
Chapter 173 - A pinch of awkwardness

After their intense sessions, Aile was sitting at the side of the bathtub, and Hazel was leaning into him. One of Aile's hand was on her navel and the other on her mounds. He was sending his Spirit Surmounting Cultivation that had healing property into her. While it could be done through any contact, but Aile preferred it so that at least one of his hand was taking advantage of the situation.

Hazel was emotionally a mess. She was for the first time happy, excited, blessed and protected in his arms. While sad, jealous and envious that, she would have to share him. Then her thoughts would drift to her daughter, who she knew had feelings for him, and her thoughts became more complex. Jolted awake by Aile's hand on her chest acting naughty again she enjoyed the warm bath and Aile's surprisingly soft hands.

Knowing that their time and the most enchanting experience of her life was coming to an end. Hazel became a little proactive and initiated another kiss followed by the request of getting, carried, dried and dressed.

How could Aile not oblige such a beauty, seeing her enchanting smile truly made him forget about his problems, worries and burdens? He could not help but relish the present.

Aile carried her in a princess carry and then dried her with a small towel, he made sure to dry her with patience and care and, of course, focusing on some areas more than others.

Then got her dressed as she grinned at him trying to figure out how some articles of clothing worked and worn. To say nothing else, Aile was more proficient in helping her remove them than putting them on. They separated after the warning issued by their rumbling stomachs requesting fuel after the intense workout.

Hazel was yet again thinking of weather to take advantage of the situation and hog his intimate time in Port Kiar. After all, if he only comes to her for that, then they could spend more time. But at the same time, she did not want to break her promise to the people here.

Notably, Leia, she was young, naive and trusting of her. She was married to him, and yet she accepted her relationship with him. She then remembered that blissful feeling and his gentle attitude towards her. Conflicted, she decided to take her time until he is back before making it known to everyone. She would not stand in Leia's way, but if she could delay the others a little, she would not mind that.

Then she thought, 'Maybe I should downplay it. Then no one will take that step. It is too bad that I cannot make it seem like a punishment. Otherwise, they would question why I would still spend time with him alone. Anyway, I have until he is back to decide.'

Coming up with that conclusion, she gave him a final kiss for today, followed by the request of not telling anyone about their relationship yet, they walked to the shared gathering room.

When they arrived 15 minutes late, the food was already served. Feeling remorseful to everyone, Aile said that he was busy explaining something to Hazel, it was partially true. To which she nodded.

However, the reason was not something they cared about. Diana, Zero, Leia, Luna, Ellie and Xue just wanted to see him and before 10 minutes had passed. Aile was fed by multiple people dishes that they claimed to be the best. The group included Zero, Ellie and Luna, who was just as intimate as everyone else, and this surprise Aile a little, and it caught him in wonderment.

The dishes were all uniquely different and brought a smile on his face and as if it was contagious each one seeing his happy smile after beamed too. Later, he learnt that the dishes they fed him were cooked by themselves. Surprised at their talent and feeling sad that he did not get here quickly so that the little disappointment in Leia's face would be lifted.

As her dishes were meant to be served hot immediately after it was made. She had noticed the lack of an exaggerated smile after Aile ate her dish.

Aile felt more guilty as he savoured Hazel before her, something he was a little guilty. But now that was amplified by not making it in time to taste her specially prepared meal.

Hazel too became depressed because she had forgotten about this. She was also invited to partake in this event and yet not only did she not participate, but she also made him late for everyone else. Distinctly at Leia who she felt most guilty about. Hazel was intimate with him and made him late for her meal. She would try to compensate her in the future.

The trace of discontent was visible on Leia's face, and it was something that Aile noticed immediately. He had been unaware of the origin of the food, he had acted genuinely, and that unexpectedly made her sad. The reason was his tardiness and what happened before that. Now he felt better that he did not show too much affection to Hazel, that could have made this situation worse. He was glad of Hazel's request to temporarily keep their intimacy level a secret.

While the feeling of guilt washed up against Hazel, she thought of something. 'Wouldn't someone come looking for her if she did not show up to make food?' Gazing at everyone she tried to look for any anomaly in their expressions. Only when she met Zero's eyes, she received a smirk as a reply. Then the two of them went to the corner of the room to talk.

Aile was chatting, speaking and enjoying his time with everyone, including Leia who was cheering up more. He had decided to treat Leia like a princess later when they were alone. After all, Aile would be spending the night next to her. He can make it up to her then.

He could not make the gathering's focus on his misunderstanding and make everyone here dissatisfied. Aile did not need to put too much effort into making them happy as he was not meant to come back here and directly head to Fort Bot. Therefore the surprise from his arrival and chatting with them already brought them contentment.

Leia's previous disappointment was drowned in the sound of laughter and the happy atmosphere. Aile also talked with Diana and observed her hands, body and face to make sure she did not continue with her poison cultivation. She was embarrassed when Aile touched him and examined her publically, but everyone was aware of what had happened and did not find fault with what Aile did.

Zero brought some good news that Three and Four found some book with the basics of poisonous plants for Diana. What was unsaid was that it was obtained through the underground. After all, they had their advantage with their unique connections. The information about poisons was better found through their channels. This made Diana happier.

Ellie, who acted more shyly in the presence of everyone, also came around and explained their more safe but boring return after the trade. She was singing praises for Xue's leadership, which made Xue blush. She also told Aile that Violet was looking for him in a much quieter voice, Aile just replied that he cannot meet her now. Maybe after he comes back from Fort Bot.

Luna came and told him that the cunning Oxe Merchant has already paid a deposit to show his interest in Sun Merchant Union. Every few hours he brings more money, since his meeting with Aile in the morning to secure this trade.

He was playing dirty yet again, too bad that Moon Merchant Union was never interested in this trade and he was getting played. He has also tried poaching the people working for the union.

She also said that his behaviour was unusual and it seemed he wanted to buy the union personally, and not for the Oxe Merchant Guild. Aile thanked her first, but told her to focus on healing and should at least rest till tomorrow to expedite her recovery.

Aile then gave her more talismans, a light-chainmail that would defend her better and a token to have a group of adventurers protect her. Next Aile gave her some advice on how to deal with the Oxe merchant representative.

He additionally told her to record the handover in an image crystal later. This can be used later to gain an advantage. If he survives the calamity that is destined for the owner of Sun Merchant Union.

Chatting happily with them, made the time accelerate, and it was time for everyone to withdraw. Somehow Zero, Ellie and Luna quickly gave their goodbye's and were out of the room. Diana and Hazel gave him a quick goodbye kiss in front of Leia as they left. They both looked back at Leia to see her expression before leaving. Hazel, feeling more guilty than Diana, seeing Leia's somewhat apprehensive gaze.