
Chapter 67 - The Talk

At this point, Leia was also by Laila's side, as she angrily glared at him.

Aile had tested Laila, and her character and she was very much to his liking. Even in the worst situation, she put her sister's interest in front of hers. He also figured that she would not try to abandon him and go for a better opportunity if one came along.

He was also mostly convinced that she would not spy on him. For starters, it seemed she did not like her previous life. Then she took a step that made Duke Noland mad. Third, she took a vow, and so did Leia.

He then looked at Leia, "Well, that sounds like a good idea. Me and Leia will be your new masters. After all, you have made me another enemy, so serving me and Leia for the rest of your life should be a fair compensation. What do you say, Leia?"

Laila's mood immediately brightened up. She seemed to have figured out Aile's intentions, she knew that Aile was testing Leia now.

But she did not interfere with his little scheme.

She also wanted to see how Leia would behave. She was not sure what came over her, but she did not want to stop this test. Laila had always wondered if her disability was enough of a reason for Leia to abandoned her. She had always put this thought in the back of her head. Leia's actions have always reassured her. But for some reason, she did not stop this time.

Aile was confused and looked at Laila, expecting her to stop this. But when he looked at her, she was not present. Her facial expression was calm. Hence Aile thought maybe Laila was confident in Leia's character and their relationship. Then his sight centred on her eyes, and he thought, perhaps she was curious about how the person she treasured the most would treat her in this situation.

Leia had already started to cry, "No, you cannot do that to her. Laila said you were a kind person. She is not wrong. You are joking, right? Please be nice to her. You should be mean to me, I always do not listen and get her in trouble, and she is always good."

Aile had enough, and his heart started to hurt seeing her reaction. He knew that he was being a prick.

But he had seen too many betrayals. He wanted to be sure of the people that he lets into his life. He went ahead and gently hugged both Laila and Leia into his bosom. Both of them were surprised but did not reject. Like this, it became peaceful. Leia seeing her sister right next to her calmed down, and no word needed to be said. They nestled their head, and for the first time, they felt a burden lifted, and they felt a sense of harmony that they had not felt before.

After a few minutes passed, Laila put her hand behind Aile and squeezed him a little, giving him a short hug and then let go as she moved out of his embrace.

She then said in a bit of a cheerful tone, "I have listened to a lot of the stories and know that you only get one chance to escape your fate. I am glad that I made the right choice in you. Haha. You might think that it was a foolish decision of mine not to consider so many factors and gamble, right? Do not worry, I will not be that irrational again?"

Aile smiled back and said, "That is good to hear!"

"As long as I get away with my sister from him, I viewed that as my victory."

Leia immediately interjected, "So Aile, you were joking, right?"

Laila faced her direction and said, "I do not think he ever had any intention of letting us fend for ourselves."

Aile nodded at Leia as he saw her face brighten up.

The atmosphere between the three got a lot closer, and their two beautiful faces kept on getting brighter as Aile talked with them and explained how their new home Port Kair was. After the depressing atmosphere lifted. Aile asked Laila, what was the Ancient law? What was the role of the kingdom in it? And what did it mean now that they took this vow?

Laila was surprised and asked if he was joking. Aile shook his head, and she continued to explain. The ancient law was a sort of promise to the world. Whenever someone declared loudly before an event happened with the specific criteria and ends it by saying bind. They create an energy swirl around them.

If they break the vow, then they will have to face a sort of punishment. Some had been hit with lightning. Fire users had it rain on them on their battles. Luck turns against people. Some people even contracted a rare illness. The severities of these phenomena are dependent on how much of a transgression is done from their initial vow. Many get killed from it.

Aile asked if there is a way to break free from it. Laila responded as far as she is aware of it the answer is no. Some people have claimed that they have, but there is no proof of that. She also said that this is the most common way the nobles use to bind each other to a fair deal while exploring or dividing up the loot from a war.

Aile was curious about this phenomenon as when the energy swirled, the law that resembled the barn of yarn in his soul trembled, reacting to it.

