
Chapter 107 – Finally done 

Ten more months passed, and Aile finally took over the body. With more concentration and spending every available minute connecting with energy channels, Aile managed to finish it 2 months ahead of time.

Over the ten months, Fiona and Emily both came back two times from Fort Bot to gave a report of their progress and spent time with Aile for a few days before leaving.

They had gotten a portion of the economy under their power and were slowly expanding. As there was no threat or a big event there, obtaining the control of the market became harder. Hence the people of the town did not want to voluntarily sell their shops.

Sara had not come as she knew that she could not meet Hazel and Aile was behind close doors most of the time. Sophie had visited once with Emily for a few days.

The events in Port Kiar was the same. The war between the White Clan and Royal clan was raging through their proxy of pirate groups. And Aile benefited a lot from all of this.

The Oxe merchant guild tried to expand their presence, but with Aile's interference, they failed to achieve anything.

Aile would occasionally create competing prices between his two merchant halls. This resulted in the forces to side with different merchant hall one was supported by the royals and the other by the White Clan.

The adventurers union led by Hazel was profiting increasingly too, as each side would hire them as a safe means to send information or collect resources. This is because the two sides did not want to offend the largest militaristic force against them. Thus, the adventurers union's tag was a seal of protection.

Another group of people had come to Port Kiar to start their own competing adventurer's union. With the secret help from both powers, they had taken root in the city. The White clan and the Royals wanted to reduce Aile's influence in the town as they were tired to follow his rules. However, the main barrier for new adventurer's union was that was they had to bring their people from other towns and cities. This is because most of the capable people locally were already in Aile and Hazel's union. With the contract vow similar to the one that Laila and Leia took, they could not be poached either.

Aile also had the housing, taverns gambling and more, under his control. Hence their earnings were eventually coming back to him once their people moved into Port Kiar. Adjusting the profit to his advantage, most of the adventurers' earning came back to him, and almost all of his properties became profitable.

But he also realized that it was not ideal to have another thorn by his side. Aile started to wonder if he should start a competing adventurers union just like the merchant union too. This way, another thorn from his side will be removed. He was testing the waters if it would be ok to implement the plan now. However, he had to put a stop to it as something big happened.

There was a big fight between the beasts in the sacred mountain, and one of the relatively deep mountains had become very weak. Which meant that people could invade their and try to collect some rare and unique things from there.

The White Clan, the royals, the new adventure's union and Hazel's adventurer's union were planning to go there, to seek their luck.

Aile did not want to miss this opportunity either, because it was possible to find soul type herbs in the mountain, and they could help Sara and Hazel. Thus he was planning to go there.

Currently, no one knew that Aile had finished his training 2 months ahead of schedule. Aile was contemplating on a few things that have popped up. He needs to find a light element and a dark element cultivation technique. With his energy channels completed, he can now cultivate using the same method as people in this world.

Aile can also use the Heavenly Book of Myriad Stars as his soul has stabilized. Should he pick his skills from there or find them here and only use the book to improve the cultivations of everyone around him or just get them high-level ones. The problem was that, over the years, Aile had gathered energy for the book and it was only 35 units. Thus he had to think carefully as to how to spend it.

Not to mention he has already reserved some of that energy for Emily to improve her cultivation. Then he can not leave Fiona, Hazel, Diana behind. Sophie and Sara have similar cultivation to their moms.

Thinking about it when he starts cultivation, people will be able to detect it. They would see him in the first stage or second stage max until he finds the blood of a beast that can cultivate light and dark element to assimilate with.

When Aile thought about it, he would be considered a talentless idiot. It had been 17 years, he still had not cultivated any element,

most people are usually at the 2nd level and the geniuses at the 3rd stage of cultivation at his age.

His Spirit Surmounting Cultivation had brought him to the end of the 4th stages of cultivation, but that was just improving him, his body, soul and life span. People can't even detect his level with that method, which was another advantage that can be used to deal with his enemies covertly. However, the downside was of that cultivation was that it was not advantageous for combat. As people in the 4th stage and above could manifest their energy outside and use it to fight with ease. With that, he would be at a disadvantage.

Nonetheless, Aile was glad that he had received that or else his life would have been much worst, and he would be a weakling. Plus now if he manages to get the blood and improve further, he would be much stronger with three different kinds of energy inside of him. Compared to one cultivation system, and in rare cases, two cultivation systems that other people have.

Aile was stretching as the body felt very familiar to him now, and it felt good to finally achieve results after so many years. He went for a bath to relax and think about his choices. He also had another headache, and he did not know what to do with it.

Aile did not bother any other maid or Diana to make the bath and just made it himself. He was finally free. He usually spends the whole day and night connecting with the energy channels, but he no longer has to do that, and he felt like he had so much unfettered time.

He went to the bath and just lied down to relax.

Diana had recently been happy. She had been talking with Aile and training with him. She was now strong enough to defend herself, and soon she believed she would be strong enough to protect Ellie. Her goal was to use her power to take Ellie back. What made her really empowered was when Marcus recently met her outside, and he threatened her to return, or he will find a better wife. She told him to do whatever he wants as long as he does not bother her.

He tried to stop her from leaving, but she simply used her cultivation, preventing him. His fearful expression brought joy to her and made her happy to see her accomplishment. From the confrontation, she felt that the distance between them was about the same. She believed that in no time she will be stronger, forcing him to give up on Ellie. She can use her power to get what she wants triumphantly without anyone's help.

She was just passing by Aile's room when he noticed the sound of the movement of water. She knew that it was not Aile, as he spends most of his time in cultivation, and he takes baths at night or early morning as she makes it for him. Leia was not in the mansion, so she assumed it was another maid.

She angrily stomped and entered the room, she then opened the door of the bathroom. There she saw Aile's well-toned body with 8 packs. Moving her eyes higher, she saw a striking chest tattoo of a dark shadow with red vain like marking that resembled wings. She immediately thought of an angel.

Then she looked at his face that was well developed and more pronounced, and captivating mat-black eyes with a circle of white around the iris. He had a natural wavy black hair. He was now taller than her at 1.85 meters (6' 83"). Her eyes kept on darting around his body as he had just gotten out of the bath. A tinge of red formed on her cheeks and she was not sure what to do. But she did not look away, and after thoroughly observing him, she made eye contact with him.

Aile had just gotten out of the bath when he saw an angry Diana enter, quickly her anger turned from rage to surprise and then somewhat ashamed and full of passion. He expected to get an explanation, but he just saw her gaze and noticed the ever more panicking expression grow on her face.

Aile was in a pleasant mood, so he tried to give her somewhat of a reason to make this less embarrassing.

"Oh Diana, are you here to help me dress?"