
After arriving home, Luke went to his room and thought about the incident with Amara yesterday. He didn't know what to do. There where so many questions running in his mind. What should I do? Is she still gonna talk to me? Did she feel awkward? But Luke just told himself that he'll just act like he does when he meets her again so he doesn't have to worry.

"Amara! Amara!" Mei repeatedly said. While Amara was staring blankly at the wall. "What?" Amara responded. Then Mei said " Your mother is calling you. She's waiting for you in the study room."

When Amara arrived in the study room, she saw her mother sitting down in one of the chairs waiting for her. Amara then said "Mother I'm here. What did you want to talk about?" Her mother replied "Come sit here. I just wanted ask how your trip to miragarria island was."

Amara sat down while remembering what happened with her and Luke. Amara replied to her mother "Ummm.. it was fine. I really enjoyed it." Then her mother asked "Is there anyone that caught your eye lately?" Amara blushed and lied "Of course not mother. I have a high standards towards men." The Marchioness lifted her right eyebrow and said "Don't lie to me Amara. I know you've had your eye on Luke lately." Hearing what her mother said, Amara blushed and admitted that she liked Luke. But she didn't know if he felt the same way.