
Chapter 35 – Diana's Choice

Aile continued, "You should also know that, if you actually want to get Ellie back, you would end up on the opposite side of Marcus. It could end in a fight, and you need to be aware of that. Currently, you cannot fight him, and he is improving too, so you need to work twice as hard.

Being worried and anxious will not solve your problems.

If you want to solve the problem, then you have to make a hard decision. Are you willing to do this? If you are not, then Danny will eventually leave you. Marcus will never let go of Ellie because he has the power.

You are holding Danny and Ellie back, and they are holding you back. If you want to improve and make a difference, you need to change and fight for what you want and let them improve too.

If you wish to continue living in misery, then just pretend like I said nothing."

After Aile's speech, Diana was silent. She had a lot to think about and what Aile said were all correct. This silent lasted for 30 minutes, and during this time, many emotions and expressions were visible in Diana's face. Finally, she had a resolute expression on her face.

She looked at Aile and said: "Thank you for being honest with me."

Aile looked back and only smiled. He was happy that Diana did not resort to blaming him and actually listened and thought about everything.

Diana then continued, "What do you think I should start with?"

Aile pondered then thought of something, he said: "You can start by Letting Danny out of the estate so he can learn and experience outside."

Diana had a reluctant face, she knew that Danny has to leave eventually. However, she thought, he is not ready and will not be able to survive alone. She felt it would be cruel on her part to force him out.

Aile understood her worrying face and said, "I have a proposition for you, I can help him get a job and learn new things. He can work in a merchant shop and learn there. However, you would not be able to see him for a long time. He cannot come back soon so that he can grow up. It allows him to become independent and also allows you to focus on your life."

Diana had already prepared herself for such a situation and understood Aile's proposition.

Diana reluctantly nodded, although she understood why they could not meet, it was still not easy for her. She said, "As long as he is safe, I do not mind it."

Aile looked at her and said honestly, "Although it is a safer job than a mercenary, it still has risks. Hence, I cannot guarantee his safety, I can say that he will not face unnecessary risks."

Diana understood that nothing can be safe in this world, and the fact that he will not be fighting or protecting something every day was enough for her.

Aile then told Diana that Danny has to go by tomorrow. Diana was surprised at this and hesitant to let him go so early, but she did not want to give up on this opportunity, so she agreed.

There was another silence, and Diana had a pondering expression.

She then said to Aile, "We have always talked, and you have reminded me to never accept something for free because what is attached to that is a request and a favour owed. You had told me this, and I have learned that it is indeed true. So what is it that you want from me?"

Aile was always surprised by her intelligence and cautious nature.

He sighed and said, "You have always been great to me, I do not want you to waste your precious life. You have been in a sad state for far too long, and I do not want to see you sad anymore."

Diana shook her head, "You have given me enough advice to prevent me from making mistakes. I feel like I owe you too much already. I want to know what you want from me, and I want you to ask for something that could give me peace of mind."

Aile genuinely did not want to ask anything back for the advice. Taking Danny to help run his business was equally beneficial to Aile as finding trustable people are hard. Thus, Aile tried to reject it many times, and Diana did not budge, she wanted to pay her debt somehow.

Aile finally asked, "What are you willing to give in return then?"

Diana was silent as she could not come up with what she was willing to give for all the unfettered help that he has given to her.

Diana had thought for a long time and then said, "You have advised me out of dangerous situations. I am grateful now and will always be to you. Now you are also willing to help Danny, and you have given me a path to take back my daughter, so I will be in debt to you for the rest of my life.

I do not have anything that can be beneficial to you. However, I am willing to work for you, I will take care of you for as long as you require me. I will listen to your orders and do my best to accomplish them.

I know it is not much different from now, being your maid. Nonetheless, I will be loyal to you and follow your instruction to make your life easier whenever possible.

Perhaps this is not enough to compensate you."


Aile went close and gave her a gentle hug and then said: "Your time is far more significant than repaying some incompetent help that I have given you. You do not need to do this, I am willing to help you because I care about you and I have never done something for you expecting something in return."

Diana shook her head and said, "I want to help you, the best way I can. I know you have never asked for anything in return, but I want to help you."

Aile let go of Diana and smiled at her.

Aile nodded, "OK, but before you promise this, I want you to think clearly about it. If you become my personal maid, then you will have to support me in all situations. This could be in a situation against Marcus or possibly someone stronger. Can you do that, or should I say are you willing to do that."

Diana had very little time to think about it and then, happily nodded. She said, "From today onwards, I will follow your order and go wherever you want me to."

Aile then smirked, "Since you are now mine, I have to give you a welcome gift." Aile then went and opened his loot chest, which he put under his bed. He took out three third-level defence, a few agility and hiding presence talismans that he had gotten from fatty Jack's house and gave it to her. He also gave her 10 gold coins. She did not need more as most people do not even have 1 gold coin after many years of work.

Diana was surprised at the number of treasures and wealth Aile had. She was also very grateful at what she had gotten and could clearly feel the different treatment from Aile.

Diana then said: "If I take these, I can never pay you back." She shook her head.

Aile with an earnest tone said: "Now you cannot reject what I give you, you are my personal maid. What is wrong with me giving my maid means to protect herself and give her gold coins. So you better keep them and make sure you protect yourself well when I am not around."

Diana nodded gracefully and had a beautiful smile. Then, with tears building up in her eyes, she said, "Thank you."

Aile felt relief that Diana joined his side now. He always thought of her as a hidden gem. She is sharp, beautiful, loyal and intelligent. Yet she is forced by the circumstances to have a life she did not deserve.

Aile always wanted to help her, but his weakness had prevented him from doing so. Now that he is very close to the third level, he can afford to take the risk to bring her to his side. He will also get the financial control of Port Kiar, adding to his strength.

Aile then looked at Diana and saw an expression he was too familiar with. Hence, he said, "Do not worry, I will give some to Danny too."

Diana smiled back and was overwhelmed at how well Aile knew her.

After this, Aile explained how unsafe Port Kiar has become. He told her to be careful and prioritize her safety, above all. Especially when he and Hazel leave for the princess's birthday. This would be an ideal time for the bandit's and pirates to make a move. Diana promised to be safe and prioritize her safety during the time.

After this, Diana wanted to leave and spend her day with Danny as she will not see him for a while. She also wanted to explain the situation to him. Aile gave her permission to leave, and Diana with an unusual sense of happiness left the room. She no longer looked sad and melancholic.