
Chapter 84 – Angry Emily

Diana helped him take his clothes off, and he then went to bathe in his new bathing place, that was almost the size of a swimming pool. Diana had made the water at the perfect temperature, which allowed him to calm down as soon as he rested there.

He then conversed with Diana and answered her question regarding his bruises and what happened to him.

He also remembered how he missed his meeting with Ellie. Although he was not worried about her, she was smart, and she will find an opportunity to visit Diana, then he can help her.

Diana massaged his shoulders gently as he was resting in the side of the bath. He enjoyed her touch and massage technique. Aile did not want to stop her and wanted this to last a very long time. But Aile also wanted her to meet everyone else as he too needed to get out soon. He told Diana to go and help everyone else settle down, and he will be out.

Then came a voice shortly after Diana left. It was Emily, "You really know how to rest."

"Hey Emily, it has been a long time. Thank you for taking care of everyone while I was away."

"No need for thanks, however, you did not fulfil your end of the deal, Sophie did not look happy, what did you do to make her sad? She had been waiting for you every day."

"It is complicated, and I will try to cheer her up later."

Emily snorted, "If an action of yours will bring the unhappiness of people around you, why bother doing it in the first place?"

"I had no choice in this, now that it happened, I do not regret it either!"

"What exactly happened?"

Aile sighed, "Have you not heard it yet?"


"To have an auspicious event in the princess's birthday, I had to take two wives."

Emily asked, "Hazel and Sara?"

Aile curiously looked at Emily.

"You brought them to this mansion! So I guess you trust them very much now!"

Aile said, "It is not them, it is Laila and Leia. I was thinking of getting another house for Hazel and Sara, but I would seem very ungrateful, after all, they let me stay in their house all this long."

Emily finally sighed and came and sat next to the bath. "I am not happy, either!"

Aile curiously looked at Emily again, he was not sure what she was referring to, was it his marriage or that he brought people into the mansion.

"This is not how you keep a secret, all the people here will know that you are related to this mansion. In no time, they will guess you are Shadow. From your plans, you will have a lot of enemies as Shadow, and this will put all of them in danger. It will be dangerous for them just to stay here, not to mention if people find out that they know your identity."

Aile nodded, "I know, do you have a solution!"

"Who exactly knows that you are Shadow?"

"Just you and Fiona."

"Well, make everyone believe that you are working for him. But you have to show that you are somehow useful to him to make it believable," Emily said coldly.

Aile realized she was really angry with him, after all, all she asked of him was to make sure Sophie remains happy, and the first thing he did by coming here was to make her sad. She was not the same person he remembered.

Aile nodded.

Then they were quiet for a while.

Aile asked, "Can I ask for another favour?"


"You have not even heard it yet."

"You want me to help train them into something useful, and I refuse."

Aile did not reply back, he knew that by them, Emily was referring to Laila and Leia. He wanted them to become stronger to survive better in this world, and Emily had already figured out his plan.

She was right, and he did not know how to teach them, but he did not want to just dump the responsibility to Emily either. He then started to think of a way to make them powerful enough, so they can protect themselves.

Aile started to think about different methods that can help them. He could help them out with the crystalline book in his soul. But accessing it and sending information would no longer be possible until Aile takes over the body, as his soul is in a delicate position right now. By the time he takes over the body, five years would have passed in the least, and he did not want them to delay their progress for that long. Plus he was not sure about the kind of cultivation he can give them.

Weak compatible cultivation is a much better option than a strong incompatible.

Then they were quiet for a long time.

Emily sighed, she looked at the ceiling and said, "Was this really the time to ask for a favour, Aile? Plus, they are not suitable for my kind of training."

Aile shook his head and said, "Sorry, a lot of things happened, and even with all the preparations, I was not ready... Can you tell me why you are unhappy?"

Emily did not respond to him immediately, after a while, she said, "I have many reasons to be unhappy. You were too self-centred when you returned. I thought you were more mature."

Aile nodded, "What is it? Help me understand."

Sigh, "For starters, you brought Hazel here our previous boss and made Fiona and Diana help her settle in. Do you know how we would feel? She thinks we betrayed her? Making us seem ungrateful in front of her. Just seeing her would have already been very awkward, but they have to help her now and explain the house like they always have been here. Yet they still listen to you, acting only in your interest? Is this how you treat the people that work so hard for you? Whether it is your business or your mansion or anything else, they have put their utmost effort. Yet you made them face such a delicate situation, just as you arrived without a second thought."

Aile listened to her, and he knew that he was inconsiderate. He was thinking of a solution and then said, "Maybe I should bring Hazel into the loop as well." As she had already taken the oath, he was not worried about her betraying him.

Emily gently hit his head.

Aile said, "I do not want them to feel awkward because of me, how else should I solve this."

Emily said, "Just talk to them, they do not expect you to be perfect. From the moment we accepted you, we knew, eventually, we had to leave her side and join you."

Aile looked at Emily and smiled because this was the first time, she stated that she has joined his side.

Emily looked at the joyous smile on his face and looked away.


"Also, make sure Sophie is happy by tomorrow."

"Emily! Thank you... I will try to cheer her up...

Also, can you come to the office tonight, I am going to make some plans for our future with Fiona?"

"You cannot even make decisions now?"

"No, I want Fiona to have someone to rely on and have you on the loop."

Emily sighed in relief and gave Aile a smile, "I will be there. But you just need to tell me these things during my shift, there is no need for me to be in your meetings in the future."

Emily's smile turned melancholic.



"I will improve and make sure that you can rely on me more in the future."

He realized that he had not taken them into account for his future plans, and he needs to be more considerate towards that. From his inherited memories, he had not experienced such a situation, and this was clearly due to his previous solitary lifestyle. So, he needs to learn how to integrate others into his life better.

The smile on Emily's face became joyous. Aile knew that Emily did not even put most people in her eyes, not to mention showing her emotions to them or being worried about them.

The fact that she was angry at him and had expectations of him revealed that she cared for him. For a reserved person like Emily, this was the behaviour reserved for only those that she trusted. Aile got out of the bath, and Emily helped him dress. He talked to her a bit more and casually talked about some stuff, and their behaviour towards each other returned to how it was. Emily's anger quelled. Aile was happy that Emily was coming more and more out of her shell in front of him.

The conversation continued until Aile heard the nostalgic fight between Sara and Sophie. Emily gestured Aile to go and solve it like usual. Aile went there and figured out the problem. Sara wanted to have the room next to his, but Sophie had already picked it.