
Chapter 176 - Taking safety measures

Observing the energy in her soul, Aile found it very familiar. As he was thinking about it, he remembered it was just yesterday that he felt it. It was the dual cultivation energy that was refined by both of them. It seems that a thread of it was linked to her just like him. This only happens if both parties in the dual cultivation love and trust each other and eventually the soul too would start to experience pleasure and refinement. The first step to that is this link, it seemed that the next session would be more pleasurable as their souls would also interlink during their intimacy.

Aile thought it would take longer for Hazel to fully accept him with everything she has but with today's stunt and this, he was sure that she was completely devoted to him. Aile sent her a message telling her to use the dual cultivation energy to link with the construct he created. She was surprised by its presence and decided to link with the construct without a second thought, and easily succeed. This is because the construct was made by Aile, and the soul space was hers. The thing that could connect the two best would be the energy that was refined by both of them.

Like Aile predicted, the construct and energy mixed with efficiency and without much effort. This is because of familiar yet different support of their energies. Another advantage would be that it would also last longer as the dual cultivation's energy can support the structure.

Aile predicted with the unique energy of dual cultivation it would last longer. Smiling at this unexpected gain of their intimate session Aile continued to finish the top portion of the dome-like structure. It did not take long until Aile was done with the protective mesh-like cacoon around her soul. This would reduce the ability of her soul to connect with Sara and gave them more time. After it was complete, Aile realized that they have just gained 15 extra days. He now has around 65 days to find a solution for them. Being happy Aile exited her soul and questioned her and checked to see if everything was good with Hazel and she was on optimum condition. She did not have any problem, her energy circulated, she moved around without a problem, and she tested everything essential in front of Aile. Seeing that there was no problem, Aile was a little at ease. After knowing that everything was working well, Hazel had other plans for their time here.




Hazel was angry as she was leaning to kiss him and possibly more just now. Aile smiled and said, "Come in."

Hearing Aile, she flashed a pout towards him and backed away. Opening the door was Diana and the younger bandit girl.

Hazel looked at them with some annoyance and brought her gaze to Aile, expecting an answer. His expressions showed that he knew about their arrival.

"Good Morning Aile, I brought her, what do you want to say," greeted Diana, as she looked around and observed the room and then them.

Aile greeted them back and then explained the young bandit girl's situation and the possibility of the bandit leaders interference. This made Diana and Hazel displeased. The bandit girl looked down.

"This problem is caused by the royal clan, and it's their fault, not hers, she is interesting, and she would surprise the both of you, keep an eye on her." Hearing Aile, she looked at him with appreciation, and she got a better impression of him for taking her side. She flashed a smile and little blush after her eyes met his, as thanks.

Diana and Hazel were not pleased, they remembered Zero and Emily's warning in their first harem meeting, and they were now more vigilant towards these things.

Aile then tossed two masks and robes for Diana and the bandit girl. "Wear these and do not under any circumstance separate from Hazel, until I return."

Aile then looked at the bandit girl and said, "Can you give us a minute."

She nodded, and with deep curiosity, she looked at Aile and stepped outside of the room.

Once she left, Hazel said, "I do not really want to babysit, but since there is no one else here I will agree... But I want some reward..."

Aile knew what she was referring to as the reward and nodded.

"Ok, once for every day I babysit."

Diana caught some unusual glint between them but did not say anything. She did look at Aile, to know the reason for her summon.

"Oh, and Diana sorry to remove you of your cultivation, can you look after Hazel until I return."

Diana looked at Aile puzzled, she thought, 'I am not strong enough to protect her. So does he want me to serve her as a maid?' Her heart grew colder, and tears started to build in her eyes. She thought this was a subtle way of telling her that their time together was coming to an end. She was still feeling a bit inferior to the others as she did not have a great background and was just his maid. She had expected this to happen sooner, but it seems things will not change for her. Aile picked up on this and immediately wanted to clarify, but he heard, "I do not need anyone to protect me or serve me." Hazel's words pierced her heart. Aile was not sure why Hazel was acting in her previous magistrate persona.

Aile ignored her for now and clarified himself to Diana, "Diana, I just helped Hazel with a problem. However, the method I used has to do with her soul, and it is an experimental method. I do not know what could happen to her later. Currently, she is fine... So can you make sure that she remains like this and she is on optimum condition over the next few days? She will listen to you and conduct the tests every few hours." Hearing Aile's explanation, Diana became happier. He was trusting her and was not looking down on her in any way. Although the responsibility was hard to bear and risky, she agreed. Aile passed her a list of exercises and tests that had Hazel's current behaviour as a benchmark. With that information, Diana can compare if there is a difference or drawback in the coming days. Aile followed it by giving her 4 pills, one was a weakening pill, and 3 were its cure. He then explained that if she acts differently or faints, to use the weakening pill first. This will deplete her energy and make the soul construct crumble. Then she should use the antidote to restore her in the worst case. He had given her three antitoxins for safety and to make sure that no risk befalls her.

"Hazel, do not chase her away and make sure that she is always close to you, I do not want anything to happen to you." Hazel had gotten back her majestic aura since the others entered the room. Her heart was fluttering in excitement, Aile really cared for her.

Aile then gave her a deep kiss and an intimate pinch, making her yelp and crumbling her persona in front of Diana. Then he kissed Diana, who had laughed at her and did the same thing to her, making the both of them red in embarrassment. Aile whispered to Diana, "Sorry, I did not get to see you more this time, when I come back, we can talk and spend some more time."

Then Aile reiterated how the bandit leader entered without being detected. After discussing the problem with them, they came to the same conclusion that it was unlikely for him to be at the 8th stage of cultivation. That leaves the possibility of an artefact. Hazel was not worried about her safety as she was confident in her ability, and they agreed that the others would not be targetted either. Since no one knew of Shadow and the fact that he had spent little time here, in the eyes of the public, the people in the estate were not important to him. The same could be said about his interest in the town, as he was missing out on most major events that happened. So the safest option was to not over defend his people and attract anyone's attention. The same treatment would not make anyone stand out. Hazel said to Aile that she would make sure everyone remains well.

They also agreed that non-essential people would slowly be sent to Fort Bot and their other secret base, after getting the news of Fort Bot from him once he arrives there. So even the slight risk of them being targeted is removed. With this issue also resolved, Aile sighed in relief.

He then said, "Do take care of Heian, the bandit girl, she is very trusting do not let others take advantage of her."

Aile then called her back in the room and introduced Diana and Hazel to her. He asked Heian to stay by there side all the time, and if she needs anything, she can ask them. Seeing her rather cute behaviour, completely opposite what they expected of the two haughty sisters, they looked at Aile curiously. Aile gave them both a final kiss as he transferred to them the message, "This is the real her. She is not like her sister." Seeing everyone get kissed in the row and she was next the bandit girl blushed, but she raised her head and angled herself next and ready to get the same treatment.

How could Hazel and Diana make such a mistake of allowing her to do that? They realized immediately and made a joke about her liking Aile. This made her blush in embarrassment, Aile was not planning anything, but did not want things to start off on the wrong foot as she needs to be happy so that he could go to the moon pond. So he ruffled her hair and said goodbye. When he left, the three of them were all red in embarrassment, and eye contact was avoided. The room retained its silent for a long while, Diana and Hazel for a different reason than the bandit girl.