
Chapter 117 - Creating illusions in front of Arnold 

Aile shook his head and said, "He was only protecting you, young master Arnold, there is nothing wrong with what he did. In fact, because of his quick reaction, I think it would be best to send him to scout. Plus it is only a little injury, and you have helped me so much, how could I let the young master down by punishing your aid."

They returned shortly after, while the assassin just chuckled at Aile for his failed attempt to get him into trouble. Aile went to One, Two, Three and Four.

Soon Ellie and Violet came and joined the group.

Arnold immediately followed Aile's strategy. He began to explain the plan to everyone, shortly after, as his own idea. Of course, he did not mention Aile's involvement, he could not let him get the credit.

No one really had a problem with it, in fact, it was a good idea.

Receiving multiple praises, Arnold rephrased the idea in a multitude of ways. While limiting his eye contact to the girls to get their acknowledgement and expecting praise for his ingenious method. He resembled an ugly dog that brought back a thrown ball, expecting praise and head pats from everyone.

Aile succeeded in his plan. First, he would most likely manage to hurt the assassin and Marcus. When they go ahead, the more powerful beast will attack them. Hopefully injuring both.

Then Hunter and the person protecting Arnold would go to aid them. During this time Aile would try to get some information about Duke White or any plan that he might have. Even if nothing happened getting Marcus or the assassin injured would be his win. He had already figured out Marcus's element and proficiency level if he can do the same for the other people in the group, that would also be a huge advantage.

It did not take long for Marcus and the assassin to go towards the direction of the hiding beast. Aile smirked, seeing this.

Meanwhile, Aile was keeping four busy as he sometimes gets out of control, mostly during fights. But the calm facade can change and turn him bloodthirsty and vindictive. Therefore, Aile kept him around to prevent him from lashing out at the assassin. Although the chances of that happening would be low, but better be safe.

Three had figured out Aile's trap and was thinking about it as he too like this. Two was not comfortable, since they joined Arnold and the others, as he prefered to be alone, and his best point was his stealth. One was talking standing next to Three.

Meanwhile, Arnold tried to talk to Ellie and Violet but got a quick answer and then ignored. After a few attempt, Ellie decided to bring the problem to Aile and said, "I am sorry because of me, you were hurt. Let me help you. She then tried to apply an ointment on Aile's wound."

Seeing this, Arnold had an angry expression towards Aile. Aile realized that he was being used as a shield.

She then started to administer the ointment, at the start, she was gently applying it.

After seeing Aile enjoy himself, she started to pressure the wounded area. Aile saw her smile and thought, "first you use me as a shield, and now you are hurting me."

He then looked at Arnold who was boiling in anger, Aile knew the kind of rash person he was. After experiencing another painful stroke of the ointment, around his wound, he came up with an idea.


Aile shouted.

"Maiden, please quell your anger, I already apologized for kicking your friend to safety. Please have mercy. I can no longer handle this torture," said Aile in a scared tone.

Aile then looked at Violet and said sorrowfully, "I apologize for kicking you away from the beast. Please do not make your friend punish me more."

Violet was surprised and looked at Ellie confusedly, the same was for everyone else. They were all satisfied with his action. Although a little unconventional, he had saved both of them. Therefore they were all thinking, how could you do that to the person that saved you. How could you repay his good intention with malice? Aile gave a look to three, and he immediately came to his side.

Three shouted, "Why are your wounds larger now?" he then looked at Ellie, "Do not tell me you tried to open the wound further with your hands."

Everyone shuddered.

Arnold gave Aile a pitiable expression and was no longer looking at him with anger.

"Lying bastard." Ellie was going to punch Aile while she angrily looked at three. They were repaying her good intention of massaging his wounds with slander. She had done nothing that could be considered too uncomfortable.

Violet blocked her punch and took her friend away. She did not believe Aile's accusation, but she knew that arguing now will only make them look bad.

Everyone gave Aile an abject look and continued to do their own thing. Seeing that Arnold was no longer angry towards him, Aile was happy because now his plan of getting information out of him would still be possible.

Aile also had kept an eye on the old man that was following Arnold. Wondering if he was paying attention to him, as he had not done anything apart from meditation.


Aile heard the loud shout of the beast and noticed the old man and Hunter look worriedly at the direction ahead.

Then they both looked towards Aile and the others. The old man looked towards Aile and said, "If you people protect the young master, I will give you a reward." He then threw a whistle to One saying that if they felt any danger, he should blow the whistle, and he will come back.

Then both Hunter and he disappeared in the direction of the beast. Aile immediately said, "Young master Arnold had great foresight if all of us had gone ahead, perhaps we would have faced a peril."

Arnold ate the praise.

"I heard that you are from the great White Clan, tell us more about it."

Arnold got into self-indulgence and showed off to attract the attention of Ellie and Violet. They were attracted but not by him showing off, but because they noticed something was off from the conversation.

"Since the White Clan is prosperous, there is no way that the young master was here just for the little treasures that could be found here, right?"

Arnold snorted, "Of course not, we came here to find three rats."

Aile was surprised and knew that it was most likely him, Hazel and Sara.

"Maybe I can help you, young master tell me how they look."

"I can not say."

"Maybe they are not here then if you have not found them."

"They are here the fortuneteller said with certainty."

"Young master, I have seen many fortunetellers lie. You can not believe them if you are looking for someone. You should give the detail to our adventurer's union, and we will search everywhere for you."

Humph, "What do you know? This fortuneteller has never given the wrong information. I can not believe that Dad used the only request to find them, such a waste..."

Aile was silent for a bit then said, "Oh, it can not be."

"What?" asked Arnold.

"Nothing just a rumour, I remembered."

Arnold said anxiously, "Say it?"

"There was a rumour that the White Clan's heir was staying in Port Kiar... It can not be that you are looking for him."

Arnold snorted, "That bastard will never become the heir, I will make sure of that."

Aile mumbled, "Why would you be looking for him if he ends up taking your rightful power."

This resonated with Arnold, and it kept on repeating on his head. He was less inclined to find them now.

Ellie also realized that the person that Arnold was looking for was right in front of him. At the same time, she detected the killing intent on Arnold and felt worried for Aile. She just realized how much of a danger Aile was at, and he still took the risk to save her.

Violet was also interested, she looked at the disguised Aile curiously. She knew the conversation was ok on the surface, but there was just something weird about it.

Aile was thinking about the issue of Duke White actively searching for them now. Aile assumed it had to do with the fact that the time for his seal's completion was coming. He would need Aile and Sara to make preparation for taking over his talent and gaining strength.

Aile then tried to fitch more information from Arnold but did not get much as he did not seem to the knowledge of his plans. At the same time, he noticed Ellie and Violet's attention on him, and he knew that they were suspecting things.

He simply praised Arnold a few more time, making him return to his showoff character. He kept on trying to get Ellie and Violet's attention which prevented them from thinking about Aile.



A giant lightning bolt was created in the sky and was aimed at the location of the beast. Seeing this everyone was a bit worried, to force them to use such a level of ability meant it must have been strong.