
Chapter 158 - Start of the Inheritance Test

Seeing Aile's confused state, the humanoid person moved his hand, and a sceptre made from darkness formed in front of him. Crowned on it was a round ball, which was a deeper shade of black and gave off a different feel compared to his energy. He removed the dark ball off from the sceptre and threw it at Aile.

"It is a treasure and what I promised you. You have to link with it to use it, and it is also the thing that will allow you to create a body for her."

"Why... if you have it, you should be able to create a body for her yourself?"

Aile heard a self depreciated laugh, "It is an old relic that only connects with blood. I do not have that anymore in my spiritual/soul form. We are stuck in here because we sought this treasure, and you are going to receive the benefits, and we lost our physical body's. I guess you were destined for it."

Aile was reluctant to do that. If they were willing to lose their body once to obtain such a treasure, then would they not be willing to do the same again? He could find loopholes in the contract or use some other way. If enough resources are used then most vows, curses and hexes can be broken. Clearly, this treasure was worth it, if such a powerful individual was willing to lose his physical presence for it.

Seeing his complicated expression, he read Aile's thoughts again. He said, "If you connect with it, your doubts will be cleared."

Aile thought about it and decided to test it out. These kinds of connections were not too harmful. Plus with the law seeds that Aile has and the space barrier, he was sure he will not face too much of a problem as long as his soul remains intact.

So he went along with it, touching the black ball with a fresh wound on his hand, the black ball absorbed enough of his blood to create a coating around it, making it look red. With the wavy blood layer around, it looked menacing and resembled a living organism. Losing this much blood which housed his spirit Surmounting Cultivation, Aile was not happy. Not to mention, he felt weak and vulnerable at the moment. Hazel saw that his face was getting devoid of colour and paler.

Blood was essential to most cultivators, but it was quintessential for Aile. As a majority of his powers is circulated through it as a medium. Losing blood would mean a reduction in movement and quantity of energy. Now enough blood was extracted to cover a small melon with a few mm of thickness. The dark ball to everyone's surprise disappeared, and Aile's eyes turned pitch black.

Aile, however, was in a dark space, and slowly he smelt a familiar scent, it was pungent with decay, iron, burnt meat and a sourness. It was the smell of blood. To be more precise, it was the smell of a battlefield that had experienced much death. Then his eyes adjusted and noticed himself running. His sight was much higher than usual, his body was larger, and his muscles were giving off more explosive strength. He could feel everything, but he was not in control.

In front of him were groups of people wearing pristine shining armours marching towards them with a solid formation. Divided into groups of foot soldiers, cavalry, magicians and ranged units.

However, by his side were people dressed with hides and rushing like there is no tomorrow, with bloodied and savage expressions long hair, beards and bludgeoning tools. Their faces did not carry an ounce of fear, but enthusiastic rage, excitement and lust for battle.

Rising his hands in the air, he shouted something to the army in a foreign tongue, and the people around him screamed back, "Yaaaaaaaaa."

This suddenly made the people around him jump high in the air over 20 meters and inside the enemy formation. The shield and all the preparation of the enemy were not enough for such a savage fighting method.

He too did not let his subordinates to take all the action. Jumping in the air, as a sword and an axe materialized in his hands, he dropped in the middle of the enemy's formation. The person through whom Aile saw the battle swang his axe in his right hand cleaving the people closest to him. While his left made a few quick jabs and swings with the sword moving nimbly, cutting, killing and maiming the people around him to prevent them from getting close to him. Surprisingly the large body did not affect the speed of his movement and his action. The large body supplied him both with strength and speed. Occasionally when the axe was deeply imbedded inside someone who managed to get passed his sword, he lifted them and used their body and armour as a shield. The savage way of fighting was something that Aile did not like, it was too risky and dangerous.

As he predicted, soon, the body of the leader was covered from small wounds to large ones, pieces of skin and muscles were cut as the blood in his body flew. Like an angry beast, he fought and fought and finally, when his mind was affected by the blood loss, his arms tired and the missing pieces of muscles and ligament stopped his hands from moving. Yet even in this time, Aile noticed a smirk on his face. Aile thought it was such a waste that he was going to die, the fighting style, especially the movement of his sword interested him. Had he experienced more, he could learn something from it and integrated it to his blade art.

A person dressed in a shiny armour arrived at him, raised his hand and tried to behead him. But the axe that had a spear tip fitted on it as a crown was pushed into him, and it stabbed into his abdomen. Although it was much slower and cruder compared to his other moves with his crushed body. The armoured person could not dodge. For some reason like the rest of the people with one deep wound, the shiny armoured person died. There was no resistance as soon as the axe was imbedded deep into him the flicker of light in his eyes dimmed and he was no more.

Looking around and seeing the piles and piles of bodies around him, he started to laugh.


Aile too was in awe, seeing the mountains of corpses around him and seeing such a prowess really astonished him. It was worthy of respect, a solo fighter destroying hundreds of people was something that needed to be recognized. It was just sad that in the end, only death waited for him. Aile thought, 'all of you had more prowess if only you used a proper formation and had made preparation the fight could have ended a lot quicker with fewer deaths.' Yet at the same time, he felt a sense of loss. Such techniques, such prowess all lost while lusting for the excitement of a bloody fight.

However, something surprising happened after Aile's thought, he stabbed the crown of his axe on the ground and sword too. Using the two as a cane, he got up with his mangled body and started to laugh maniacally. The repetitive deep sounding laughter, with his mutilated body and a broad smile, made him resemble a demon, without feelings or a care about life and death.

He moved his hand and brought them together in a prayer sign close to his chest as his body bearly maintained balance. When his left hand touched his right, a dark wave resembling smoke pulsated out of him circularly, him as the epicentre.

The energy went past all the dead bodies, resembling the retreating tide. Soon after it came back like a wave in the sea and brought back the bodies, trophies of a successful hunt around him.

Next, he brought his right hand to the right side and the left hand to the left side. His body pulsated again, and all the remains of the enemies that were pulled around him changed. Their skins removed to one side and turned into a liquid, muscles and ligaments separated and turn into another blob of liquid. Similarly, the bones and fat underwent a similar transformation. They mixed and turned into a sangria coloured liquid and entered to his wounds, restoring them. His bones were mended and got a brighter lustre. His ligaments became more powerful and stretchy. His muscles more compact and his skin became as soft as cotton and yet stronger than metal, covering and restoring him.

Not only was his body being restored, but it was being enhanced in this process too. After revitalizing and making the axe and sword wielder feel anew, the leftover liquid tonic entered a dark circle that had formed on the surface of his right hand.