The Calm Before...

James laid in bed in post-coital bliss and admired the ceiling.

He was completely spent. Four rounds in twelve hours would do that to any ordinary person.

Every part of his body ached. Even his most trustworthy appendage felt sore. James felt like he had exercised muscles he didn't even know existed.

With great effort, James turned his head to gaze gently at the person lying next to him.

A short, cute shoulder length bob framed an angelic face with mischievous eyes, a perfectly shaped nose, and soft red kissable lips. He could personally attest to that last one after having rigorously investigated it in the past half-day.

Gina Chung.

Formerly his biology teacher. A one-time almost-paramour who had attempted to seduce him, and would have been successful if he had not noticed a brief lapse in her act.

What were they now? James wondered to himself. Lovers definitely, hopefully formally. He had previously wished to have a girlfriend as intelligent, talented, aesthetically appealing, and downright sexy as her.

Wouldn't it be so much better if he could have her instead?

Gina looked over at James with a smile on her face.

"Hey lover." She purred.

James painfully turned to face her, and painstakingly lifted one arm to wrap around her once more.

He was pretty sure he loved her.

"I love you." James blurted out, before wincing at his sudden proclamation.

Gina smiled simply.

"I think I love you too." She said, before going on to elaborate, "You make me feel like I'm special. I feel safe when I'm around you. I don't think any random guy would turn down the chance to bed multiple eighteen year old cheerleaders just for me."

James leaned in to kiss Gina again.

A fifth round was attempted, but failed. The spirit was more than willing, but the flesh was spongy and bruised. The new couple settled for more cuddling.


A short while later, James and Gina settled into a morning routine of domestic bliss.

Gina had thrown on a simple matching pair of underwear, and picked out a fresh shirt. She had left the shirt unbuttoned, allowing James a most magnificent view as she scampered lightly around the kitchen preparing breakfast.

James, with his non-existent cooking skills, had politely demurred when offered the chance to show off in the kitchen.

Gina, having had sufficient practice living both alone in London and here at home, whipped up a quick dish of scrambled eggs on toast with a side of fruit for James. As for herself, she picked out a small container of non-fat, low sugar, plain greek yogurt, and nibbled delicately on some of the fruit she had put out for James.

After all, her figure did not maintain itself.

James wolfed down his food before sitting back with a satisfied sigh.

"What plans do you have for the rest of the day James?" Gina asked in passing.

"Nothing. I was hoping to spend more time with you. I think I'm clear for the next month or so." James answered.

[ As much as System had fun being a passenger in your body yesterday, you still have missions to complete. System is still hungry. ]

Poker had been completely forgotten and yet another gentle reminder came from his ever-present system.

I'll get back on track when Phil comes back alright? I won't be able to focus on playing well right now anyway. James thought back at his system. His system replied with a sulky silence.

"One month?" Gina asked delicately.

"Yeah, Phil's gone off on a trip to Monte Carlo, and I haven't really been asked to do anything except improve my skills." James replied.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to stay with me for awhile, but if you have to improve your skills..." Gina's voice trailed away.

"Oh yes, that would be a great idea. Let me go back to pick up some clothes. I'll stay here until I have to go back next month. Also, Phil's giving me kind of a living stipend, so I can definitely contribute that to our costs." James cut in eagerly.

"That would be nice. It gets lonely being alone in the house all the time." Gina said with a hint of relief.

Gina paused for a little, and then warned, "You need to be careful of Phil. I don't know why he's treating you so nicely, but I'm sure there's an ulterior motive somewhere. He's not the type to give things away freely. I don't know the exact details of your situation, but promise me you'll be cautious."

James nodded, touched at her concern, "I will. Don't worry, I've never really fully let go of my wariness against him."

James stood up and washed the dishes as Gina watched with a happy look.


After breakfast, James had gone back to his room and packed up some clothes and other essentials.

He was sure that, other than perhaps the food delivery person, no one would miss him. He had led a mostly solitary life thus far. He wasn't even sure if he had neighbors, much less knowing their names and faces.

He drove back to Gina's place blissfully.

This was perhaps the first moment in his life where he was truly happy. James felt at peace. Regardless of his personal vendetta and circumstances, he would make the most of the next month.

Once Phil came back and the fall term started, James was sure that he would have fewer opportunities to see Gina on a regular basis.


The rest of the month passed in idyllic bliss. James had settled completely into Gina's routine.

They would go out shopping for groceries together, taking special care to drive two or three towns away so that no one would spot Gina going out with her former student.

With their limited budget on James' stipend and Gina's salary as a teacher, eating out was a luxury that was seldom repeated and carefully planned.


The one extravagance that James had insisted on was on the first weekend, when he had driven Gina to a far away shopping mall and bought a pair of simple, matching silver rings.

"I know we're not married, and I know that we won't be living together after this month, but I want you to know that I love you and I'll be thinking of you." James had said, before putting a ring on her right hand.

"Someday, I hope to put a much nicer ring on your left hand." James completed his thought after the deed was done.

Gina's eyes teared up as she looked up at James tenderly. The rings didn't cost anywhere near as much as her cosmetics, but it was the simple, romantic thought that had so completely disarmed her.

What had she done to deserve this man? After her unsavory past, and even after all the things she had endured to get this far, she was finally able to experience a pure moment like this.


James had also started to learn how to cook. Surprisingly, for he was seldom talented at anything, he found that handling a kitchen knife came naturally to him.

With this newfound skill came a new division of labor. James would carefully, but quickly chop, dice, slice, and otherwise prepare the raw ingredients onto a set of plates and bowls. Thereafter, Gina would cook, taking special care to explain her thought process and steps she was taking.

Slowly, James leveled up his cooking skills. If only his system was something more domestically useful than gambling, maybe he would have been able to surprise Gina with a carefully prepared dish or two.

[ You know, System thinks that System might have heard somewhere of a distant cousin or relative who specializes in cooking. ]

James ignored his system's rambling. He had gotten rather good at that recently.


Other than the household chores, the two had of course continued their physical intimacy.

With the exception of the second and third night, when both of them had agreed on some temporary abstinence to recover, barely a night passed without some form of love-making.

During this process, Gina had shown her experience in blowing James' mind, showing him different positions and taking the lead on most occasions.

James, on the other hand, had turned out to be a willing learner and a considerate lover, placing the needs and wants of Gina's body ahead of his own.

Over the month, the novelty of each other's body had slowly worn away to be replaced by the all encompassing knowledge and familiarity that only two lovers could have of each other.


On the final night of that honeymoon-like month, James had taken over the kitchen for the first time.

He had prepared a simple pasta dish for each of them, before preparing a couple of side dishes to share. He had also procured a bottle of wine, and as he and Gina sat down at their dining table, they were reminded of their first date.

"I love you." James said, holding Gina's right hand with his, and laying one ring on top of the other.

"I love you too."

That night, with the winds blowing against the windows and the rain pattering on the roof, they had held each other tenderly.