
Chapter 74 – The night

Aile started to take out the food and placed it on a plastic-like rectangular fabric. This eating accessory was placed on the floor to prevent the food from spilling. This was used by most people inside structures, that did not have tables, or outside while camping to stop the food from touching dirt.

Soon his door was opened Hazel and Sara were there, and they entered.

He invited them in. They, of course, agreed, the variety was better, and the food from the tavern was getting repetitive. Once they all started to eat, Aile brought up his concern about something happening. He also mentioned that the princess left somewhere in a hurry and that none of this was proof of something bad happening, but it was better to be safe.

Hazel had a complicated expression then said that travelling during the night is more dangerous. But she will hurry their travel back from tomorrow afternoon to morning. This was not enough for Aile, Hazel did not seem too worried. Although he was surprised that she made a compromise in the first place, after all to her he was just a shut inn kid who probably missed his room.

They had their food, and Hazel left first. Aile then quickly also left his room leaving Laila, Leia and Sara in there. He went to the room across the hallway.




Soon after, Jake opened the door. Aile quickly asked, "Get my mount and yours ready and bring them to the tavern on the other side of the street and place them at their stable."

People can bring their mounts to the inner city, but the price is really high, around 10 silvers per night. Thus under normal circumstances, it is much better to leave them in the outskirts, paying a few bronze coins for them.

Jake did not question him any more anyway it would only be 20 silver. He knew that Aile was quite wealthy.

He asked a few questions, and Aile said he had a bad omen. He nodded and praised Aile for being careful, as a guard, his senses have saved him many times.

Thus he took the task seriously and headed to get the mounts ready. He was just surprised as to why bring them to the tavern on the other side of the road, but he did not ask.

Aile then came back to the room and saw a tense situation. Sara was looking at Leia and was not happy.

"Hey, what is going on?"

Sara replied in an annoyed tone, "Why are they here in your room? And why are they sleeping in the same bed? I asked you many times if I can sleep with you, but you did not let me, so it is not fair."

Leia retorted, "We are married, why should he sleep with you?"

Sara then said, "It is just not fair, I will bring my stuff here too if they are going to sleep with you, I will too."

Leia said, "We do not have enough space, you can sleep on the floor."

"Aile, I want to sleep here!"

Aile did not want to push away Sara now as it would seem that he valued Leia and Laila over them. But he could not just let her come here as well. The space was already cramped.

Aile looked at Sara, "You see we only have two small beds, we cannot all fit in it. you can come, and the three of you can sleep there, and I will sleep on the ground or once we reach Port Kiar I will allow you to sleep with me."

Aile could not directly reject her, and he knew that Sara would not back down by the simple reason that the bed was small. So he had to come up with something that could work. Delaying her request would make her forget and once she reaches Port Kiar, who knows if she will remember this, or even if she would be allowed. Thus this was the best solution for now.

Sara was thinking and then smiled, "First, promise that you will never ever go back on your word."

Aile nodded.

Sara repeated with a cunning smile, "Ok, remember you said that once we go back, you will allow me to sleep with you."

She then gave a victorious smile to Leia as she left.

Aile sighed, seeing a problem being solved. He was still plagued by the bad omen, and he then tried to get his mind calm as he was anxious. He knew that only with a calm mind, he can think clearly.

After some meditation, it got calmer, but the anxious feeling did not go away.

Then, he decided to go to sleep as both Leia and Laila were waiting for him. He also noticed that Leia was not happy.

He went close to her and said, "What is wrong?"

she avoided the question for a few seconds and finally replied, "Why did you agree to let her sleep with us when we return to Port Kiar?"

Aile explained how she will forget, and even if she remembers Hazel will probably not allow it.

He ended it by saying even if it happens it will be one night and that his room is big so it will not be a problem.

Leia smiled and said, but you did not say it to her that it was only for a night.

After the explanation, Leia seemed to not care too much about it. Aile sighed, it seemed that Sara and Leia would behave similarly to how Sara interacted with Sophie.

Then Aile talked with Laila and Leia a bit about the princess's birthday dinner. However, Aile was not in a mood to chat too much, the anxious feeling had heightened.

He decided that he would sleep and try to pass the night so that they can quickly leave tomorrow. After a quick discussion, Aile ended up sleeping in between Laila and Leia. There was a little gap between the beds, for Aile who was a bit muscular and bigger it would not be noticed. However, it could be an uncomfortable experience for the two of them who were petite.

Then they turn off the glowing crystal, and Aile could not sleep.

The anxiety plus the new experience of people sleeping next to him kept him awake. After some time, a hand hugged him. It was Leia's and this calmed him down a little. Aile looked at her comfortably hugging him as she slept, and he did not know how much time had passed, but he finally fell asleep.

"No please, stop hitting her!"

Then came the sounds of sobbing. Aile woke up and heard Laila talk in her sleep while sobbing, it seemed to be a nightmare.

"Please stop!"

Aile extended his hand and hugged her and whispered to her, "Everything is fine!"

She held him tightly and slowly, she stopped sobbing, and her somewhat of an erratic movement stopped. After a few minutes, Aile fell asleep again, only this time Laila held him tightly as she slept too.

Aile woke very early in the morning as Leia's leg rested on his and Laila still held him tightly. He wormed his way out, making sure not to wake them up. He was glad that the night passed without any calamity.

He took a quick bath and did a few stretches. When Laila and Leia woke up seeing him train, Leia was smiling at him, while Laila asked, "Aile, are you here?"

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Aile." They replied.

Then there was a sound that came outside their room.


Then there was a soft knocking sound.

Knock, knock ...

Aile had his heart started to tump.

He quickly went and opened the door and saw Sara there lying on the ground. She was clutching the left side of her upper waist.

She looked up at Aile with tears in her eyes and said, "It hurts Aile! Help me!"

She then held his hand as she closed her eyes, gritting her teeth.

Aile was confused then he quickly lifted her clothes and saw that there was no wound there and yet she behaved like she was stabbed there.

The foreboding feeling intensified.

Aile immediately made a decision. Looking back with an angry face.

Leia immediately said, "I did not do anything to her!"

Aile calmed down and said with a forced smile, "I know, we need to go. Take your stuff we are leaving."

Aile then went to look for Hazel. However, he could not find her. When he came back, Aile picked up Sara, while Laila and Leia took their packed luggage and they sneaked out of the tavern.

They went to the tavern across the street and entered through its back door and went to Aile's room that he had already booked a few days ago.

Aile tried to observe and examined Sara a few time, but he could not find out what was wrong.

Aile exited the tavern to look for some help.