Isay Academy

Askall trip has finally ended, now he has another problem.

To find Isay Academy.

Askall said " Agh, a long worthed way to Isay city, now I should start to ask for directions to Isay Academy"

So it begins another challange, the challange to ask people directions for Isay Academy, but what Askall didn't know, Isay citizens don't like foreigners, and they're very harsh with them. After Askall asked for directions from random people, He ended up on an alley, a dark alley where no one would like to be

Askall said " this isn't Isay Academy, maybe I didn't follow the directions good?"

A strange voice — Oh, you did, don't worry. You ended up on where all foreigners should."

Askall — All foreigners should be? Who said that.

Uknown — I did.

Askall — Who you are and what's your name?

Uknown — Something so trivial as a name is so unimportant when you are about to cease to be.

Askall — Why?

Uknown — Oh it doesn't matter, what matter is that you're on the alley that many foreigners died. Now face your dead. Raise your wings, phoenix !

Askall — Phoenix? What Phoenix, I don't see any phoenix around here, are you sick?

Uknown — What? No, I'm not sick. That's my one of my bow move, but it seems that don't work on you.

Askall said in his thoughts " Maybe it is because I'm like this?"

Askall — Is that a divine weapon or a relic ?

Uknown — Divine weapon, why you ask?

After Askall heard that his bow is a divine weapon he reminded Zafriel words " keep this in mind, Divine weapons can't hit you, so be careful. If your opponent has a relic, you're pretty sure dead if it hit you. "

Askall said in his thoughts " Thank god it's not a relic."

A woman voice — I told to not choose a divine weapon, it's useless.

Uknown — Shut up, Lore. What will your relic do against him?

Lore — Watch and learn, Kor.

Askall in his mind " She has a sword, more like a katana and it's a relic one, I'm in danger. I better run away "

After Askall has consulted in his mind, he began to run like a tornado was in his back.

Lore — Where do you think you're running ? Bite, Ekar !

Askall — A snake ?! Where did that snake came from?!

Lore — Watch and learn from masters, Kor.

Kor — Pffft, you're just having luck.

A manly voice — You two ! Stop right now !

Kor / Lore — Professor W ! Crap, we got in trouble.

Professor W — You two, what are you doing here ! You should attend class right now ! Get back to Isay Academy or you'll be expeled ! Both of you !

Kor / Lore — Yes sir !

Kor — Man... He's scary.

Professor W — What did you said?

Kor — Nothing ! I said nothing !

Professor W — Good, now go to class !

Kor / Lore — Yes sir !

After Professor W saved Askall from sure dead, he approached Askall with a scary face and said :

Askall — Y-... Yes sir?...

Professor W — I'm sorry for what my students did, please forgive them !

Askall — I will, I will !

Professor W — Now, that we settled this up, you must be Askall.

Askall — Yes, I am, How do you know my name?

Professor W — A good friend of mine told me about you, and that you will come here to learn, right?

Askall — R-... Right, Zafriel was your friend, sir?

Professor W — Bingo. Now let's go to Academy, we need to introduce you to your new classmates.

Askall — Yes sir !

Professor W — I start to like you, hahaha, this is something very rare, for me to like a person !

In the end Askall have reached his destination, Isay Academy, he almost died to two students from there. Kor, the chosen one by the legendary bird phoenix and Lore, The poison fang of the Academy. Two students that are worth for Isay Academy cause of their skills and their intelligence. That just made him think. What kind of Academy is this?

Askall and Professor W arrived to Isay Academy entrance. Askall saw a sign on the big gates.

Askall — Prestigious school for tournament fighting with Angels and Demons? Mr. W, this is a fight type school and a prestigious one?

Professor W — Yes it is, Zafriel didn't tell you?

Askall — He told me that this is a normal school.

Professor W — God Zafriel... I knew that you're strong but never thought that you are a lier..

Askall — I thought the same..

Askall saw a statue. The statue had a familiar face for him.

Askall — Hey Mr. W, That statue, who's that person?

Professor W — You wouldn't believe me, but that person is actually Zafriel. He was a student here too, one that brought the win to Isay Academy twice in a row.

Askall — He was a student here too?!

Professor W in his mind " God Zafriel, you didn't tell this boy anything about this academy nor your past? I suppose that you didn't tell him that you're a fallen angel. "

Professor W — Yeah, he was. Class is about to begin, let's introduce you.

Askall — Alright professor W !

The time has come, the time that Askall is introduced to his new class in the Academy. Askall see some faces that he saw before, two to be more exactly. Kor and Lore.

Professor W — Alright class, this is your new classmate.

Askall — Hi ! I'm Askall, I hope we will be friends !

Kor — Yeah, like I'll ever be a friend with a foreigner that i almost killed.

Lore — Almost killed? You didn't even make a scratch on him. If professor W wouldn't interfere on time, He'll be dead right now cause of me and Ekars. Oh, and I should remember you that you're o...-

Kor — SHUT UP LORE ! No one asked your permission.

Professor W — You two, stop it right now ! Agh... As you heard class, he's a foreigner and Kor and Lore tried to kill him, but the idiot of class didn't make any scratch on him. Here Askall go sit there.

Askall sit were next to the window and between Kor and Lore, the ones that almost killed them. Askall felt insecure.

Professor W — Askall, tomorrow you'll have to choose your weapon.

Askall — My weapon?

Professor W — Yes, every student has his own weapon. This weapon will help you to fight tournament. Ah and by the way class, the tournament will be in 3 years, not in 5 as usual.

Kor — Why?

Professor W — Zafriel, the champion of this Academy want to start the tournament in 3 years and because we won the previous one, we can do that.

Askall — Zafriel?..

Professor W — Anyway, I have something to handle, you get to know each other, maybe it'll be good. Goodbye class.

After Professor W left, a girl approach Askall

Sora — Hi, I'm Sora and I'm the class leader! Nice to meet you !

Askall — I'm Askall, Thank you !.

Sora — I hope you will get used to our Academy

Askall — I hope so..

Sora — Well, it was nice to meet you, but now I'll have to go

After the class ended, Askall was brought on a street where only student from Isay Academy were lived on. When they arrived at Askall house, he was accommodated in the house.

Askall rushed to bed and thought on what will happen next day, what will happen to him, what was the problem with foreigners and what weapon he would choose tomorrow?