
Chapter 65 – Third Celebration

Then came the loud voice of the royal envoy again, "Laila and Leia Noland step forward."

Then Laila, the 12-year girl with a beautiful countenance, dressed in a purple dress moved forward with grace. Her feet barely left the ground as she moved towards the noble and Aile. Her beautiful lifeless eyes looked ahead, as Laila walked forward in a determined fashion. She did not have much emotion visible on her face. Only showing a slight smile. Her crystalline greyish iris and serious face showed a resolution to go ahead. As she walked, her dark brown hair gently danced.

Next to her was a beautiful girl resembling her, she wore a multi-coloured skirt and vibrant articles of clothing. She too had beautiful brown hair resembling Laila. Her eyes seemed black, with a tinge of brown in them. Her steps were lacking determination, the complete opposite of Laila's, she was reluctant. Her face had a worrisome expression, and her eyes kept on darting back at the weird noble with uncertainty. It seemed like she was afraid of what is to come.

She held Laila's hand as they took steps leaving the nobles and standing in front of the envoy and next to Aile. She started to fiddle with her other hand, showcasing her nervousness. While at the side of her stood Laila proud and resolutely.

Aile had observed them as they walked towards him. He found their appearance to be very likeable. He also noticed that they seem to have a close relationship. This was good, they can become each other's support. Aile knew from how Sara reacted that political marriages are something the female nobles dread. He did not know how he could console them if they were against it. He was not even sure what he should do if such a situation does happen.

Well, he planned to take it one step at a time. However, Aile found something mysterious about this whole arrangement. Why was this happening and why to him.

If the noble wanted to make a connection with the White Clan, Duke White's other son would be a better candidate. After all, in the case that they believe that he was the son of Duke White, then the sour relationship of his with Hazel was clearly known by everyone. This would mean that he would definitely be a part of that conflict.

Hazel clearly lack backers and influence based on his observation. So, it was unlikely they were trying to forge a connection with her. Especially now that she seemed to be in the opposite end with Duke White. Siding with her would mean siding against Duke White. Thus, the question was, why would that weird Duke propose to marry his two daughters to him?

It also did not seem like it was to diversify the princess's celebration.

In the end, he could not find out the reason, with his vigilance high, he continued to listen.

The envoy talked once again, "Laila and Leia Noland as of today, Aile shall be your companion. Therefore, you are part of his family and shall take his last name. You may keep your clan's badge. You may not pass it to your offsprings, and now His majesty will bless the union."

The sweet voice of Laila exclaimed, "Please wait!"

"Little girl this union shall not be stopped, if you have any other remark, you may speak it."

"I Laila Noland would like to show my devotion to this union, by tieing my fate to Aile White under the ancient laws. I shall renounce my prior properties and familial relations and fully devote myself to Aile White. Bind!"

The energy in the air slowly gathered around her, and when she finished her monotonous speech, it entered her.

Next to her Leia quickly followed her lead and said, "I Leia Noland would like to show my devotion to this union, by tieing my fate to Aile White under the ancient laws. I shall renounce my prior properties and familial relations and fully devote myself to Aile White. Bind!"

Once she was halfway done, Laila pulled her closer and tried to silence her by placing her hand on her mouth. However, being blind, she could not finish her task on time before Leia finished her declaration. The energy in the air once again slowly gathered around Leia, and when she finished it, it entered her body too.

Then Laila audibly sighed.

The king looked at Laila and directed his voice towards her and asked in a neutral tone, "Do you know what you have done?"

Laila heard him and nodded.

"Do you know the consequence of that vow."


"Then, I shall make it official. As of today, you are no longer part of the Noland clan in any capacity. You both are to devote your life only to Aile, whatever the circumstances may be. Your vow has two keepers, one is the heavens, and the second lies with this kingdom. I shall uphold justice for the kingdom in accordance with the ancient law and our ancestral declarations. Based on the customs of our ancestors, I shall bear witness to this vow and deal with it if there is a transgression. The law is officially in effect as of now."

Then similar energy swirled around the king and entered him.

Then the royal envoy said, "Laila and Leia White, congratulations on completing the union. You may now proceed and go to Aile White."

They kept on taking steps to reach Aile when they were very close, Aile noticed an uneasy feeling behind his back. He looked back to find its source only to see the noble, the father of Laila and Leia eyeing him and the girls with a murderous look. His face had an angry and ugly expression. Aile seemed to realize that that the vow was something that was not planned by Duke Noland.

He had already felt that something was wrong at how Laila behaved when he first met her. It seemed that she was indeed used and took this opportunity to break her tied with the noble and risk it all with Aile. Only Aile did not understand why she would do something like this. The angry glare followed them until they reached Aile.

Once they reached him, they bowed a little then stood behind him. Laila was to his left and Leia to his right.

Once they reached next to him, the royal envoy shouted, "The third-celebration has officially been completed."

The crowd burst into another uproar. There were cheers, and congratulations were shouted out. There were a celebratory noise and sounds of clapping. It was for both the princess's birthday's commencement and Aile's prompt marriage.

The nobles woke up from the celebration, and all of them had a surprised expression. They confusedly looked at Duke Noland trying to figure out what his plan was and why would his daughters take such a vow to marry Aile. This, in fact, would cut their tie to him and he will not benefit from these unions.

Although they saw the angry face of Duke Noland, they knew better to simply trust the face and expression of a noble. Some came to the conclusion that his daughters did this on their own accord.

While others thought there might be a bigger plot behind this action of his. However, once the crowd cheered, they had to join in to not to disrespect the princess, but their faces were full of confusion.

Aile throughout this was a bit dazed, he was not prepared for what had happened. Worst of all, he seemed to have made enemies with another noble duke. He sighed and looked at Laila, he knew that she was the one that went off-script.

It could be seen from the fact she was planning to stop her sister from following in her footsteps. He expected to get a sort of explanation. They were on the same boat now, so he was hoping to get a better understanding of the situation that he had got himself in.

Laila somehow noticed his gaze and said in a quiet voice, "I will explain once we have a little more privacy."

"Alright," replied Aile.

Aile did not know why, but he felt comfortable talking to Laila, there was a sense of curiosity there. However, when he looked at Leia, he was lost. He did not know the first thing about her.

He looked at her pretty face that had a fearful expression and said, "Hello!" Aile wanted to get to know her a bit more and to put her at ease now. Things could not change, and he could not blame them. They seem to be running away from Duke Noland and gambled it all with him. He, at the very least, wanted to know her better.

Looking down at his feet in a meek voice came her reply, "Hello... Aile..."

Aile looked at her subservient manner of speaking and how she was not willing to look him in the eye and let out a breath that took away all of his negative emotions.

Aile thought that he had helped someone at the very least. They seemed so scared, and they did not seem to deserve such a life. Although most of the time it was hard to trust the grown-ups here, a person around his age is mostly trustable. Therefore, he was not too cautious. However, he was not too trusting, either.

Since she was so shy, he said, "You and your sister are very close and charming! Tell me a little about yourself and Laila."