Get What You Asked For (Prologue)

I was prowling the streets my cheeks flushed hoping for excitement as I had scoped out this person before. I was wet as the rain came down and I trailed behind him. My smile was contagious as I crept up to the man. I was panting in anticipation this man was a bonafide rapist released after his trial on mistakes of the prosecution and I was seeking that thrill that had captured me for years.

Through years of university, I packed my shameful kink away. I worked and worked I studied with more studying as a side. I took work placements I did everything. I was hailed as a genius with god sent talent. If I am being modest even I was more than a Genius I was the Albert Einstein of Exo-Biology. I created new species I explored the genome more than any other. I created a more and more sophisticated mapping of even humans and beasts. I cured genetic disease's with no side effects. I started to map how to even make better humans in recent years.

I was becoming a god my lab was hailed as the bringing in the next generation of Humanity. Those who opposed us were just as fierce. Christians are the worst in our country for it. They believe that messing with the genetics of humans will destroy how God created us. I told them they didn't have to take my treatments. That if they had a genetic problem they can live with it till they died. That was bad for PR. I was always blunt though. To this day my lab still has many protesters. They are correct on one thing I am a god in my own way. I have created over seventy new species of insects and animals. Each was to learn more about the genetics of them. I killed each after I played god with them.

I did this for years one day while I was in my home that is rather modest a person broke in. A lot of security was fired that month. What happened though changed my life. He came into my room where I slept naked as usual by myself. He put a knife to my throat and whipped out his cock. It hardened under my eye. I had no idea how to react but he was confused as I was with my forgotten kink. He raped a wet wanting woman who put up no fight. I came as he threatened me while positioning me in multiple ways. I had the night of my life. Never before had I cared about sex before then. It was always unsatisfactory sex with me just faking an orgasm so some monkey man would stop trying to hump me and I could move on. This was something I was told by my few friends to be wrong how could I think that. They kept pairing me up with other men. I never questioned it and took them to bed only to find the same thing with no interest.

That raping though awoke something in me. When that man ejaculated into me I received a thrill and an orgasm that I never had before and I became addicted. After that night after he beat me and brutally fucked me I was lying there in his semen I changed. I started to go out in more sexually suggestive clothing. I looked at kinks sights and found a Dominator. Each time I told them to be brutal I want to be raped and believe I was being raped. I hired people to kidnap me and rape me. It never gave the same thrill. I wanted to not know if I would die or not. Each time without that missing component I felt unfulfilled.

Work amped up and the stress built as I released more and more with the company I built. The protests became worse and my body was driving me crazy for release. I wanted it so bad I wanted someone something, Anything to take me to make me its bitch. I just wanted this so bad my body was constantly wet thinking about a man forcing me down tightening his hands around my neck as he thrust inside of me while my airways were closed off and my body demanded air. Just these thoughts made me an orgasm while alone. These only made me want it more and more. I looked it up and I had a severe masochist kink. The Dom's and dominatrices I visited was like pouring a bottle of water into a gaping chasm of need. It was nowhere near enough to fulfill what my body wanted.

This went on for years into my late thirties. I had the kid of some random stranger as I lured him in some alleyway let him have his way. He was too gentle though. I raised the kid even though I was struggling to keep myself caring for him all I wanted was to go out again. After having a kid I kept it safer and took care of him. My business and work were in a golden age of development and I even used it on my kid while he was growing in my womb. No one knew he was the first Genetically enhanced human. I brought him up for years and he turned into a supremely gifted person. By eight he was out of high school and going into universities. He was Graceful kind and intelligent. I considered him a failure. I couldn't help it I wasn't going for the kind and gracefully when I put my genetic splices into him.

He was my successor now to my company which was now one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world. Hailed as caring and kind selling for things at barely a profit. We grew in other countries around the world bringing jobs and medical facilities. This was what I was going to leave him. I gave up on him though as I let him do his own thing again.

I was now in my mid-forties and my needs surfaced. I studied and found the perfect candidate. I needed what he offered. His victims were all around my age mid-forties. I was a Brunette with great skin and looked good for my age I had many suitors over the years all rejected. I looked at this man's M.O. and he was a perfect fit.

I needed what he offered I could tell that he was thinking something too. We were now in an empty park just outside the city on a rainy night. I knew he wasn't going to look for victims tonight but I was hoping to become his. This guy usually didn't kill his victims but even the prosecution thought there were bodies out there missing.

More and more my heart beat faster and faster. As I neared he went to a park bench he sat down and saw me approach in this deserted rainy day. I looked good in my trench coat as it was designer and I wanted to put something on underneath to tempt him more maybe call me names. I didn't want him thinking this was a sting from the police. I walked past him slowly not even glancing at him.

