Chapter 2: Scared

Noticing the maid's visible change of attitude towards her, she just ignored it and indiferently glances sidewards at the maid.

"No. A plain oversized t-shirt and trousers would do." She calmly replied.

"I hate dresses." She softly mumble to herself, but also enough for the maid to hear.

The maid was silent for a moment. She clearly misjudged the poor girl for someone she is not, and she was kind of feeling guilty.

She soon took some oversized t-shirt and trousers for ladies, as asked, and gave it politely to the girl. The overall look made the girl seem cool, especially with her cold countenance.

On the other hand, the maid who just took off was already at the dining hall where the masters were. She then professionally announced her presence and said in a respectful tone, "Old Master, she has woken up."

Sitting on the table, old master Gao calmly sipped on his cup and glanced at the maid while the other two also stopped eating for a moment.

"Let her join dinner." He ordered.

"Yes sir." the maid then bowwed again and headed towards the girl's room.

Upon reaching the room, the maid was again rendered speachless. This girl, she's too beautiful.... No, she's beyond beautiful itself. Even seeing numerable world class beauties going and coming out of the mansion, to curry favor to the master, no one could match her beauty.

Even though she's dressed in simple clothing, she made it seem as if it was perfect for a runway.

She shooked her head in order to wake herself up from her daze, and cleared her throat.

"Miss, the old master asks you to join dinner."

"hmm" the girl then followed the maid.

As soon as they arrived at the spacious dinning room, the made announced their precence.

The three men in the room synchronously looked at her way, then suddenly the room became too quiet, that you could hear their breathing.

The girl just stood there calmly, her hands inside her pockets at she stared bach at them with her indifferent eyes.

As minutes passed by she raised one eye brow, looking at them impatiently.

"Ahem." Old man Gao cleared his throat loud enought for the other two men to wake up from their dazed selves.

"Little girl, come sit here and join dinner." He gently beckoned her to come over and sit on the chain near him.

Lu Pei also smile at her warmly as a sign of welcoming gesture, as the quiet boy beside him still stared at the girl.

They've never seen a girl this beautiful, and the ones they thought as very beautiful before became so plain in front of this girl.

The girl's cold eyes just gently passed them one by one and calmly went over to the seat pointed for her. There was already warm food served in from of her by the maid earlier so she wouldn't have to wait anymore, and just started eating.

Throughout dinner, she acted as if the three men weren't there but they didn't mind it and just started eating while taking casual glances of hers. And she ate indifferently as if those glances weren't mean for her and treated the men as if they were wind.

Dinner ended peacefully for all of them, except the three men who was having problem if they should talk to her or not, because it may disturb her peaceful dinner and they wouldn't want to make her displeased or something.

At the time when the girl put down her utensils, old man Gao gathered his confidence and talked to her with a warm face, that made him seem like a kind old man next door.

"How was the food?"

Hearing the old man's gentle voice, the girl raised her head and quietly glanced at him, not replying to him and just stared at him with her empty eyes.

That stare made the old man think that something was wrong, and he immediately became nervous. And that is the same for the other two man on the table.

Mean while, the servants was with themthe whole time, almost couldn't help but face palm theirselves.

They couldn't believe their eyes, that this strict old man, their stoic master, and especially their always uninterested young master changed in front of her. Just what was this girl made of?

The servant could only stay quiet on the sides as they watch this shocking events.

"Girl, whats wrong?" old Gao asked in an even more gentle tone. Which made the girl, who was looking at him intently, frown a little.

Her frowning made the old man Gao and Lu Pei think, that she probably couldn't understand english, as they were speaking english to her all this time, she must have been pretending to understand. And because the girl looked chinese.

"Could you understand me now?" he said if fluent mandarin.

Originally the Lu family came from china and just moved in the states later, and lived there for sometime now.

The girl raised one eyebrow at him, and suddenly let out a small chuckle.

"I could understand you from the start, no need for changing languages." She speaked in a fluent english. There was still that coldness and indifference in her voice, but now it was mixed with a slight amusement.

Her cool voice, echoed in the dinning hall. All the people in the same hall felt relaxed just hearing her voice, but also some chills.

"ahem." Lu Pei cleared his throat to catch the attention of the girl.

"Then why are you just staring, and frowning at us?" he asked with his gentle voice, fearing that be might startle the girl.

The girl then shifted her attention to him, staring at him with the same empty cold eyes.

She was quiet for a moment then said, "Nothing."

Guessing that she probably wouldn't tell them more, they didn't pry on that any longer and moved to another question.

"Hmm, then could you tell us why you ended up unconscious on the middle of the road?" He raised a brow at her questioningly.

There was another moment of silence when he asked her that. The girl's stoic face was in a daze, seeming to recall what happened. But on the other hand, she was just racking her brain for a good excuse to make.

She really isn't the type who likes lying, or any sort of that. She's the kind of person who would just be straightforward, unless its unnecessary, she would never lie.

And at this moment she was thinking if it was unnecessary to lie in front of these people. She took a glance at them, judging them by their looks and personality, it seems unnecessary.

"I-" her words were stopped when they heard gun shots out just right outside.

It sounds like there was one sided massacre outside of the dinning hall. Consecutive gunshots were being fired in different direction, as bodies falling down sounded through the corridors.

BANG!! *

A bloody man opened the door with all the strength left in his body. He had several gunshot wound on different parts of his body, but not enough to kill him yet.

"Masters, they successfully entered the premises. RUN!!" He shouted at them, not minding his manners.

As he finished saying that, his limpid body laid flat on the ground, dead. His blood staining the marble floor.

The masters in the room were still dumbstruck by the things that happened. They didn't expect that their guards would fail to fend off those hired hitmans this time, they had full confidence on their guards strength as they were trained for this kinds of things.

Old Gao who first got out of his dumbstruck self, looked at the girl beside him. Seeing her look at the guard's bloody corpse by the door motionlessly, he thought that she was scared out of her wits.

He then nudged at his son, "Take both of the children out first!" he shouted.

Taking off his eyes at the guard who just died, he looked at his father.

"But father, how about you?!" He said, panic written in his eyes.

"Dont worry, I'll be fine. Just take the children away now!" Old Gao told his son in a commanding voice.

Lu Pei knew that he cant disobey his father, so he stood up immediately and took his son's hand and lending his other hand to the girl.

Still looking at the corpse, the girl didn't move from her spot.

"Girl, its okay, dont be afraid." He said in a soothing voice, pushing all his panic aside. He then took her by her wrist in attemps of pulling her away.

But in all of his attempts, she just wouldn't budge even if he put all his strength into his pull.

Just as he was still trying to pull the girl away, footsteps could be heard getting nearer and nearer.

Standing just by the door, 6 men in bullet proof vest carrying heavy guns by their shoulders, looked at them, smirking.

"Tut, tut, tut. Still trying to escape, huh?" A man with a scar on his face said in a carefree tone. He looked like their leader.

They looked very strong as their big muscles bulges out of their black t-shirts. Now they were sure that these six men really killed their guards, as they looked very professional.

All the people in the room looked at their way, including the girl.

Seeing the panicked expression on their faces, the men smirked arrogantly. Then the man with a scar on his face involuntarily glance at the girl who was still sitting at her chair.

She stared at him straight in the eyes, with indifference inside them. Noticing that she didn't have that panic or scared look on her face, like his other victim's reactions, made him frown.

'What's up with this girl?' he thought to himself. He has a very bad feeling about this girl. Something about her made him feel afraid inside.

He then held his gun and pointed it at her.

"Come here." He beckoned her.