
Chapter 29 - Bandits 4

Aile did not want to help Xue because He does not want people to know of his prowess and identity. Thus, he did not want anyone to link him to anything that could become evidence of his true prowess. He wanted to be known as the (loner) of the estate that he has become in front of everyone.

The more time he spends with Xue, they more likely she will uncover his identity. He does not want this to happen.

As much as he trusts Fiona, he still has not told her of his capabilities. He does not want to trust someone he barely knows with it.

This comment infuriated Xue, "I am not a dumbass, I had started with 5 copper coins and built a business that has reached the value of 3 gold coins in 2 years. Is that something a dumbass can do?

If not for these damned pirates and bandits, I could have control of most of Port Kiar's economy in two more years. Is this something a dumbass can do?"

Aile looked at her amusedly and said, "You followed someone, who was after you, alone out of the town. That makes you a dumbass.

Then, like a dumbass, you drank with him. He could have put many worse drugs than a weakening agent. Then, like a dumbass, you tried to argue and bargained with me about your pendant and deed of a shop.

Have you forgotten that I kill people? If I had killed you, there would be no witness to my crime, and I can take everything you own anyway?

Now I am allowing you to leave, but like a dumbass, you still want to stay with me a person who will benefit if you die."

Xue felt embarrassed with a blush on her face after hearing what Aile had to say. She felt safe here, she had a gut feeling that Aile would not do anything to her.

She knew that he could get rid of her, but he has not. Xue had never felt so protected since her mother passed away. She did not want to lose this feeling again.

She desired to follow Aile and then with a meek voice, she said, "Please let me stay, I know I am a dumbass, but I cannot go back alone I am scared, and I have nothing left. Please take me back to town, and I will work hard for you. Everyone makes mistakes, I will be more careful, you do not have to worry... Please."

Seeing how tenacious Xue was, Aile sighed. He felt sorry for her and wanted to help. He also wanted to keep his secret, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He then remembered how he lacked money and stealing was not a long term solution. Thus, he made a decision to start his plan early on and gain financial strength.

He would need someone to start a business with, and Xue seemed to fit the bill, so he wanted to take this opportunity to bring her to his side.

"OK, fine, I will take you back, but you will work for me for the rest of your life and not marry or get into any situation where your interest does not align with mine, do you agree?"

Xue pondered for a while, she did not want to work for someone indefinitely. The fact that Aile prevented her from marrying was another concern for Xue.

However, she was broke now, and she had lost trust in people. She did not want to start another business from scratch, and she wanted to be protected. Aile had given her that feeling of comfort and safety. She could work for Aile, and it did not sound like a terrible idea.

She knew that she cannot protect herself and her business alone. There will always be people that would want her or her business, and having a strong backer would lessen one of her concerns.

"Yes I can work for you, but why can I not marry? Are you having evil thoughts about me?" Xue asked with caution.

"Why would I want a dumbass? If you marry someone, then your interest will not align with mine." Aile said with laughter and annoyance.

Xue still was resistant to agreeing, but she definitely did not want to reject it either.

She was contemplating for a long time before finally making a decision.

"OK, I agree," Xue said.

"Give me your hand," Aile said with a firm voice.

Xue nervously extended her hand. Then Aile drew a fire gathering "Rune" and 5 Alert "Runes."

He drew the fire gathering "Rune" to form the illusion of a sealing technique. The fire gathering "Rune" would generate heat at her hand. Her hand would feel warm, and then the "Rune" will disappear, making it appear like a sealing technique.

Sealing techniques are used on slaves to not disobey their master, or there will be a deterrence by the seal.

The Alert Runes are so that he could find her, after dealing with the bandits. He is not planning on taking her on his looting mission.

After he finished drawing the runes, he explained to Xue that the fire gathering "Rune" is a sealing rune.

If she marries or goes against his interest, then the seal will destroy her cultivation and slowly kill her. Then he told her to get out of the carriage and hide on a tree branch and activate one alert rune every 10 minutes. This way, he can find her later, she reluctantly agreed.

Although she was scared of being alone here, she felt comfort in the fact that Aile would return. Seeing that he even gave her a method to be located later proved that she will not be abandoned.

Before leaving, Aile asked a few questions to Xue. He first asked, information about the fatty that he had just killed.

He learned that his name was Jack Oxe, and he is one of the heirs to the famous merchant family, the Oxes. He came to Port Kiar to establish a branch of the Oxe family's merchant shop.

However, Port Kiar developed the pirate and bandit problem, and it was no longer profitable to open a branch.

Jack had already purchased shops and land in the town. As security was becoming a concern at Port Kiar, no one wanted to buy back the land and shops.

Even worst, he had brought a lot of supply to start the first branch of their merchant house, and he could not sell the supplies either.

He planned to leave with it, but he learned from other merchants that tried the same: bandits had stolen their supplies along the way.

Originally he also wanted Xue's shop, as he had already bought the shops around her. He was planning to merge all of them together to form their branch.

Xue was taking advantage of the situation, and she inflated her shop's value. As a result of this, the deal did not go through, but Jack still showed interest and would have bought the shop for 10 gold coins.

After the bandits increased their activity and the city did not deal with them, the value of shops decreased.

Jack had sent a message that he still wanted her shop for 3 gold coin. Seeing the worsening situation at Port Kiar, Xue agreed, which led to the current situation.

Aile was excited to hear this because it would mean Jack has many more deeds and money in the town that he can loot. He asked Xue if he knew the location of Jack's properties and place of residence.

Fortunately, Xue knew everything and Aile was excited at this opportunity to loot.

Xue also mentioned that half of the supply that he brought with him was still available. The other half was sold, this had surprised all the merchants. However, now it makes sense as he probably sold them to this bandit group.

Seeing how useful Xue was, he already started to like her.

Aile then left most of the wealth he has gained to Xue because he thought it was riskier to take it with him to the bandits. He kept the blade of the guard, the pendant, the talismans and the weakening agent.

Aile helped Xue climb the tree and then left.

When Aile heard that the fatty Jack had dealings with this bandit group, he immediately had an idea. Seeing that Jack was going to the bandit encampment, Aile assumed it was for a deal.

He can use this opportunity to infiltrate the bandit camp. Thus, he decided that he would take the carriage and wear Jack's cape.

The cape has his family's seal on it, to show that he is affiliated with the Oxe family. This way, Aile can talk with the bandits and find their treasury to loot it with the least effort.

Aile then took the carriage and headed toward the bandit camp.

When Aile got closer, he saw decapitated heads that were put up in spikes.

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