My nerves were out of this world as I walked past him down the path. It wasn't long and I heard footfalls behind me. I kept walking at that pace behind me and my pussy got wet with the thoughts of what I hoped to come.

As I walked I heard the steps most women would dread in the only wet night. I was nervous my excitement picking up and I wanted to bait him. I stepped slightly faster picking up my pace and I heard his feet fall faster. I was insanely happy, I was ready I was hoping for this and my body turned hot as he closed the distance. This was it and I felt him grab me around the neck. He hauled me into the bushes off the path. He was not gentle. I could feel the bruising as he brutally hauled me into the bushes. He was not polite about it as he tore the trench coat off of me exposing the light white t-shirt and tight jeans underneath. He swiftly punched me in the stomach.

I was hornier than I have ever been and the air in my lungs escaped. I almost felt like vomiting as I coughed. He repositioned himself as I gasped for air. His knees now on my arms he swiftly punched me in the stomach again. This time I gasped harder and felt acid in my stomach turned as a little escaped. He then tore my now wet T-Shirt. Now I couldn't stop myself when I put on underwear and had on a see-through lacy red bra and panties. I was enticing him even though I don't think he needed it at this point. His strong hand grasped my neck as my lungs desperately gulped for air. His chokehold tight stopping more air from coming in. I grabbed his hand involuntarily and when he loosened just enough I felt air rush into my lungs. He was not idle as I gasped that air as he pulled down my wet panties showing my red lacy panties that were now wet with both my pussy juices and the rain.

"Well, Slut I guess you got what you are looking for!" He shouted his first words to me and I had a small orgasm as he roughly tore off my panties before taking off his belt. He was slowly dominating me and I loved every second of it. He was slow in everything as that hand remained on my throat tight but not to the point of cutting off air as I was still gasping for breath. He now had a belt in his hand looking down with a smile that was sadistic. I wasn't sure if I was going to live this night watching that smile and I was thrilled. That belt wet in the rain laced my breasts cutting into flesh and I had another orgasm as I cried out chocked off quickly by his hand tightening.

"Dirty Sluts like you need to be punished!" He shouted as he used his belt to whip me again and my hips bucked as he hit me again and again. I orgasmed on the pain lacing through my body barely any pain even registered as I was treated as less than an object. He finished lashing me after a couple more times and my anticipation continued to hike up as I was hot and ready my body needed him. He removed his pants and he was hard at eight inches. I couldn't care less his size though as he penetrated my wanting pussy and I felt myself tighten on him like a vise-grip. I had been wanting this so bad. He started to plow my pussy with his Cock and I was going Crazy. I was having the hardest orgasms of my life as he chocked me harder.

My lungs cried for air but I couldn't care as orgasms racked my body my legs shaking. 'This was it' I thought as I was in a heavenly bliss after years. Years I had a scratch that couldn't be itched I longed for it and put myself in dangerous places to try and simulate that first time. Now I came on his cock as he trusted into me and while chocking me. My longs burned to need air and I felt his belt cut into me again. He was venting on me and screaming at me I could tell he was saying this was all my fault that I am such a slut and a bitch. I heard it but my brain didn't care as I was starting to pass out as orgasms from cumming so many times in a row as he brutalized my body.

I smiled as I realized I was going to pass out from lack of air.

I looked up into his eyes just as I was passing out and instead of gasping I smiled brilliantly and I saw the shock on his face as I entered a world of white with another orgasm into unconsciousness.

I awoke.

I think I awoke.

I am not sure If I awoke.

I feel nothing but satisfaction from the night before if I did. I tried to open my eyes and nothing happened. If a hospital room I think I would hear beeps or something.

Nothing happened.

Absolutely nothing.


More nothing.

I had nothing to do.

I started to make something to do.

Hours went by thinking back to my job.

Equipment the tools of my trade.

The Lab was worth millions on millions and almost reached a billion dollars as I remembered it.

I started thinking on the experiments. The small tricks that I learned.

Time passed or maybe it didn't I wasn't sure.

I was in a weird floating thing I could tell and I just thought back to my experiments.

The data the thirst for new knowledge.

More time passed.

I thought about that encounter with fondness.

Will that ever happen again?

That Thrill?

The danger of not knowing.

It excited me and I knew it would be in my spank bank for years to come if I survive.

I hope they don't catch him I will have to hit him up again if he made it.

More time passed and I grew bored again.

Time followed by more time that I lost count.

Then it happened.

My eyes opened no longer nothing.

My new body was small and stuck in a fluid.

Shit, I am a baby in a womb I think.



Thanks for reading my new novel. I will be bringing chapters of this novel slowly. I will be mainly be working on Dominatrix System, Futanari System, and Trap Online. This book will not be forgotten and I will do a minimum of one chapter a month. It will be way more likely that I will do more than that. Support me at P

Enjoy. :D