When the General and Duke was informed by the sudden war, Luke immediately said goodbye to Amara and went with the Duke to the palace. In the royal hall, the general and Duke Arthur arrived. They both saw the king and his subordinates talking about the matter. Knowing what to do, the general and the Duke greeted the king and proceed to their place in the royal hall.
As the King and noblemen talked about the sudden war, they all made an agreement to send 100,000 soldiers in the battlefield. The King appointed General Luke to lead the soldiers of Asterin. At the same time, the King of Caspin sent an army and message to the royal hall also appointing the duke to represent them in the war.
After a quick meeting, Luke immediately put his armor on and went to the military base. He then gathered all the soldiers and made a plan. He said "Get ready for battle. We're leaving in two weeks."