The Staring Contest

I awoke.

I think I awoke.

My muscles screamed at me, panging with deep resounding muscle pain. I laid in the horrible bed they provided, feeling as if it was the comfiest thing I have ever felt, not moving a muscle. So I stared at the ceiling. I was contemplating the choices bringing me to this moment. I stared at the ceiling, feeling like I should start a contest between us. The contemplation of how things were moving forward seemed too much to think about. My mind was active, but with the amount of muscle pain, I was feeling with the memory of the assault of mana...

I just didn't want to think.

Teacher was training me the way she wanted to. I had no idea why Mages needed so my physical running when I have seen no others doing this. The Elemental pools may help my kids in the future, but I frankly couldn't give a fuck about them as soon as that mana touched my body. The pain was horrifying. It was every cell under assault. A never-ending torture of a piercing cold burying deeper. I was grateful for when the world went dark, freeing me from that all-encompassing pain.

I set my mind to start winning an impossible contest against the ceiling of my dorm room. My body refused to listen to my commands anyway. So began my Staring contest as I looked at the roof with my mind slowly emptying all other thoughts.

My pain started to slip away as I stared at it and the reprieve from the pain went unnoticed as I stared. The ceiling stared back at me, and a person with a better grip on reality would question this. Instead, that thought drifted off, becoming useless in the competition that ensued. Neither party would give up as I felt my eyes slowly grow bloodshot.

A sudden bang made me blink, but my body refused to move under the startlement. "Slut?!" I heard Teacher's voice echo into the room as I stared at the ceiling. Her hand was what I first saw as instead of hitting my face, it slapped my breasts, shooting a little milk out, and I let out a tiny moan. I felt myself slightly harden under the hit. My body's hope for the sexual release was quickly destroyed seconds later.

"Running Time Slut!" She happily greeted me. "Get up; you have Five minutes to be dressed or..." She trailed off, leaning against an open doorway. Under her unveiled threat, my body responded, moving into action. A tight shirt covered my breasts, and my short Shorts gripped my ass. I was then hustled out of the room. My feet touched the ground out in the field, watching students move towards classes watching us as clouds in the sky started to darken out the sun.

"Slut, Start sprinting!" She commanded. My feet started to move slowly, moving up into sprints before I was going as fast as I could running around the school. The dark clouds above us began to cover the sky entirely as Teacher floated behind me. "Bitch stop looking at the sky and fucking RUN!" She yelled at me. I ran faster, barely dodging something shot at my legs with the increased speed. I had no chance to see what it was as I ran as fast as I could. Soon I felt raindrops hit my skin.

It was a little bit of rain to start, only to pick up slowly. Still, I was in a full-out sprint listening to the loving insults entering my ears from my favorite teacher. I felt it in my core the humiliation as students could hear her yelled out insults as the rain started to come down. Her voice drowned out, but my body began to soak in the water, making me feel even heavier.

Still, the tongue thrashing went on as I ran. My body dripped, but my muscles screamed at me every moment along the way. Soon my mind blanked under the torture of my muscles. I lost track of time under my muscles' strain and the rain pelting and picking up speed. The wind picked up, increasing the rain's speed that started to prick my skin, trying to pierce the skin. I just further enclosed myself in my mind even more. Teacher continued to scream at me in the rain.

Finally, She told me to stop instantly, taking me out of my mind space, and I slowed to a walk. Then she started to drag me back into the main school building headed into the basement like yesterday. My body instinctively trembled with memories of the pain of yesterday, instead of finding a pool of elemental water today though there was a large feast when she opened the door. I saw thousands and thousands of calories and essential vitamins spread out upon platters, ready to be devoured. The room had a great smell, and my stomach grumbled loudly under the assault to my nose.

I realized I hadn't eaten for hours, and my stomach demanded attention under it. Teacher then spoke the magic words breaking my stunned drooling. "Eat before more training." She said. I didn't need any more prompting under my clouded judgment and fueled by starvation. I started to devour everything set in front of me—my stomach was a pit with no bottom replacing all the vital nutrients needed.

