
Chapter 222 - An Upgrade?

To his surprise, the altruism seed within his light element was finally awakened fully. The act of selflessly helping the girl, seeking death, had awakened it. A portion of his light element started to get an altruistic affinity for reducing the greed in Aile. Now Aile was sure that the dark-element would not get out of control, as the altruism with restoration affinity could also work synergically.

Aile's mind had previously started to become a bit hazier. With the new combination of light affinities, it became clearer.

The worry about Hazel and Port Kiar also got reduced.

Aile realized that Hazel was powerful and smart, she would not fight for Heian once she figures out the situation and Mei did not seem like the type of person eager to fight.

As for the dangerous nature of Port Kiar and complex-politics, Aile understood that Hazel also had dealt with many political problems before. Those could have possibly been more elaborate, as she had to deal with Duke White. With Leia, Diana, Ellie coming here, she could handle the rest of the people's protection and escape if required.

The clarity he gained finally made him feel like himself. He smiled, and the confident smile made Anna realize that he had recovered now.

Emily, who had been keeping an eye on him from the shadows because she was worried, sighed in relief. When she saw him wear his confidence smile like before, she radiated one of her rare smiles. Unfortunately, no one managed to see this lovely sight.

Aile had noticed someone's presence, and he had guessed her identity but had not stopped her. She was showing her care for him and keeping him company while giving him some time alone. So he had not minded her so far.

Aile then gestured for Emily to come as he was aware of her presence. After she arrived, he pecked her and told her that there was no need to follow him. He informed her that he will deal with the gang, and it would not be a pretty sight for her to see.

She nodded and left. There was no need for a long conversation between them, they knew each other well.

Aile, with his renewed clarity, left towards the eastern side of town. He had also got a better disguise. Soon Aile arrived at the shabby place that the gang lived. The single-story house with a single entrance and many rooms was located at the edge of the town. The area was in the less affluent region and the place where criminals thrive. He entered it sneakily and knocked out their captives and the 8 members of the gang on the outer parameter.

Aile first moved the captives away from the house and then started with his experiments to find the extent that his restoration light affinity could heal.

The symphony of shouts started to echo in the house as Aile injured them differently and checking how long it took for the light affinity to cure the situation. Using runes and unique elements, as a result of his Spirit Surmounting Cultivation, Aile's tools for testing his theories were varied.

He started by checking the extent that his restoration light affinity at the current level could heal. After he determined its strength and weakness based on different injuries.

Aile also checked if he could improve the healing capabilities with his Spirit Surmounting Cultivation. The shouting of the gang had gotten incredibly distracting at some point, so he made them unable to shout and continued.

It was a success; he had managed to make much progress, his experimentation continued as the gang members begged to be killed. Two of them had been luckier in the beginning as the healing rate did not catch up. The rest accompanied Aile's experiments to the end. After learning everything about his restoration light affinity, he did not bother to continue with the torture. Ending all of them as he started a fire burning the last trace of them from this world.

He thought, 'At least the young girl would no longer feel insufficient, and this will remove one of her heart demons. Her ability to carry on would be strengthened as the baggage of the past gets reduced for her.'

Aile then arrived back after cleaning himself with water, fire and air gathering runes.

He came to the house and found a quiet corner to meditate and remove the gruesomeness of today from his head. Once he was done with all of that, Aile let out a long breath and came to his room. Sara and Sophie were not there, and he took a bath and changed his clothing.

Aile then went to find Fiona. He wanted to find out how much damage he caused by his little outburst before. He realized that his mind had not been clear before, making him act too emotional in front of the town's magistrate. Nonetheless, it had already happened. Nothing could change about the past.

Aile looked and decided to find them. He closed his eyes and extended his hearing.

He did not need to expand his senses extensively as he heard them in the same room as before. The discussion of his harem had continued after they had solved the problem with the magistrate. He arrived there and entered the room.

Aile greeted everyone with a nod, while kissed Fiona on the cheek.

She smiled and said, "The magistrate is not a bad person, she has limited support and can not control the town, so she had helped us become stronger to help her deal with the problems she could not..." Fiona was justifying her alliance with the magistrate. She was stopped promptly after. "I trust you and your decision, I hope I did not cause a problem on the alliance."

Fiona smiled and was very happy. She felt quite eerie trying to justify herself in front of everyone. However, seeing him show his trust in front of everyone made Fiona very satisfied.

Soon, the conversation changed, and Aile chatted with them for some time. Then it was Emily who spoke. She gave her thoughts and the conclusion of their discussion. To put it simply, they were not happy losing the opportunity to spend more time with him if more people are added to the harem. But they do not intend to stop him either. Nevertheless, he has to make everyone that he already has happy and satisfy them first. Aile was in agreement. His actions recently had indeed neglected them, especially Fiona and Emily. Therefore, he would spend his time with them first, before doing anything else.