
Chapter 197 - Misleading Rumours

Today these youths of different powers joined together, planning to force Sara and Sophie into the corner. The first goal was to get her business or at least cripple it. The second goal was to get them. While they also each had their specific goals after. Since it was the youths only here, they did not hold back too much. After all, even if the Star Merchant Unions interfered, they can claim it was a conflict between the younger generation that got out of hand.

However, they failed to overlook one thing. Sara and Sophie had spies on their mix. In the form of the misses of the family or other girls that joined her. Ultimately, a lot of them knew they would be used by their family to form a connection. Sara and Sophie also made sure they were enlightened to such facts. One of such examples happened recently, where a young lady was married to a perverted old man, a few days from his grave. This was a topic that was subtly brought up in the meetings either way.

However, in front of them was an opportunity to get out of their families control. If they become rich and powerful, who will force them? Therefore, they have heard from Sara and Sophie's people that if they bring such plans to them, they will be rewarded. Not only that, but it will also be for their best interest. If anything happens to Sara and Sophie, then the club will be gone so will their chances for freedom. Not to mention, there will also be rewards and possible ways to get rich. As such, Sara and Sophie were well aware of their plan. This is because many of their people brought such news to them. Emily too had been watching them from afar. She had allowed both of them to experiment with this idea. It will teach them how to manipulate, fight, and think while dealing with these kinds of people. Such training to gain people's loyalty, earn money, solve schemes were an essential part of her educational method. They had come up with a brilliant system to learn themselves, making it easier for Emily to watch and guide them. At nights, they would also have to fight her to improve their combat experience.

Of course, she also kept her eye on their hall and helped them root out spies and people with ill intentions. They were inexperienced in many areas, and Emily and Fiona helped them understand. Today was a sort of test to see how they would deal with such a situation.

Sara and Sophie had already started their plan to deal with the group.

Now they just needed to see if their first plan was actionable. Since the enemy had formed their attachment with each other based on common interest and they had a lot of bad blood between them. It was easy to make cracks appear in their alliance. First, they would divide them. It was done simply by spreading rumours to them.

Three distinct rumours were spread to the groups created by the three factions in the town.

The first group was told that there were a few people that were interested in men and they only come to the hall to ogle on others as most of the young masters gathered here.

The second group were given a different story, "A few people have secretly become in cahoots with the hall. They have marks on their belt so that they can be identified by each other as allies." This groups' sight landed and checked the backs of everyone. Their eyesight was around the waist of people which could easily be misinterpreted.

The last group were told that other people in the alliance wanted to deal with them and that they were the true-target. They should observe any unusual behaviour, and they can decide for themselves for their safety.

Although not many people believed the rumours, some paid attention.

The first group who were told of their rivals that were here to ogle on men looked around to find the people seeking such relationships behind their family. They could use the scandalous material later to get some advantage from them. Looking around, they found a few people (the second group) suspicious.

The second group's members were looking for distinct signs around the belt area to find traitors, their sights remained below the belt of others, checking them intently, giving the first group suspects.

The first group then realized the second group watching them around the belt area. Soon they started to hide from their sights, making them questionable in the eyes of the second group seeking traitors. As it seemed like the first group was hiding their belts. The possibility of rumours being true increased. They were clearly hiding the marks on their belts.

This made the first group look behind them and around them to find out who was eyeing them. They did not want to act close to those people and give them ideas of possible interest or leading them on. While the second group tried their best to look at the back of their belts with utmost concentration, making them seem perverted. This made the two groups look at each other weirdly and angrily because of the misinterpretation of the situation.

The first group thinking, 'brazen perverts.'

The second group thinking, 'we got those traitors, we don't need to see your belts anymore we already know you guys are the traitors, we know you are hiding the marks.'

While the two groups were busy with their antics. Giving each other weird glances and mouthing words, it created a suspicious atmosphere. Their unusual looks made the third group suspicious of secret communication between them, thinking the two groups were discussing their plan against them.

Creating some more situations, where the doubts of the groups were fueled the alliance crumbled. When the three factions had little trust already, this was enough to make them doubt.

The second group worried that they were infiltrated and their plans compromised by some of the hall's spies in their ranks. They stopped their activities in fear of a possible trap.

The third group was troubled, thinking that the majority of their group that they had created was actually targeting them. Their reaction showed that they were brewing a plan against them, and they took a few steps back.