
Chapter 180 - Guang, Heian and Mei (3)

The town Port Kiar, close to our camp, got attacked by pirates. It seemed this was what Aurelius was talking about. A few more days passed, and we were meant to leave here, but Aurelius did not show up. He appeared once again in the afternoon, telling us to be part of a meeting. I got some poison and weapons ready in case something happens. Most of the women that attend such meeting are used as entertainment after. While it was unlikely for that to happen to us, but knowing full well that many thought the same in our place, I got ready for the worst case. I rather kill a few with me and die. Heian was of a similar mentality, although I think she will just kill herself and not bring harm to others. The meeting did not go as we thought. The person was masked and called Shadow. He was surprisingly not lustful towards us. He was smart enough not to fall into the bandit's trap and made Aurelius bend his knee. At the end of the meeting, Aurelius said to him that we would be following after him.

Once he was gone outside, I said, "You are meant to protect us, what will happen to us in his care when we are alone."

"This place will change soon, and I cannot protect you. Plus, wouldn't Mei have met you, or sent you a letter or something in all these years if she cared? That person is powerful, rich and smart. The both of you are of marriageable age, you can escape such a life with him. I am sure you have learnt enough in this camp of what will happen to those without backing." Telling us this Aurelius gave us two minutes to decide.

Looking at our options and then at Heian next to me, we decided to leave this place. We were not happy here, and it seemed that Aurelius was no longer reliable. Although going away from here brought risks, staying here did not offer a better promise. Plus, we entered the tent half expecting to leave dead, as long as we have our weapons and poisons we can fight and if we cannot win, die.

We got ready immediately, and Aurelius smiled at us agreeing. We might have fallen to his trap, but it is not like we had another choice and at least because of him, we were safe all this time. Taking some of our stuff, we left and entered the carriage he came with.

Riding the carriage with him towards the town that had recently gotten attacked by the pirates. As we left, we expected to be ogled by him or worst as we lift the vicinity of the camp, but nothing happened.


Seeing Heian's worried expression of the unknown, Guang left the carriage to confront the person they will work with. She was surprised by his reaction. After a short glance, he avoided looking at her. This made her prepared speech of reprimanding him for his lecherous behaviour useless. She had lost once again and could not establish her dominance, something that she has found was useful in dealing with people. The uncaring and unconcerned response was what Guang hoped to receive from the new employer so that they could have a peaceful life, and her wish had come true. In her most indifferent tone, Guang drew the line that they only followed him for official capacity.

But at the same time, she felt that he considered her and Heian a part of the savage bandits, and she did not want to be associated with them.

'Would Aunt be the same?' she thought.

Then came his first order in the form of a request. To enter the carriage and not leave until they reached the town. Guang and Heian enter back into the carriage.

After entering the town, he brought both of them into a small house. At this time, Guang and Heian were once again on guard. 'What if he decided to stay here too? It is his house, can we stop him?' Surprisingly once again, he left without looking back. Although both sisters were excited to look at their new place of residence, Guang followed him. She was making sure that he does not return or come back to find them in some compromising position and take advantage of them. She lost his track soon after and returned. Worried that he would return, the two did not get much sleep.

The next day a beautiful lady came and talked with them about their roles, abilities in management and what they could do. Guang and Heian were tired and groggy. They answered the questions without much thinking. After Shadow's assistant was gone, they became unhappy about how it went. Their answers made them seem illiterate and what one would expect of a savage bandit. Nothing like what her Aunt taught them and moulded them to be. Now their image was ruined, they hoped that it would not interfere with the job and they would be looked down upon because of their first impression. The sisters agreed that they will not make themselves seem uneducated. They would make sure to solve the problems on their side and facilitate smooth trading.

They had already started on the wrong foot and reduced their value. The next step of their plan was simply to know more about Shadow. So that they would know what to expect in the coming days. After asking people, Guang learned that he was the boss of a new organization in Port Kiar. So far, people had a good impression of his force. His presence stabilized the market, and people stayed in the town to trade due to his presence. He seemed to offer decent jobs with better pay. Not much else was learnt about him.

Over the next few weeks, they snooped around and began to enjoy living in the city, away from the savagery. Heian started to revitalize, and some of her lustre and cheerfulness returned. She enjoyed walking around the town. Since his mansion was close to the main street, it was perfect for shopping, while keeping an eye on the gate to get some information. It was easier to get accustomed to this kind of life.

A long time passed, and Guang had noticed the strange behaviour of her sister recently. So today she decided to follow her and not worry about keeping an eye on the mansion. She pursued her, and she noticed Heian was looking at two people. One was a cheerful girl, the other was a masked youth who had a stoic posture. Yet when talking and looking at the veiled girl, his demeanour turned animated, making her laugh. He was treating the beautiful girl to some sweet bread. It was perhaps the cheapest sweet in the street and yet she was enjoying it as the best delicacy. For a brief second at the corner when she left her veil, Guang and Heian saw her gorgeous appearance and infectious smile.

She was eating something cheap and pleasant, but Guang and Heian's experience had revealed it to not be nearly as good as the girl made it seem. They had tasted it and could not understand her expression. 'Could it be she is just fond of the sweet bread that much, or perhaps she is doing this to show the guy her appreciation? Maybe they might have a deal with the seller. No, that is unlikely a person who works in Shadows mansion also representing a sweet seller with a mask, too unlikely. But why are they masked?' Guang's curiosity was piqued seeing the couple.

They were walking hand in hand, talking, hugging and laughing as they walked around the town. The girl was dragging the guy and showing him different stuff. She would ask his opinion about hairpins, clothes, hats, and other accessories. Every time there was something she liked, there was a twinkle in her eyes, and he would notice it and get the item for her.

Guang saw Heian was closely watching the two and smiling at their antics. Seeing Heian's genuine smile, she was delighted at her change. After a while, Guang noticed that every time that guy walks out of the mansion, Heian would keep tabs on him. He has been with many different ladies that have come out veiled or masked and gave off a unique feeling, and Guang had the feeling that she had seen him somewhere before. She, of course, could not link his calm and animated behaviour to the cold and angry Shadow on that day. Even his walking style seemed different.

After some time, the two sisters had a tactful understanding of following him every time he was out. It was an activity that brought a little sparkle of enjoyment for the two. Unfortunately, he rarely went out apart from the religious once a week visit to the sweet bread stall with that cheerful girl. 'How could the two of them be so happy every week, seeing each other and doing the same thing?'