Back To School

"Amara hurry up we're gonna be late!" Mei yelled. Amara yelled back "I'm almost done! Get the carriage ready!" Amara and Mei then hurriedly went inside the carriage. Arriving at school, they saw Luke standing at the corner talking to the teacher.

When Luke noticed Amara and Mei, he went towards their direction. Amara asked "What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in military training?" Luke replied "You silly girl! Do you seriously think that I just do military training? Of course I also study!"

Mei interrupted "What class are you in Luke?" Luke answered " I'm in class A. What about you guys?" Mei said "I'm in class E." Amara added "I'm in class B. Too bad we're not classmates. Do you want to eat together at lunch?" Luke responded "Sure! I'll wait for you outside of your classroom." Then Mei suddenly felt unhappy and said "Why don't we just meet at the cafeteria? I think I might get lost in this school." Luke agreed "Sure! I'll see you guys later." After a short chat, they each went to their own classrooms.