Do Your Worst!

The hatch closed behind the woman. She waved a hand before it, and I heard a click. She turned to me with a spine-tingling smile. It promised pain. My pussy moisten, and my cock was getting harder. I was incredibly horny now from the treatment before and that smile.

She was not shy at all as she stepped up to me, looking me up and down. "Strip, Bitch!" She commanded me, and with a smile, I took off my clothes. With my shirt off, my bountiful double D breasts came out. With my skirt coming off, my large erect cock popped out. It stood like an angry snake at eight inches with three-inch girth.

The woman gasped, looking at it. She looked back up to my eyes, smiling. That smile promised so much for me. I was tingling all over as she reached out, cupping a breast in her hand. She lifted it as if weighing a specimen to be chopped. It was arousing as my imagination went wild.

She walked slowly behind me and held my ass up. She kept inspecting me slowly, and the frustration was entering into my head. I wanted her to take advantage of me. I wanted her to hurt me in ways I never had been before. I wanted to be teased and edged. I needed her to do more than inspect me. The teasing, and frustration though, made me even hornier. She stepped back into my vision with my cock twitching in the attention of her gaze.

"So..." She trailed off, my frustration growing faster. She smiled, knowing full well what I was thinking. "Do your worst?" She asked me, and I shivered. I felt it coming soon. Please let it come soon! I chanted in my head as frustration build with excitement. Her hand reached out and took my balls into her hands. She squeezed them. I gasped in pain I had never felt before. It shot up to the pit of my stomach and ached. My body instinctively leaned forwards from the pain.

"Oh, they are real?!" She exclaimed into the quiet room. The smile somehow grew even more wicked. She stopped squeezing, much to both my dismay and relief. Her soft hand trailed up my cock, and I moaned to the light interaction. Her giggle sounded into the room, "You're so sensitive!" she exclaimed, and her hand traveled down my hips. Everything she did made me want more. The softness of it all frustrated me much more.

The easing continued as her hands went down to my cock again. Her hand slipped to my balls and found the cute hidden pussy I created. "Look what I found! I have never heard of someone being both genders before!" She exclaimed in excitement. Her finger dove into my depths, on a mission. Her finger wiggled and prodded my insides. She started to hit certain spots inside me, and pleasure shot up my spine into my head. Moaning, she continued to use that finger inside me and finding all my pleasure points.

She quickly pulled out her now wet finger covered in my juices. She looked at it for a second before it appeared before my face. "Clean it, bitch," She commanded. I opened my mouth and took her finger into my mouth. I softly sucked off all my juices, tasting the sweet flavor. She retracted her finger quickly then wiped the saliva off it with my face. After making sure her finger was dry, she smiled. She stepped up into my personal space until her robbed breasts touched mine. My lust spiked as she looked at me like an object.

"Ground rules, bitch," She started, and I felt the pit of my stomach drop. Rules meant structure. Rules meant safety. I felt even my cock start to go flaccid. My thrill started to drop, and my disappointment started to increase. "You cum, and I will get violent," She stated as a matter of fact, "Only if you get my permission will you be allowed to cum." She stated, then she noticed something peculiar. All excitement left my body. What was once a raging hard-on was a flaccid cock. The interest in my eyes was gone.

The atmosphere went away as the confusion was brought on. The pure confusion forced a question out of her. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I had almost shut down the anticipation was so high only to be shut down. I was like a kid that was told they were going to get the best Christmas only to find all the gifts were empty. I had to speak up to the question with disappointment lacing my entire tone. "Why rules!? I want you to dominate me! Do with me as you will! I do something you don't like? Punish me, beat me! Torture me! You do not reasons to do so! I love it, and I crave it! Whore me out to a hundred men! I don't care! Stop treating me like a person!" My frustration at the treatment that so many doms were broke me. I needed to vent this. The woman in front of me was stunned. Her mouth gaped open in surprise.

Her eyes stared into my own. She stared into my eyes. She then nodded, looking into my eyes again. A smile crept onto her face again. "I never had someone so hardcore as you little masochist. You want the structure gone?!" Her voice started to get louder as her voice sounded increasingly angrier. "Fine, no safe words, no protection. I won't care anymore. I will do what I want!" This seemed to be more for her than me. She turned towards me as her mind processed what she said. Her sadistic smile came back, and my anticipation started to increase. It was like the chains binding her were becoming loose.

