
Chapter 16 – White Clan and the Kingdom

This drawback would come in the form of impurities in the soul.

These impurities reduce cultivation speed and remove the natural advantage of his pure dark attribute soul.

His other option that they had discussed is to merge with the body's current soul. Creating a balance between the two elements: light and dark.

Then, once the body and soul connection is broken by Duke White's seal, this connection could be restored with a weaved light and dark element.

This way, he can get the benefits of the two-element as he will be able to cultivate both of them separately.

He will not lose the benefits of the dark element, and he will also get the advantages of the light element that the body possesses.

However, he has to make sure that the two element's cultivation remains close to each other.

Because an imbalance can cause instability in his body. Making both of the cultivation useless until a balance is reached again.

To proceed further than 2nd level, he will also need to gain a bloodline that can support both dark and light element.

The bloodline then would allow for the body constitution to change, allowing the fusion of the two elements without drawbacks.

The first option of transforming his soul to light affinity gives him security but reduces his advantage.

The second option is risky but has the potential to make him very strong.

He really did not want to live a life of mediocrity, so he was leaning towards the second option.

But what really had him worried was, if he could find a bloodline in this world that could have both light and dark elements.


Hunter was thinking about the events that had just transpired.

At this point, he concluded that Duke White is indeed a demonic cultivator, and he was just debating what to do.

He had vowed not to leave the White family and protect it. He was not sure how he could achieve this now.

Duke White was the only genius and capable person in the White household.

If he sides with the family and goes against the Duke, the family would fall apart without a capable leader. If he supports a demonic cultivator, he was not sure that the family would have a future either.

Thus he had a complicated facial expression throughout the journey.

All three of them had a lot to think about. This silent ride was what they each needed, to sort out their thought and come up with a decision, as each one of these decisions could bring a lot of repercussions to them.

They travelled for a while, and soon it was getting dark.

Having come to a clearing that had a suitable location to camp, they started to pitch the tents.

Before getting here, they had already hunted a small rabbit-like creature for their meal.

Slowly the fire was started, the tents were pitched, and the meal was seasoned.

Duke White, Hunter and Aile had gathered around the fire smelling the tantalizing seasoned meat wafting.

This was very enticing to Aile, but he knew that he could not taste meat for a while until his body had grown up.

As this was the first thing he smelled, he really did not know how to respond. His mouth was watering, his taste buds were activated, and he was salivating due to the alluring smell of meat.

He did not know what to do to stop it, he could not eat the meat or any other thing.

So he just completely shut down his ability to smell, because this enticing smell was affecting his mindset.

All of his senses have been in overdrive since he took control of the body. He needed to control and learn how to properly utilize them to prevent future mishaps.

Since he did not have much to do, he decided that tonight, he would try to get better control of them.

He also knew that in normal-cases, the brain would adjust its sensitivity over time.

But he saw this as an opportunity because his senses are on overdrive. If he learns to increase and decrease their sensitivity. He can develop them for many purposes: like tracking through smell, noticing minor details with his focused sight, identifying objects through touch or desensitizing during a fight.

This opportunity provided far too many advantages to just give up on.

At this time Duke White had finished formulating his plan and glanced around.

He had a contented expression, but it quickly changed once he noticed the expression on Hunter's face. He realized that he had a tough conversation ahead of him.

Duke White sighed and said, "Hunter, I know what you are worried about, and I would not have taken this risk if it was unnecessary."

Then he let out a long breath.

Hunter ignored his plea. He said with a determined look and unyielding tone. "When I found that inheritance, I gave you the storage ring, I gave you the valuables, and I gave you the treasures. I only asked you to not cultivate those manuals, and you broke our agreement… "Sigh," how disappointing…" His tone was full of disappointment by the end of his speech.

Duke White recognized that this was his fault and with a defeated tone, he said: "I am sorry Hunter! I wanted to keep our agreement, you know my character."

"There was something that I found out, and it forced me to tread this path."

Hunter was astonished and had a surprised look on his face, he asked, "What is it that could force you to tread such a dangerous path? If you could not solve it alone, I could have helped, have I not always lend you a hand?"

Duke White felt that things had already gotten out of hand. He did not have any reason to hide this from Hunter, so he narrated why he chose to go the path of the demonic cultivation.

"Hunter, you have been in our White Family for years now, have you ever wondered why the new generations can never reach the height of our ancestors?"

Hunter quieted down. Following the direction of the conversation, he had an inkling of where the conversation was heading.

He had doubts about these points too. Listening to Duke White, he knew that things were not simple, and this is not just a simple case of greed.

"Originally, I thought it was a simple lack of talent and effort as the new generation became lazier and did not have a need to strive for power. However, I reached a bottleneck, and no matter how much I tried, there was no way to advance with the cultivation.

I read old records and tried to get to the bottom of it, but I could not find anything. So I decided to visit our ancestors. I asked them, but surprisingly they did not offer any help or solution, they just looked at me with helpless eyes.

Seeing their behaviour, I knew that there is more to this problem. After searching through the clan's entire library, I found nothing that could help in surpassing the 6th levels bottleneck. This was very suspicious as a clan that had many 8th level powerhouses. How can there be no literature on the 6th bottleneck? So I sneaked into the ancestral location, hoping to find a clue.

I searched the library there, and surprisingly there was nothing there either. But after a while, I found a sealed letter.

I opened the letter that had a seal that required our clan's cultivation energy and a blood drop for verification.

In this letter, I found what I was looking for, and it was an unexpected clue.

The letter came from a member of the clan's secret force. The clan's secret force was developed by the first ancestor, and they act in the dark. No one sees them, and very few know of their existence.

They only appear during the time of crisis and never show themselves or leave a clue.

Due to their secretive nature, over the years, they had turned into an illusion or even mythical existence. The clan doubted their existence.

Although the head and top brass of the clan get told of their existence, with no contact or solid proof, doubt shrouds this existence. Thus, they had been relegated to a tale.

Even if their existence was known, their independent nature has always made it hard to associate them as part of the clan's power."

At this point, the curiosity of Hunter was piqued.

Duke White continued…

"This letter stated that it was from the hidden forces, and it would provide a clue to the one seeking to restore the family. The message first had a few secret codes that only the top members of the family knew, to show its authenticity. Then, it narrated the clan's genuine history and the reason for the degradation of the White Clan.

The history of the Whites starts with the founder, Jax Grant. He had a childhood friend called Alan Rex. They had been close to each other and had always adventured together. Alan was the first to find an inheritance during their adventure, and he became strong.

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