( kingdom of Asterin)
Amara woke up and had breakfast early. She immediately took out the things she'll be bringing and went down with her brother. Amara suddenly became worried because she remembered that their parents will be in the house later. Seeing the little Amara getting worried, he told his little sister to not worry because he already told their parents about it.
Hearing what Alex said made Amara's worried look turn into a smile. While riding their carriage, Amara was mesmerized by the beautiful scenery. She told the horsemen to stop the carriage so that she could get off to take a look.
When Amara got off, she looked at her surroundings and saw a little girl. Sitting in the streets crying, Amara went to the little girl and asked "Why are you crying?" The little girl replied " I've been starving for 2 whole days. I've been robbed and I have no food." Hearing the little girl's pain broke her heart. That's why she cancelled her plans and took the girl to her house.
While sitting in the carriage, Amara introduced herself and her brother to the girl. After introducing themselves, She asked the girl her name and what happened to her. The girl told Amara that her name is Mei and she was robbed by thieves on her way to the capital. Arriving at the house, Alex ordered the maids to prepare new clothes and some food for Mei.
After eating, Alex asked Mei if she wants to stay at their house for the meantime. Mei exclaimed "Of course! I would love to! Thank you so much for your consideration! But I can't live here without doing something in exchange. I don't wanna owe you guys." Then Amara asked "Would you like to be our personal maid? If ever you agree, you'll also be able to go to school with me." Mei replied "I've never actually tried what a personal maid does, but if that's what makes you happy why not?" Amara said "Okay! Your maid work starts tomorrow. I'll ask my other maids to teach you some rules is our household so you'll know what not and what to do".