
Chapter 4 – Special Physique 

After confirming that the item stored was indeed the revitalizing grass, he had a confused look on his face.

Seeing this Hunter was perplexed this was the first time seeing his master so confused, he slowly got closer to him, and asked, "Duke, what is it? Should I get rid of them now that you have the item in the ring?"

Duke White ignored his question and asked Hunter, "Hunter, let me ask you a question, the revitalizing grass is a high-quality herb, right?"

Hunter nodded, "…"

Duke White continued, "What happens when a kid with no World Energy is placed next to the herb?"

Hunter immediately responded, "He would die of co…" before he finished his sentence it clicked with him. He, like the Duke, took the box and examined the revitalizing grass.

He continued to observe it for a while, becoming more confused.

Duke White shook his head and said: "No need to examine it more, I have confirmed, it is indeed a genuine revitalizing grass."

The Duke continued, "If the grass is genuine, then that means that the boy is unique, possibly a special physique lets see."

The Duke went to the trio, "Let me see the kid," he took the kid from them and took out another item from his ring. It was a small ball made of glass-like material. He held the ball on the little boy's forehead until there was cloud-like substance in it.

The young mercenary asked Marcus, "What is that boss?"

Marcus replied, "That is a low-level affinity crystal that measures the talent of people."

Duke White examined the crystal ball and placed it in the kid's head. As he put his energy in it, it glowed with white light: showing light energy affinity. It kept on getting brighter and with a bang; the crystal cracked.

This crack in the affinity crystal represented that the kid's talent is really high in the light element.

The low-level affinity crystal was not capable of measuring the true depths of his talent.

The fact that the crystal ball cracked was proof that the boy was special and he has top talent in world energy manipulation and possibly even a special-physique.

Everyone had their mouths wide open.

Everyone muttered at the same time, "Such a high affinity."

Duke White's eyes glistened, and he had a cruel smile on his face.

He took out two items from his ring. It was a black disk and a black talisman.

He told everyone to back away, then placed the black talisman on the boy's forehead and said in an indistinct voice, "Soul lock."

The surrounding energy formed a dark whirlpool, and all of this energy gathered around the boy's head and slowly seeped into him.

The little boy started to cry and had an expression on his face as if he was being choked.

The young boy's eye from the carefree expression suddenly turned lifeless, and he stopped crying.

The talisman turned to dust once the sealing ritual was completed.

Then he placed the black disk under the boy's cradle, after putting him there.

Duke White then made a hand gesture summoning the world energy and directed it to the black disk.

His energy was distinct this time. This energy was evil and dark in colour and with a gloomy presence.

The trio plus the Hunter were surprised, they thought, "Duke White is a demonic cultivator."

The energy entered the disk, and it created a pattern on the ground. It was a snake strangling a man by coiling around him.

Duke White felt everyone's gaze on him. He had a fake smile and said: "I have an affinity for dark energy, but I rarely use it, as it resembles demonic cultivators. I hope you guys can keep my secret as rumours could start."

While everyone was paying attention to the Duke, unbeknownst to them, a small spatial crack opened, and a black ball like shadow entered the boy's body.

The eyes of the boy that were lifeless since Duke White used the talisman had a gleam in them for a second before it disappeared.

Suddenly the newborn had a thought, "So I have succeeded."

A wave of unknown energy pulsated from the boy.

Then the boy thought, "This world has energy, that is good, but it seems different."

The boy then shook his tiny head and thought, "At least there is energy in this world, so I guess it is not too bad."

While the Duke's group were talking, they did not notice a dark barrier was formed around the boy covering him.

"Hehe, I have entered a body, and the mind and soul are already sealed, this makes things easy."

Then the newborn looked around and figured out everything.

"Thank you for gifting me this body, you people are really great."

While he was happy that he could take over the body quickly. He also had a worried expression, he looked around to find out what the people will do to this boy, and why would they seal the soul. As he was investigating a thought popped up in his head, "is it some kind of demonic ritual?"

While observing, he saw the body sealing symbol on the ground. He did not know why he recognized the symbol of the snake strangling a man, but he knew that the boy's body would be sealed next.

Then the baby started to laugh, "haha haha."

This caught the attention of everyone.

The baby soon realized that it was the centre of attention and noticed his action of laughing was unusual. Therefore, he stopped and pretended to cry to cover it up. The Duke and his group had a lot on their mind and did not pay attention to this anomaly.

The boy thought to himself that he was lucky. It was a demonic ritual, but not one that would take effect immediately. This was a sealing technique.

For the sealing technique to succeed, They need this body to grow up before the demonic ritual could take effect. This sealing technique would absorb the body's attribute, ability, luck and since the soul is similarly sealed, it too would be devoured after the seal was complete.

The boy was not sure how the body's abilities would be taken over as he was not familiar with this technique. However, this was a relief to him because he knew that it would take years for this seal to complete. The seal would be able to transfer the body's attribute, ability, luck and soul to another person only after the seal is complete. Thus, the boy had a happy expression as he was not in immediate danger as he thought.

But this was not a piece of bad news for him, this body was foreign to him, and the seal would break apart the connection with the original soul.

This was like a god-given opportunity. First, they sealed the original body's soul, allowing him to enter the body with ease. Then they would break apart the connection of body and soul, so he can take control of the body.

He thought to himself, "How lucky am I? First, they seal the mind for me to enter the body, then they will seal the body and breaks its connection so that I can take over, hehe."

After the dark soul was done with his preliminary research on the environment. It decided to take a look at the mind and soul of this body.

After analyzing everything, the dark soul had an, "I was wronged expression."

"How can I a dark soul be in a light attribute physique body and soul? How am I going to integrate now? Of all the elements, why is it light?"


"Well, I guess my luck is not all that good, I cannot easily integrate into this body, it is frustrating."

"Damn it,"

"Damn it,"

"Damn it,"

"This is the worst thing that could happen, a free body right in front of me with sealed soul and I cannot easily take over..."

While he was contemplating. The Duke, Hunter and the trio were talking.

The young mercenary had a greedy expression, "Sir, I do not care about your element or anything, but we only agreed to get the revitalizing grass for you….. The boy we found it first..."

Marcus had an ugly expression and shouted: "Shut up." Unlike the two mercenaries, he knew that Duke White was not a kind noble. He had done many deeds that would be considered immoral and downright evil.

He had his soul and mind remind him that he was in danger. He knew that someone as careful as Duke White. Who cares about people's thoughts and opinions would never allow people to learn that he has dark energy.

He knew that it would not end well for them now that they saw him use dark energy. He just hoped that his many years of servitude and deals with the Duke would save him.

Marcus said to Duke White in a weary tone, "Sir do not worry, no one will talk about your elements, as long as we get paid we do not care…" This unusual behaviour of Marcus did not go unnoticed by Duke White, he used to call him, "Boss" and this change in behaviour clearly showed his apprehension.