She looked at me differently again but much more sinister than ever before. Those rules were more of a bind for her than anyone else. She looked so beautiful with that look. Her hand lashed out, hitting my solar plexus. Air left my lungs, and breathing became difficult. My body fell to the ground, stunned. She didn't stop as her hand tangled into my hair. Lifting my head to look at her. "You asked for this, Bitch!" She exclaimed, her anger evident. She dragged me over to that corner where blood pained the walls. She no longer cared for me and took an arm. It was promptly forced into a shackle. She took my other arm and forced it into another shackle.

She tightened the chains using a pully system. My body was suspended into the air. My feet no longer touched the ground. She wasn't done as she shackled my ankles next. Another pulley system pulled me into an X shape. My cock started to harden, and my pussy started to moisten up again. She no longer cared about how she treated me, as I couldn't see her anymore. No words were exchanged as I heard the whistle of a whip. It lashed across my back, sending pain shivering up my spine.

A second came soon after. What followed was even more. I had pissed her off, but I also set her free from boundaries. The whip continued to lash out as I cried out from the pain. I counted out the strikes of everyone unconsciously from the training I had received in the past. I was quickly up to thirty. It was then at forty. It continued to fifty, and my mind was blanking out. My back was on fire as the whip continued to lash me. I cried out in pain and pleasure. My sensitive nerves were sending overwhelming signals to my head.

"SIXTY!" I cried out. The whip stopped then as I felt her walk up behind me. She reached around me. She took my cock into her hands and started to rub me off harshly. I was about to cum feeling the edge. The pleasure was overwhelming my mind quickly after so much pain. She let go just as I hit the edge I felt. I groaned as the pleasure stopped right at the edge. The frustration of wanting to cum made me cry out. Her hand shortly came back, jerking me off.

"You want to cum, Bitch?!" She yelled out.

I was nearing the edge once again. "Yes, I want to cum!" I told her about my desire. A thrill went through me as suddenly felt something around my neck. She tightened it, restricting my airways but not cutting it off. It was the first time I felt regret over my reinforced body. I did not have much time to dwell on it. She entered my vision again with a large box. It looked weird, but it also had wires coming out of it. If I didn't know more about electronics, I would have called it a generator. She placed three pads attached to the box onto each breast. One went under each nipple with one more to each side of it. Then two on the thighs and one directly onto my clit. My instincts roared that box was something fun.

I was proven correct as the hole box started to glow. The glow started to get brighter and brighter. Then it started sparks came out of it. Then it hit my body as electricity sparked through me. The woman sat in front of me. My body shook as my muscles trembled all over. I orgasmed without control. They were all dry as my muscles tightened and loosened to fast. My bladder was released, and I started to let out a stream of piss out of my hard cock. Even my cries stuttered out as my body was electrocuted. She stood in front of me and showed the controller to me.

It was on its lowest setting. My eyes widened as she took another pad. She attached it directly to the center of where my cock and balls were attached. She took great pleasure in turning that dial. The amount of electricity increased. I entered a painful world of pleasure. The experience was nothing I had ever felt. My sensitive body was reinforced and could take more damage than any human should. The enhancements increased what this treatment did. My dick immediately rocketed out cum. She stepped to the side, letting cum spray the wall. My pussy sprayed out female ejaculate as I screamed out.

The dial on the controller turned, increasing the voltage. My body felt on fire. I orgasmed. I sprayed as my body couldn't control itself. I lost myself to it. I no longer knew what was happening in that pleasure hell. I sprayed anything my body had. The pleasure rocketed through my body.

After who knew how long it ended, and the electricity stopped. I dropped to the floor at some point with the shackles no longer there. I was slapped, and I tried to turn to who it was. My eyes barely opened when I saw the woman. She had a smile of liberation and fascination. My senses seemed to be frayed, but I felt myself harden under her gaze.

"Who said you're done, bitch?!" She loudly told me. I laid on my back as my muscles continued to twitch. She was naked now. She showed off a beautiful body, but I couldn't register details. Her lower body hovered over my rapidly hardening cock. She plunged it into herself, taking my cocks virginity. Groaning, and moaning I felt her wet folds encompass it. It felt amazing on my frayed nerves. She took the pleasure she wasn't as I moaned half out of it. I couldn't even move as she raped my willing cock.

It didn't take me long to groan out another orgasm from my exhausted cock. She openly laughed at my early orgasm and continued to fuck my even more sensitive cock. "Bitch no rest until I orgasm!" She commanded. I could only groan as my hard cock was being bounced on. I lost track of my orgasms as they came faster and faster. They chained together, and my world entered a new pleasure hell.

I heard a loud moan above me, followed by more weight atop me. I lapsed into unconsciousness as the pleasure stopped, exhausted.