Then she explained about the kingdom law and how it fits with the ancient law. Apparently, a long time ago, the kingdom was ruled by five clans. Four clans teamed up against the last one and tried to eradicate it. After a gruesome month, the war ended.

They had succeeded in eradicating almost all of a clan that was the top powerhouse at the time. However, one of the secret-high-ranking practitioners survived. As soon as he was nursed to health, He started a guerrilla warfare. The clans and people and society could no longer function as everyone was at danger. With his goal set on revenge, nothing, no one and no line, stopped him.

In the end, the clans and the people came together and apologized and tried to compensate him. They swore by the ancient law to leave him alone. The slaughter that he had started did not appease him, and he thought perhaps the revival of his clan, can finally make him feel less pain. With many countermeasures, he sat on the negotiation table.

As compensation, each clan offered their best daughters to be wedded to him, after they renounced their familial ties.

They would become his wife to restart his clan. Their sons became his guards.

Then there are many versions of the story, but the 4 clans became the keepers of the vow.

They were to not bother him or his new clan. While he was to not indiscriminately kill again.

There was no conclusive reason, as to why the four clans did not band against him and gave him such an unfair advantage. There are claims that he had some insurance.

However, no one knows for sure.

As he was still able to kill people and the people involved had sent their best-talented daughters and sons to him, their enemy, they were all worried.

No one knew who started the rumour that he will send a message to all his enemies.

If a family's daughter, he received as truce dies within a year. Then he has not accepted that family's apology and will continue to be at odds with them.

If the daughter does not give birth, then it means that the enmity shall end with the current generation.

If there is a child, then it means that the issue has been resolved.

The rumour turned to tradition, and then it turned to the kingdom's laws.

Aile was confused and asked, does that mean to show no malice with Duke Noland they need to give birth to his child. Laila replied with a blush that, that was not the case.

Only if there is a blood feud to start with than the marriage rules apply. The kingdom law only applied to the royal clan that needs to ensure that these vows are not broken.

Laila continued, "Some say that the royals are one of the four clans that planned to eradicate the fifth clan. They claim that they had used a powerful relic to come up with a solution to save themselves. Once the situation was resolved, the relic's price was that they must become the keeper of the vows. It was not just for the one that they made, but all the vows in the kingdom.

She then carried on to explain that now that they made the vow it means that they are unconditional supporters of Aile. Whether he kills, goes against any clan or people, they will accept his action and join him if required.

Even if he dies, they shall not marry again or be with another man. They have also said they have devoted themselves to Aile. Thus, they shall always work to his benefit. Leia was confused that she had made such a promise, but once Laila explained it to her, she understood, and her cheeks turned red.

Then the two sisters started to cheerily talk, Aile noticed a sight and immediately heightened his sense of hearing. Duke White was approaching Hazel.


"Hello Hazel, it has been a long time since we last met!"

"Last I remember we had broken the charade. Why are you here? There is no need for the small talk, and what was so important that you had to talk to me for one last time."

"Last time we talked I made a proposal, so what do you think?"

"No, you will not get Sara, as a matter of fact, forget about Aile too."

Then Duke White scoffed, "Are you sure you want to go down this path."

"Our deal has come to an end as far as I am concerned."

"The princess protected her this time, what will happen the next time? Once she is married off, what do you think will happen to her? In my plan, we both will gain. Do not tell me you do not want that."

"I am not interested; did I not make myself clear last time."

"Well suit yourself, your city is in shambles, you are without any backer, last I heard it will be a while before the king grants you an audience. When you come to ask for my help later, it will certainly not be the current offer."

"There are some lines that a person shall never cross, I hope you understand this. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, I WILL NOT DO WHAT YOU HAVE ASKED ME."

"Well, I understand your decision, how boring, I thought you would have made a smarter choice by now. Anyway, I hope you remain safe and protect Aile and Sara. By the way, I also wanted to let you know that I have reached the 6th stage of cultivation. Until we meet again."
