
Chapter 59 – Identity Revealed

So, Aile dedicated the start of tonight's training to his blade. He took it out of his bag and started swinging. He slowly entered the flow state again where the world outside dimmed down, and all that was on his mind was the movement of the blade.

In his best posture, he started to swing the blade again and again.





Time passed, and the only thing that could be heard in the dead of night was a constant rhythmic sound of the blade cutting the air. The noise had a cyclic change from disorder to order, and vice versa this continued on and on.

Slowly Aile came out of the state as if he had woken up from sleep. His hands were tired of the constant movement, but he had a smile.

He had achieved a lot from this short training session.

Then he started to head to the main event of tonight. He was ready to break into the third level of cultivation with his Surmounting Spirit Cultivation.

He gently sat down on his bed and closed his eyes. He calmed his breathing and focused on the energy that was outside of his body. He smoothly tugged on the energy outside and pulled it in. Slowly the energy seeped into him, and then it was rejected back. His body was like a full cup. If more is added, it will spill.

He tried to absorb more energy, but it was expelled out shortly after.

Then he went back to examine the cultivation manual that was stored in his mind.

After rereading it, he noticed that he needs to let the energy transfer into his organs now.

Before it was in his bloodstream and little bits of it was getting into the organs. But now he needs to create paths that let the energy enter organs and integrate with them. He tried again and pulled the energy from outside and into his body.

Once it entered his body, it was going to be expelled again. Aile held it back, preventing it from leaving. This created pressure, as it could not escape through his skin, so the energy was forcing its way to the organs. Aile felt that his insides were getting squeezed.

He maintained this pressure for half an hour. This was when he felt some sort of barrier was broken.


The energy was now getting absorbed into his organs at a constant rate. He had broken into the third level, the cultivation started to continue its automatic path again. He no longer needed to put more effort consciously.

He took a long breath in relief; his painful experience had yielded results. He had sweat trickling down from his face, and his clothes were drenched in sweat. His jaw was hurting as he held it so tightly throughout the process.

The energy of the room and surrounding started to enter his body at a much faster rate.

The energy was also moving at a faster speed through his blood vessels. It was getting compressed because of the quick movement. This allowed more of it to be stored in his blood and organs.

He moved around and noticed he became quicker and more powerful. His body felt more energetic, and some of the energy went to different locations of his body and slowly nourished them. He sensed each part of his body became more active. He felt that they operated better and more efficiently.

With this level up in cultivation, his whole body was improving. This also included his senses, with more energy, of course, he could better finetune them to get more accurate and better results.

He believed now that he can remove some of the white noise when he listened to things far away.

Before he could hear a noise that was 3 km away, without too much interference. Now he can accurately hear any conversation in 5 km radius. On a noisy location, he can remove some sounds and amplify the ones that he wishes to hear.

He could see further with more clarity, distinguish a wider-range of different smells and taste more accurately. He tried to smell around, and he could identify his clothes and bed from where he was sitting. He then tried to find Jake, but as soon as he focused his sense of smell in their direction, he noticed that someone had just used the bathroom in their room. On that note, he stopped his experiment with smelling.

Aile continued to cultivate, as there was another benefit to the Spirit Surmounting Cultivation, and this was that at each stage, it could also nourish the soul. Using the energy channels that he had been connecting to, Aile pushed the energy towards his soul.

Once the energy thread reached his soul, Aile felt the three unique presence.

There was a white circle that gave off a similar feel to the environment around. It was the gift that would help souls, and Aile could get comprehension from it once it was active. So far, it has helped Aile heal his soul, and he had learnt about soul-healing from it.

Then there was the Venn Diagram, it gave off two unique presence and a mixture of both at the centre. It was trying to pull the energy thread that entered the soul area towards it.

The last one consisted of different energies weaved around each other and resembled a multi-coloured barn of yarn. It gave off a feeling that it had everything and nothing at the same time.

The energy that Aile sent to nourish the soul was being pulled by the Venn Diagram and the multi-coloured barn of yarn. It was a gentle tug of war between them. The one related to souls did not respond to it as it was recently used.

Eventually, the tug of war was won by the Venn Diagram, and it drew the soul-nourishing energy.

Once the energy was absorbed, very thin treads formed out of it. These threads spread around Aile's soul. Slowly it started to take shape like a barrier. The barrier developed like a complete cocoon surrounding his soul.

The Venn Diagram was finally in an active state, and he was going to learn another law from it. He concentrated on it and tried to learn. Four hours passed, and Aile finally got out of his comprehension mindset.