I didn't stop even as my stomach felt full. My mind told it too. My body didn't listen, and I realized that I might be disassociating. This wasn't good mentally, but I continued to eat. It wasn't until I felt stuffed and the table was empty that I stopped. The food was all delicious, but I felt too full. I was about to let out a satisfied burp when Teacher, who had left at some point, came back in.

Teacher's hand was held out, and I saw the pill. It looked frightening to me. I do not know why but that pill scared me. I wanted my pups to live; I had to take it to enter the Elemental pools. Taking it, though, meant I was going into the Elemental pools. That scared me, and my body reacted. I threw a punch at her without thought. My screaming muscles didn't care about pain to stop more from coming.

Teacher smiled at my reaction, and something covered my fist. It was invisible and continually moving. My brain realized it was wind stopping my fist from contacting her. "I realized this was going to happen." She stated. "I am so happy it did!" She exclaimed right after.

Her hand moved, slapping me three times, making my brain feel like it was spinning. Her hand then grabbed my now stunned head and forced my jaw open. The suddenness and speed didn't give me a chance to understand what happened as she poured water in with it before covering my airways. My body instinctively swallowed.

With the audible swallow, Teacher frowned. "Aw, that was too fast, Clarissa. If you're going to be that easy, just take it yourself." She said, an evident pout in her voice. My brain was still catching up to what was going on after the slapping. I felt almost confused even though I understood everything that did happen.

My brain instantly caught up to what was going on when I felt heat surrounding me. In front of me was an elemental pool of firey red mana. My eyes widened, and I turned on heel. I never noticed when I was stripped as my breasts bounced with my turn. I reached for the door, only for there to be an invisible wall in front of it.

"Teacher, please?! I forgot something in my room?!" I exclaimed, mind desperate to come up with an excuse.

Teacher loudly laughed as I felt her hand grab the back of my neck, and I flew. My mind tried to create a rift only for all Void mana to be suppressed under the sheer amount of fire mana in the room. I screamed as I landed in the pool of elemental power. I screamed as I felt each cell erupt on fire inside the pool, assaulting my senses with extreme pain as if I was deep in a house fire. The problem was that my nerves never burned. My skin never blackened as it absorbed the mana. My screams went ignored until my brain shut down, and I blacked out.

I felt hands lay me on a bed. I slowly awoke to the sound of the pitter-patter on the window—my eye recognizing my dorm room's ceiling. The memory of pain from the inferno I was dunked in very real as my skin tingled and my muscles refused to move.

I realized that the training day was complete by my mind refused to sleep, and my eyes remained open. I stared at the ceiling, resuming the staring contest from some time ago. My body again refused to move, and I tried to feel my mana, but I felt spent. This was frustrating as I stared at the ceiling. I realized why I couldn't access my mana as I felt overfull with fire mana. I was a void mage; therefore, I couldn't access my Void mana because of the fire mana's abundance. The fire mana seemed to permeate my entire body absorbing it.

Still, I wanted to enter my labs to try to use a chair to move around. I decided to put it in the back of my mind while I stared down the ceiling. I thought in the back of my mind more about the potential of my babies. I left them with a good amount of food and hoped they would be fine. I am disappointed I can't track their growth and learn more, but I knew the recording devices would watch them grow big and strong. My heart swelled thinking about all the experimental data I would have at the end of it.

My mind ran while I stared at the ceiling. Eventually, it came to a standstill, and all I did was stare. I entered a state where I tried to submit the ceiling to my stare to try and make it concede. My stare became more intense as the hours rolled by. I stared at the worst enemy of my life as it refused to submit to my whims.

Without realizing it, I somehow came up with a back story to the staring contest. One day the ceiling entered my lab. It snuck in and edged me while I slept. It attempted to place me in chastity before I woke up and started to attack it. When it ran, I lost it in the hallways. It found the lab with important experimental data and took it from me. I found it as it escaped out the main entrance to the lab. When we both came back to the main world, it reattached itself to the ceiling, taunting me after earning my ire. Now the only way it would give back the stolen data was to win a staring contest against it.

The motivation this gave me was more than I was willing to admit. It would be embarrassing for someone to learn that I had developed a rivalry against an inanimate object as well. It didn't matter our rivalry was set and I was going to win the competition.

My stare became even more intense as time rolled on. I even started to develop a gut feeling about it. This ceiling would fold to me. I was going to win.