
Chapter 119 - To the mountain 

Aile sighed, he was hoping to get a better understanding of what the original body's soul knew, but it seemed, it will remain tight-lipped. Nonetheless, he was surprised by how easily he managed to convince him to hand over the thing that protected his soul.

The thing in the inheritance was the only thing shielding him if he gets rid of him in his weakened state he could possibly succeed.

Aile lamented the body's original soul was willing to help him. However, he was planning to use this opportunity to kill him.

On the other hand, there is no telling if he has another means of protection. Aile also wanted to learn about the danger to Leia and Laila and How Violet would help him grow? Therefore Aile decided against making a move, at least not any time soon.

Since he already found the soul herb he was looking for, he now just needed to come up with a plan on how to obtain it.

Next, he decided to check the mountain. He found a lava vein and followed it for a few minutes. Then his eyes of fate activated.

He saw the aura of death throughout the mountain. It was trying to cling on to him too. Aile immediately turned around and used all of his energy and pushed himself away.


Then the area that Aile was standing turned to lava, had Aile been there for a few more seconds he would have died.


Aile then heard a snort, and a heavy pressure descended on to him. He was held in his place, and the pressure was squashing him. Aile tried to move, but he was stuck. The pressure made it hard to breathe, and no matter how much he tried, his consciousness was fading as his body was getting squashed. Thinking of the people he would lose and Hazel coming here he fought back, and the restrictions loosened only for a second. But that was not enough for him to get away from it.

Gritting his teeth, he thought he was going to die, and he failed to protect Hazel. His eyes were closing as he fought back with his eyelids, in the end, the pain and pressure made him close his eyes.

Even in his despair, he did not give up and just before it was all going to end, the weapon intent that was resting in soul trembled, and the pressure was sliced away. Using his remaining strength, Aile pushed himself away. He did not notice the weapon's interference and did not need to care how he got saved.

The good news was the pressure no longer tried to hold him, and it's dense nature, and high level made Aile realize that a strong beast resided on the mountain. He started to cough out some blood.

However, he was dashing towards the direction Duke Andrew went. Because he could not let Hazel leave. The powerhouses had planned to invade the mountain tonight. This was a trap. He ran as the injuries started to get worst. He coughed some more blood, and his eyes watered he was not sure if it was the blood or some other fluid leaking as a result of the pressure.

After some time Aile saw the camp of the royals. Aile enhanced his senses and found Hazel's tent, she was meditating there.

Stealthily he reached her tent and entered, and he was losing his balance, he was injured from the heavy pressure.

"Who... Aile.. are you ok? WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" Said Hazel angrily.

Aile was also getting drowsy, "Listen, promise me that you will not go in the mountain?"

Hazel did not respond and said, "I am sorry... but I have to save Sara... I do not want to lie to you, but I will be going..."

Aile knew he was going to fall asleep soon, so he said, "You made an oath to tie your fate and become my-my companion, So I am telling you to stay here and heal me."

Everything turned dark for Aile, but he was happy, he had saved her.

After some time, he woke up and saw the worried expression on Hazel's face as she was sending her energy in him so that he could heal faster.

After looking at her for a while, he gently touched her hand to stop her from wasting her energy.

She looked at him, she angrily snorted.

Aile pulled her into his embrace and said, "Thank you for listening."

"I did not have a choice," Hazel said in a furious tone.

"Sorry I will explain to you later, tell everyone to get ready, we have to go back."


"We are going to leave, this is a trap. You can go and tell everyone from our union to pack. Tell the other groups that you got the news that this might be a trap. If they listen, it is good, if not, it does not concern us either way."

"What is going on?"

"There is a powerful beast in the mountain, the news we got about the empty mountain is wrong. We need to leave as soon as possible. We might already be in danger. We have to leave now before it is too late."

"Ok, I will get them ready."

"I will get my team out too, meet us at the red valley."

Hazel nodded in his embrace and said, "Take care of yourself."

Aile Then left back to were One, Two, Three and Four were at.

Once he reached there, he noticed a gloomy atmosphere. He saw that Fours hands were bleeding.

"What happened?"

Gritting his teeth, One said, "The old man did it." Aile quickly checked it and noticed it was only a minor wound and would not affect Four for a long time, he will be fine in a few weeks.

Aile was angry but did not say anything. "We will make him pay back later, now get ready we will leave."


"We will leave, it is dangerous here. Get ready, and move towards the red valley. I will catch up to you guys there."

The four of them immediately realized that the situation was bad, and they quickly packed up.

Aile then went and found Ellie's tent, Aile entered and saw her, who was resting. She immediately looked at Aile in surprise and said, "What are you doing here? I will not accept your apology."

"I do not have time for this Ellie, I need your help with something."


"Help me with something, Ellie, please?"

"Ok, what is it?"

"Can you send the news and tell your dad that the expedition is a trap, he should inform the other people. Also, call Violet and come back immediately. I have something important for both of you. I will only be here for another 2 minutes. It is about Arnold, and you would want to hear it."

Aile realized that she was not taking him seriously, so he brought the possible mysterious threat from Arnold.

"Apologize to me and I will."

"Ok, but after you come back with Violet."

Ellie then left and came in a minute with Violet.

"Done?" asked Aile with his disguised voice.

She nodded.

Aile then said, "Both of you just look towards the east from the window, and you will know what I am talking about."

As Violet confusedly looked towards the east, Aile arrived behind her and hit her neck, she fainted.

"What are you doing?"

Sigh, "Let's go, I will tell you as we leave," Aile said but then saw her reluctance, "Or do you want to leave your friend alone with me?"

"Bastard..." She then started to follow him. Aile sneaked out while carrying Violet and Ellie followed them closely.

Aile's original plan was to knock out both of them. But he was surprised to see Ellie follow him even after seeing him knock out Violet.

"What are you looking at?"

Aile gave her another look.


"Why did you not even question me?"

"Mom told me to follow you no matter what. What other choice do I have? I cannot shout and get you in trouble with Arnold. If they find out who you are..."

"Thank you, and sorry I used your trust to knocked your friend out."

"She will not blame me, as long as you keep your hands to yourself. Why are you taking us away?"

"It is not safe there, and I promised to keep both of you safe."

"Who asked you to protect me?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Ellie smiled, "And Violet?"

"How could I let such beauty die?"


After travelling for another 15 minutes at a very high-speed, Ellie said, "Sorry Aile, but I am tired, can we go slower."

Aile then slowed down and stopped. He told Ellie to get on his back. She agreed, and Aile ran while carrying Violet in a princess carry and Ellie on his back.

After a few minutes, Ellie started to annoy him as his hand were occupied, demanding apologies for everything. Aile gave in and apologized to her. Then it was quiet for a while until Violet woke up.

"Put me down," came Violet's cold voice.

"Hey, it is fine Violet. He is helping us," said Ellie.

"What is going on... Ellie?" Violet said while struggling from Aile's grasp.

"There is something wrong in the mountain, so he is taking both of us to safety."

"And you trusted him?"


"Let me go."

Aile said, "I have to take you to safety, I do not have time to chase after you in the forest if I let you down. If you can prove that you will not run away, then I will let you go."

"Who asked you to protect me? I do not need that, just leave me and Ellie here, we will be safe."

Ellie replied, "He said that he saved you because you are beautiful?"

She was making things hard for Aile.