The law that the Venn-Diagram represented was Space and Time.

The little treads were small spatial cracks, and they slowly joined together to form a barrier, this usually takes a very long time. However, as time law was also involved, it increased the rate that time passed on the treads finishing the barrier quicker.

The cocoon around his soul was a space-time barrier. He was elated, now he had a barrier protecting his soul. It would act as a protective mechanism and also hide his soul fooling Duke White if he ever examined it.

He had gained a lot of understanding of how space and time worked. Such as creating portals to travel far distances quickly. However, manipulating them required a lot of energy. He would not be able to utilize this law at least until he reaches the sixth stage of cultivation.

He was a bit sad that he could not use the space-time law now. However, Aile was also glad that he had a powerful ability waiting for him once he progressed further in cultivation.

The energy thread was mostly drawn by the Venn Diagram. After the barrier was completed, it disconnected from it.

Then the energy thread was pulled by circular mark resembling a multi-coloured barn of yarn.

The multi-coloured barn of yarn was not only pulling the energy that entered his soul, but also that energy that was stored in Aile's body.

This startled Aile as his reserved energies were being consumed. Slowly the energy that has been stored in his body was decreased.

The energy was taken in by multi-coloured barn of yarn at a faster and faster rate, absorbing from Aile's reserves. Finally, it was expelled in a new form, and it gathered and created a multi-coloured orb.

After the first orbs completion, it did not stop and continue, and it created another orb.

However, the other orb was not complete. It stopped progress at about 10 percent the size of the first orb. The rate that multi-coloured barn of yarn absorbed the energy decreased as Aile's stored energy was running out. It maintained the connection of energy thread to the second orb as it was not completed.

Occasionally it would pull some energy, but it was mostly dormant allowing Aile to recover.

Slowly the second orb was getting nourished, but it would still take a long while before it was completed.

Aile was hoping to get more comprehension from another law today, but he was short on the amount of stored energy, and he had a problem now. All the energy he stored in his body was sucked into the orb. At his energy intake rate, it would take him a week to fill back his reserves.

Now that his body was drained of all energy, he could not utilize his third stage of cultivation. He became vulnerable at the worst time. He was not at Port Kiar, he had angered the assassin and the young master. Duke White would be coming tomorrow for the birthday celebration too.

If he knew this would happen, he would wait until he was back at Port Kiar to improve.

He sighed in the end. There was nothing that he could do now. What happened has happened.

He decided to rest as he would be able to gather some energy by tomorrow. Perhaps he would be able to restore enough to be at the level of a 1st stage cultivator.

He went to his bed and was not able to sleep for a few minutes as his mind was still occupied by his drained energy. After a light meditation, he managed to fall asleep.

He woke up the next day surprised, he had actually managed to restore 30 percent of his energy overnight. He noticed that the rate he was intaking energy had also improved because he became a third stage cultivator.

Thus, he was able to restore his energy quicker than he predicted. He was much more confident in himself now as he was equivalent to an initial second stage cultivator. This would allow him to fight in some situations or at least escape safely. He then started to train with his blade as it did not use energy.

He only needed to train his body to get used to the blade.

He also began to use the dagger similarly to his blade to make it feel like an extension of his body.

He used the same learning style as the blade to train his dagger.

He found out that the dagger was very effective in close combat yesterday. The best thing about this training was that it did not use energy, allowing it to replenish without interference.

After his training with the blade and dagger was done. He took a quick bath and noticed that his wound was actually healed. This was another benefit of integrating more energy into his organs. As it would accelerate the regeneration process, an advantage of reaching the third stage of cultivation. He then came out and got dressed when he heard footsteps approaching his room.

His door was knocked.





Aile went and opened it, it was Sara. She had a happy smile on her face and entered after greeting Aile.

"Good Morning!"

"Hey, Sara! Come in!"

Aile was surprised to see Sara awake so early. She likes to sleep in. Aile then asked, "How are you awake so early?"

"A person came and knocked on our door early in the morning. Originally, I was mad at him. But then he said something that made me happy!"

"What did he say?"

"He said that my half-brother went to the northern garden yesterday and was injured. After he woke up, he is acting crazy. He is talking gibberish and thinks he is in a different place. They think he has gone mad."

Aile was stunned. What she was describing was the effects of the hallucinogenic mushroom on a person. The only one affected by that was the young master. If what Sara said was the truth, then that would mean the young master was Sara's half-brother.