
Chapter 147 - Travelling Mistresses

Aile then looked at Ellie and said, "What about you, are you and will you be honest with me?"

Ellie nodded her head, with imperceptible reluctance as she had already deceived him.

Aile then said, "I will trust you..." He then smirked, knowing that she just deceived him, to protect Violet. So he continued and teased her, "but what if you are deceiving me. What should I do if you are lying to me? After all, I can not have a liar in my team."

Ellie looked around flustered and then gritted her teeth wanting to come clean. However, in her panicked state, she thought of a solution, and she came up with an idea. She then said, "I am not lying, Violet is always kind, she does not hurt people purposefully." She just had to rephrase her remark and put the emphasis on Violet's character to make her statement true. "You can ask anyone, and if they are trustable and I was wrong, you can do whatever you want to punish me."

Aile smiled and nodded. She rephrased her promise in a way that would be to her advantage. Aile grinned at her semi-clever approach.

The atmosphere between the three of them slowly restored. Ellie came to inspect his wound, and once she saw the many teeth holes in his body, she curiously asked if it was painful.

Aile replied that it was excruciating.

Ellie asked if it was painful, then why did he not seem hurt at all. Aile simply replied that he wanted to impress them and the other girls here, so he acted tough. This brought a little laughter and further lifted the mood. Ellie offered to massage his shoulder that was not hurt. Aile did not stop her, and soon she started to use the same techniques as Diana. It seemed that Diana had thought her this, but for what reason, he was not sure. However, he was glad that she did as this allowed Aile to relax. She then touched his wounds a couple of times, claiming that she wanted to make sure that they were real, as she tried to tease him.

Aile then said, "There is one thing I do not understand, Violet wanted to cross the river to keep an eye on you and protect you. But She did not even know your identity then, I wonder why she would do something like this... this does seem unlikely don't you think."

Ellie was flustered and did not even continue to massage as she noticed her blunder.

Violet noticed that Aile was just smiling and teasing her. So she came with a distraction and said, "I also know how to massage!"

She came and took Ellie's position. She was randomly pressing areas and trying to mimic Ellie. Normally, it would have been fine. However, when compared to Ellie's more relaxing and satisfying approach, it was lacking.

She then quickly asked, "Is it good?"

Aile gave her a quick nod to not make her disappointed, Ellie shifted her attention to his hands, and she tried to massage and pretend to not hear anything from Aile.

Aile too did not make a fuss about it, he was just making sure that Ellie understood that Aile had caught her. He was not going to be easily deceived. She got to his hand and started to massage him gently and professionally to make him forget. Her smooth hands were soft, and Aile enjoyed it. She was engrossed into his hand too.

Aile closed his eyes, enjoying the two people's massage. Soon after, he noticed that Ellie lifted the face cover from his chin, only enough to free his lips, she then immediately kissed him. Aile was surprised and automatically reciprocated.

But, then he started to doubt the quick escalation of things, he wondered if this had something to do with his dark element laced with the alignment of lust. However, Aile did not see any anomalies with that. Then he remembered Diana acting similarly before when she made contact with his body and absorbed the protective coating of his cultivation. When she did that she was more lustful. Aile checked his hand and saw that most of his protective coating had been stealthily absorbed. It seems that Ellie indeed had gotten this trait from Diana.

Aile's dark side of the soul was active now, and he was enjoying the kiss with her. Finally, after Violet gasp, Aile removed Ellie. Violet had her eyes wide open. From the way she acted, she would probably leave now, and all of Aile's effort to take information out of her would be for nought. He also did not want people to know of Ellie's ability to absorb energy like that. If they find out she will be used as a lab rat. As Ellie was straightening her thought process, Aile pulled Violet in and kissed her too. She was gobsmacked, and by the time she understood, Aile was passionately kissing her. It did not last long before Aile let her go.

Aile chuckled and said, "Now I am like a classic boss of an adventurer's team." In their confusion, he pulled them into his embrace and laughed like he had accomplished a dream of his. His roguish behaviour overwhelmed them.

Aile quickly created a bridge with Ellie and mentally sent her a message, "Do not tell anyone about what happened between your hand and my hand. If you do both you and Diana will be taken as slaves by the royalty. Got it?" Aile made sure to tell her the gravity of the situation, so she does not blurt out something problematic.

Ellie's face immediately changed and was filled with worry. She asked Aile what was going on. Aile told her to calm down and that he will explain everything once they are back. She also asked, if Diana also had such a problem. She had discerned his wording also included Diana, so she quickly asked about it, to which Aile nodded. He noticed the ever-increasing panic on her face.

Aile soothed her via the connection he had established, "Do not worry it is a good thing, you will be fine, and you can ask Diana, she will tell you more. Just do not tell anyone else, including Violet."

Ellie nodded.

Violet angrily said, "Bastard, what was that for. who do you take me for?" As a sheltered person, she was not sure how to react. Normally, she would beat anyone that took advantage of a girl. However, it was different this time, it was her, and she was attracted to him, it was not the first time, and she was not fully against it. Violet also felt guilty for what happened to him as a result of her action. She was wondering if the kiss brought enough pleasure to negate the hurt she had put him through.

Although Violet verbally was angry at him, she was, in fact, opening up to him. The guilt, attraction and pleasure made her relaxed on his embrace, and she was not showing any resistance. Her head, which was placed on his chest, was resting peacefully without much movement. She had rubbed her head to find a more comfortable place.

Aile replied cheerily, "Well the both of you were great, and I enjoyed talking with you, and the massage was good. So I have decided to take you as my travelling mistresses. Isn't it better this way?"

Since it had reached this stage, Aile decided to be more shameless, there was no reason to stop. He has already taken advantage of them, and only something random like them being his travelling mistresses could confuse them. His feelings were amiss because of the dark energy in him, so Aile was not sure of his actions himself too. Therefore he was just opting for a delay strategy until he gets his own bearings.

Ellie, who had regained more of her logic, asked through the connection that Aile did not close, "Why did you kiss her? and-and what is this travelling mistress."

"I needed to ask her something, you scared her with your kiss, I had to do something to keep her here."

"Sorry... You can tell me, and I will ask her, she tells me everything."

Aile did not believe she can stealthily extract information from her, and just asking her about their secrets would be too suspicious. Nonetheless, he said, "It is about the White Clan's secrets, do you think she will tell you."

"Sorry I know her, she will not betray her father no matter what."

"This is important... I have another plan, but we have to deceive her, can you help me?"

Ellie was sorry and confused by her action that resulted in the current situation. She was also scared that Aile will discard her like he tried to with Violet. But she was not going to make another mistake by betraying her friend. After rejecting for what seemed like a long time, she agreed with the condition that she will tell Violet everything if his plan becomes even a little harmful to her. Aile commended her for being brave and not betraying Violet and agreed with her. He had manipulated her into accepting. It was for the safety of everyone in Port Kiar. Therefore, he was willing to act despicable.

"Just follow my instructions."

Violet heard Aile's response and said, "Who is going to be your travelling mistress? You, bastard, you are getting bold."

At this time, as planned, Ellie interjected, "Humph stop dreaming about Violet, she will be part of the White Clan. Do not even dream of having her? She will be engaged and married into the White Clan."

Aile was happy of Ellie's performance, he said, "I have not heard of such a news?"

Violet too, was looking at Ellie in surprise but did not stop her, she was confused and was wondering if Ellie knew something more.