hand and rub her head.

"Master, which continent will you be reborn?"

"Chaoxiang continent", his voice start fading away, just like his body.

"Master! I will find you! I will definitely find you back!"

"Alright, master will be waiting for you then."

"Master, thank you for everything!"

"Remember what I've told you before. You're not allowed to leave this place until you're 15. Study diligently and be strong!"

He finally give her his finally look, contempt and satisfied with his only discipline who sometimes drive him crazy and tempted for so many times to throw her to the wolf.

'I regret nothing in this life.'

"I will find master and make you my discipline!"

'Damn brat! Leave me in peace!'

The room turn dark, only illuminated by the full moon outside, as her master finally left for a rebirth to be reunited with his lover once again.

"Master is master indeed, so loyal to love." The house feels lonely suddenly.

"Ahh… now I have to cook myself. This is sad. Truly is sad."


Chaoxiang Continent

The silent night were filled with the cries of a baby, as a boy was born on that night.

"Madam, congratulations! It's a boy! He's so healthy and cute. What a blessings!"

"Whats a good son," she look at her soon lovingly, "be a good child to your parents and good brother to your siblings, okay?"

"Madam, what will you named him?"

"His name? We haven't decide yet."