
Chapter 81 - Chatting with Hazel

Aile first skinned the fox and then started with the ox.

Then he cut the fox into smaller pieces after placing them into skewers. He did not need to worry about carving the whole ox, as they did not require all of it.

Aile first removed the outer fur with the skin, as it could make a carpet. Then he looked for areas with tender meat, so that it could be eaten with ease. He left the rest untouched.

He then carried the leftover meat to a deep hole far away from them as to not attract other beasts.

After that, he quickly cleaned up by using the fire, water and air gathering rune. Then he was searching for some common plants that are used for seasoning. The most essential is a plant with a tiny red flower. Their roots contain salty substances that are ideal for the flavouring. After a few minutes, Aile found it, and he picked a few of them. He then looked for any other herbs that could enhance the flavour of roasted food and ended up finding a few.

He had gotten this knowledge from his inherited memories. He made a small mud bowl and placed the ingredients in it and then started a fire and placed the mud bowl in it, roasting the spices. Once they were dry, he cooled them using the air gathering rune. Then using his hands, he turned it into a powder and rubbed it into the meat that was of the fox and ox-like creature. He then placed the rest in a pouch. He will use it for other meals too.

Just when he was about to put the meat over the fire, Leia came to him very embarrassed.

Aile asked, "What is wrong, Leia? I will get the food ready in 20 more minutes, sorry to keep you waiting."

"No, that is not it," said Leia, "I need your help with something."

"Oh, what is it? How can I help?"

Leia became red and muttered something in an inaudible voice.

"What is it, Leia? Can you speak louder?"

She increased her voice by a little bit, and now that Aile concentrated on it, he heard, "Miss Hazel needs help to relieve herself, and she asked me to assist, but I cannot carry her. Can you come and support her?"

Aile was confused and surprised. It was a lose-lose situation for him. If he helps her, then she will say that he took advantage of her again. He did not know what the problem was. But nonetheless, he wanted to take her opinion into consideration and tried to think of a way to support her.

Leia seeing the complicated expression on his face, said timidly, "Just help by carrying her a bit away, and I will do the rest."

Aile nodded although that was not Aile's concern he was glad to have her on this journey. Aile came and saw an embarrassed expression on Hazel's face. He then placed one hand behind her back and another behind her knees and carried her.

He walked for about a minute then placed her down. She tried to sit down, and with the help of a few rocks as support along with Leia's help, she was in the right position. She then looked at Aile and said, "You go back?"

"This place is not safe, something attacked me not long ago. I will be just there facing the other way."

Aile did not wait for a reply and just stood by the side and after some rustling sounds. He heard Leia calling for him. Aile went there and brought back Hazel, who was acting like a young girl blushing and averting eye contact, as she was carried by Aile.

After the little diversion, Aile went back to cooking. Soon the whole area was wafting with a tasty smell.

Everyone was anticipating to eat their meal. Aile brought the food to everyone and noticed the still sleeping Sara and felt sad. They had many meals together, and this reminded Aile of them.

He sighed he could not do anything at the moment, like this, he brought the cooked fox meat on the first round and then the ox meat to everyone. Leia then helped him cut it and was about to feed others. Aile did not want to trouble her even more at this point. She had done a lot for everyone. So, he told her to eat first, and he would help Hazel and Laila.

He cut the meat into smaller pieces, Laila sat on his left, and he brought Hazel to his other side and placed her head on his lap. He waited for the meat to cool down and started to feed them little pieces, and both of them became bashful at how lovingly Aile fed them. They prefered the fox meat to the ox.

Therefore Aile fed most of the fox to Laila and Hazel and he ate most of the ox meat. This did not go unnoticed by them and made Hazel blush more. Leia also liked the fox meat; it was more tender and sweeter. Soon everyone was full. Aile then started to pack everything and place them back on the mounts. The mounts were almost ready for the journey again.

Then Aile let everyone rest for a few more minutes, while he took the fur of the ox-like creature and cleaned it, washed it, and left it on top of the fire to be treated. After about 20 minutes the hide was ready, he cooled it down and placed it on his mount.

He then apologetically looked at Leia and said, "Let's go!"

Leia smiled back and nodded. She was joyous that someone cared so much for her, and she did not want to disappoint him either. He then helped her up the mount. Aile then went to Laila and took her hand and guided her too, and he also thanked her.

She smiled and held his hand tighter and saying that she was his wife so she will do her best to help him in whatever way possible.

Laila was glad that she could be of help and not a burden. After all, because of her eyes, most people told her that she was dead weight, she was glad that she could be of some use to Aile.

Aile gave her a quick hug then lifted her up to the mount. He then brought Sara and placed her between Leia and Laila.

Aile carried Hazel to the mount and let her sleep like before facing him. However Hazel refused that position, saying that she looked like she is displaying herself to him. And that she did not feel relaxed in that position.

Hazel said, "I would prefer to be sitting the same way as you looking ahead." Aile told her that she would be uncomfortable that way, but she did not budge. He gave in.

Aile made his mount lead and tied Leia's mount behind his, to make it easier on her and allow her to rest.

As soon as the journey continued, Hazel kept on rocking, and Aile had to hold her with one hand to support her. She was too embarrassed to admit defeat and ask Aile to put him the same way he intended and eventually leaned back and nestled into him. They travelled for a while and then Hazel asked, "You do not seem so bad. Can you tell me what you intend to do with me and Sara?"

"Haha, you got this from me feeding you, if that is the case, I can do that more often, and I can turn from not so bad to amazing."

Aile could not see her face, but he noticed an unusual tone from her while she said, "I have kept an eye on you for a long time, and you seem to genuinely take care of Sara. Can you tell me what you want from her, so that I can be at ease?"

Sigh, "She is one of the few people close to me. So why do I need a reason to help her. I take care of her because she tells me a story every morning. Because she talks to me, jokes with me and cheers me up. So, there is no single reason for me to help her."

Aile noticed that the muscles on Hazel's back loosened and she was resting more freely now. After a while, she became tense again and asked, "What about me then? I have done nothing of the sort, what will you do? And what do you intend to do to me?"

"I promise I will not force you to do anything that you do not want. However, I hope you can help me with somethings. You are really strong, and I will need your power to take control of some areas in Port Kiar."

She became a bit relaxed and then asked, "Ok, I will help you with that, although if I use my power, people will suspect it is me."

"Do not worry, I will not risk your safety, I just hope that you can show up in a few meetings and act as a deterrence to those that will be eyeing us."

The ride continued for a while, and then Hazel asked another question, "Can you tell me? What is your goal? And who are you?"

Aile sighed, he was in a stupor thinking about the future and thought it was Sara who asked this, so he roughed her hair and said, "I will tell you in the future."

Hazel scoffed.