The Play Date

"Big brother hurry up they're here!" Amara shouted. "Coming!" Alex shouted back. Amara then went down and opened the door for Luke. "Hey Luke!" Amara said. "Hi! Thanks for inviting me to play with you today." Luke responded. "Of course! It won't be fun without you." Amara exclaimed.

After a short chat, they went to the living room to let the children in the orphanage play some games. A few minutes later, Alex came with some food for them to eat.

After eating some delicious snacks, Alex suggested "Why don't we play Truth or Dare while the children are playing other games?" Luke exclaimed "Yes! This is gonna be fun." Amara added "Sure. Let's see who'll get embarrassed the most." Alex said "Okay. Let's start with Luke. Truth or Dare?" Luke replied "Dare." Alex dared "Hug Amara!" Luke blushed and said "Alex your insane! This is too much! We are still so young!" Alex laughed and asked "Can't there be a friendship hug?"

Amara then interfered "Luke it's okay. I'm fine with you hugging me. Let's get this over with." Amara then abruptly hugged him. Luke's face suddenly reddened. Then Alex interrupted "You can stop hugging now. I've seen enough. Amara your next." Amara then loosened her grip. Amara confidently said "I choose Dare!" Alex smirked and said "I dare you to hold Luke's hand for 20 seconds straight!" Amara yelled "Can't you think of something else? Why do you have to make it look like as if we are together?" Before Alex could even speak, Luke rapidly grabbed Amara's hand. Amara then blushed.

They both couldn't look at each other and faced different directions to avoid eye contact. A few seconds later, Alex said " That's enough already. You guys really look good with each other. I'm really jealous of you two." Luke changed the topic and said "It's your turn now." Alex shouted "I choose truth!" Amara then asked "Do you have a crush on Mei???" Alex lied "Of course not! I just met her a few days ago." Amara raised her voice "Be honest!" Alex admitted "Okay. Yes. I do like her." Amara shouted "Yay! Don't worry! Somewhere in the future I'll help you with her."

Luke interrupted "Who is this girl you are talking about?" Amara then told Luke the story of how they met her. Alex asked "Would you like to meet her? She'll be our new playmate soon." Luke replied "Sure!"

Then Alex called Mei into the living room to introduce herself. Mei said "Hi! My name is Mei. Nice to meet you." Luke responded "Hi! My name is Luke, you seem to be a bit familiar. Ahh! I remember now! Your the girl I saved in the capital." Mei replied "Yes That's me. Thank you for saving me. I would also like to ask, where did you learn how to fight?" Luke said "Well your being to polite, just call me Luke. As for where I learned to fight, its given. I'm a military soldier in the Army." After some introduction, the four children played some games to end the day.