
Chapter 92 - Delicate balance

Aile went to his room and did not find Laila and Leia, it seemed they were exploring around the mansion. As he had a long day, Aile went to take a bath, and after that, he went to look for Hazel.



After knocking on her door. Aile heard her sluggish tone, "Who is it?"

"It is me."

She opened the door, and Aile found her with a cute drowsy countenance. After entering her room, he quickly greeted her. Aile passed the necklace to her, as both of them sat at the edge of her bed.

After she took the necklace and examined it, Aile asked her to unlock it. She was the only high-level practitioner that could start the device. Her drowsy expression turned to shock, and she asked about the origin of the necklace. Aile gave her a brief explanation about it. She agreed and channelled her energy into a ball and brought it closer to the communication gem, as it started to absorb it.

With that, the necklace was activated. Aile wished her a good night sleep and left with it, back to his room. Laila and Leia were still not there. Therefore, Aile went on training mode and when he opened his eyes again. He noticed that the communication gem was pulsating.

He looked back at the bed and noticed Laila and Leia sleeping peacefully, as they left the middle portion of the mattress empty for Aile to join them later. He took the crystal on the balcony and activated it.

"Hello, is it magistrate Hazel?"

"Who are you, and why are you looking for Hazel?" Aile replied with a disguised voice.

"This is Duke Noland the king wanted me to pass a message to magistrate Hazel. He also wants to speak to her."

"She is not here right now?"

"Could you please allow us to talk with her, it is important."

"Contact back in 10 hours, and I will let her talk to the king."

"Are you going to keep his majesty waiting for 10 hours."

"Only if he wants to talk with her, he can wait."

Aile then deactivated the call. There was no reason to act warmly to the royalty at the moment. After all, they left Hazel to fend for herself even when she supported their request to fight for the kingdom.

He went back to his room and got back to his training. This was not a surprise for him. He knew that people will try to contact Hazel, if she talks with them, at least there will be fewer eyes looking for her, this way they can remain hidden longer. This was why he wanted to use this communication device.

He went back to his training, and it was soon morning. Diana brought him food. After that, he started to exercise to improve his body, and everyone joined him. Soon after, he called Emily and Fiona and told them about last night's communication. They agreed that Aile's decision was right to let Hazel talk to the king. If nothing else comes of it, at least they will know what side the king stands and why he is looking for her. They discussed for a bit and then sent someone to get Hazel.

Hazel arrived and without looking at who is in the room, locked the door and turned around and then saw everyone. She was embarrassed, she thought she was called to heal her soul.

Aile explained the situation to her, and she got tensed. In the end, she took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want me to say?"

"The final decision lies with you. I was hoping to get a better understanding of the situation in the kingdom and why the king wants to talk with you immediately. Duke Noland and the king seemed to be in a hurry. However, the final decision lies with you, whether you want to talk with them or not."

Hazel smiled back at Aile and said, "Ok, I can do that." However, she seemed very hesitant.

"Are you not happy with this Hazel?"

Hazel looked around and said, "Can I talk to you alone?"

Aile realized that she did not want to say what was on her mind in front of Fiona and Emily.

"Sure, but I trust them very much if it is not something personal, you can say it here."

Hazel sighed then said, "If I talk with them, chances are, they will probably make a request. If I do not comply, you would be making another enemy, that will not be good. Since, currently you are already against many people, I do not want to add another enemy for you."

Aile smiled at her, "First the king does not value you, he tried to use Sara to marry that slob without your consent. Then, he did not help you, when you were attacked, while you were there to help him defend the kingdom.

There is no need to say much, whether you consider making him an enemy or not, it does not matter. He never supported you. I do not mind having another enemy, after all, I am not fond of what he did to Sara and then you."

Hazel looked at Aile with complex emotions and puzzlement. She then said, "Sorry, I can not help you enough, you have helped me so much, now you are willing to go against the kingdom because of me and Sara. Thank you!" She then extended her hand to take the communication necklace from Aile.

"Wait for a second, Hazel!"

"What is it?"

"let's work out a system to communicate with each other if they asked for something unexpected."

"I can stop them from hearing us, when we want to discuss. I have recovered enough."

"Ok, that is good!"

Hazel then activated the communication necklace.

Duke Noland's voice came from the other side, "Hello!"

"You wanted to talk with me, what is it?"

"Oh hello, Magistrate Hazel, it is good to hear that you are ok. His majesty is here and would like to talk to you. "

Then it was quiet for a few seconds.

The voice of the king then came, "It is good to hear that you are ok, Magistrate Hazel."

"Why are you trying to contact me?"

"We are just hoping that you return to Port Kiar to your duty now that you are fine."

"Not interested!"

"What do you mean?"

"I have no interest in wasting my time anymore."

"These are the people of the Kingdom relying on your protection if you do not go what will happen to them."

"I cared about them, but you do not seem to care. The problem of bandits and pirates has been here for over 5 years now, and I did not receive any help. So, stop being hypocritical."

A tense atmosphere developed, then came a sigh from the king. "Do you know that the Magistrate of Port Kiar is a delicate position that your grandfather kept. Now, it is in your hand, it is to everyone's advantage to not break the tradition to leave the position. It could be a catastrophe for the empire and its people if Port Kiar becomes unstable."

Hazel angrily said, "I do not care, if it was so important where was the help to deal with the bandits when I needed it. Where was the support, when you try to force my daughter to marry for a celebration? Where was the support, when I was attacked while I was there fighting for you?"

Aile looked at Hazel who looked much less tense now after letting go of all the negativity she had stored against the kingdom and people. He smiled, and he realized that she was finally free from all of these burdens.

"I am sorry the kingdom has let you down, but it is absolutely required for you to return as the magistrate."

"I have been let down too many times, a sorry will not cut it out."

"What do you want, to return back to your position?" said the king in a resigned fashion.

Hazel was about to respond when Aile and Emily stopped her. She created a small barrier surrounding the communication device.

Hazel looked at Aile and Emily. Her domineering aura was still present. Emily replied, "Calm down a little, although it would not matter if we are not allies with the kingdom, there is no need to completely break all decorum."

Aile nodded, "Right now, they know they are in the wrong, so you can make a request that will be unlikely for the king to fulfil. This will turn the situation into a failed negotiation."

Hazel asked, "Quick, then what should I asked for?"

Aile told her what to say quickly.

Hazel then removed the barrier from the necklace and sighed then said to the king, "I am sure you are aware of my situation before I thought, I could rely on the kingdom. But in my time of need, I was not helped. So, I want assurance that something like this will not happen again."

The king replied, "Do you want me to make an oath?"

Hazel replied, "Although oaths are reliable, we both know that there are measures that can be taken to negate them. I cannot risk my life again."

"What do you want then?"

"I want Prince Leo and Princess Alice to become my guests in Port Kiar. This way, I will know that the kingdom will ensure the safety of the town when it is needed, and I will not have to...."

The king interjected, "No way, Prince Leo is the crowned prince, and I cannot let little Alice go there either. It is too far from the capital. This will not do."