
Chapter 224 - A different kind of date 

Aile explained the advantages and disadvantages of heightened senses. With more sensitive sight, a burst of light can make one temporarily blind.

With acute hearing, the sound of a loud noise could leave one confused and in a daze.

Similarly, any of the other senses being extra sensitive could be a double edge sword. They also required Aile to concentrate, while using them to the fullest, and leave him somewhat defenceless and weak in some areas while giving him an advantage in others.

She got the gest of his skill and learned how to utilize them and would need a very long time to master them. But she never had the intention of creating the same exact technique.

She wanted her own techniques to be improved with this skill. She wanted to integrate its aspects into the ones she has already learnt.

She tried his methods, but it barely made a difference to her. As he had experience and practice on finetuning his senses for years now. She did not have such an experience.

She could improve her dexterity, nimbleness, movement and breathing to a high degree. Yet she never had experience adjusting the sensitivity of her senses. At least not the way she was being taught by him. After trying for a while with Aile's guidance, she managed to get the hang of it. But it would be a long time before she can actually use it to her advantage at Aile's level.

However, learning about his technique inspired her to make a replica of his long-ranged hearing for herself. Sound is created by the movement of air, if she generates a stream of air close to the area of two people talking, she would be able to transport the sound to her ears.

She started to experiment and was successful, as she had wind as her element. But the range was small, and the movement of the air was too suspicious. It could not be done sneakily, she would need to work a lot more on it before it becomes a usable technique.

She then wanted to fight with him without elements, and both of them would start with the same amount of energy to see his progress. Before she would always win as Aile was not very effective and efficient as he could not control his body.

On top of that, he had a large volume of energy, because of his spirit surmounting cultivation's reserves. Thus he never paid too much attention to the amount of energy he released.

She, on the other hand, had perfect control of her energy. Each of her action had the right amount of energy. This way, she could overpower him. Aile too was excited for this. This is because he finally had full control of the body. Now he would be able to utilize his energy more efficiently and possibly win.

They created a parameter for their fight, which was a small round circle drawn on the ground. The goal was not to test the movement or strategy just the efficiency of fighting. In a fight, the person who attacks will generally use a lot more energy.

Therefore, neither side wanted to make the first move, as they needed to be efficient.

However, this did not mean that it would just be a staredown, they had developed many strategies to continue. The most common way to invite the opponent's attack was to leave an intentional opening that would allow one to get the advantage if the opponent chooses to attack.

Aile started by leaving an opening on his stomach, and soon enough, it was greeted by a round kick from Emily. However, to Aile surprise, the roundhouse kick was just a distraction.

As he quickly brought his hand down to block the kick, her other leg sprang from the ground with speed, power and precision aiming for his now defenceless head. Aile was forced into being defensive since he had lowered his head after her first attack. That created another opening for both her knee and elbow as his head was lowered.

The violent dance from the single mistake took a whole three minutes before he managed to make up for it and achieve the previous state of observing each other. The loser of the first round was Aile after he fell for the first faint. As he was forced to dodge after the first mistake, his stance and rhythm were disturbed, leading to chains of weakness appearing in his defence. While being on the defensive is more energy conserving. However, in close combat, when one is forced to defend, losing the rhythm, balance and control of the fight, the loss of energy is intensified.

Aile received a smirk from Emily. She had changed her style, it was not something that Aile was used to, and he had expected her to act the same as a few years ago. Then Emily created a chance. This time Aile immediately went for it. The opening was on her left shoulder, and Aile immediately struck it.

Openings in the shoulder area were harder to block physically, as it means that at least one of the opponent's hand was out of place. Leaving only the other hand to defend. Emily took a step back and left a few other openings, and Aile threw a back palm to bring her attention to it and went for a more doubled-edged method of fighting. He at the same time lept from the ground to perform a kick from a higher vantage point. The jump pushed him up and allowed his feet to steer towards her biceps coming down and strengthening with the aid of gravity.

This move leaves him open, but his current form also creates a much more powerful force that would be delivered by the kick. Emily could deal a quick jab to his chest that became defenceless, but it would not be nearly as powerful as his kick. As a result of the initial distraction caused by his hand.

He had put her in a position to fight without the possibility of an easy dodge. He had also steered her to trade blows which would result in his win.