Upgrades are nice, results are desired

[System initialization successful: user high stress detected, enter combat mode?]


Azamir blinked at the message. System? what is this overlay? Combat mode? I don't remember getting augmented before this! Too many thoughts raced through his head.

"I need to shove these distractions aside! if I have a benefit I guess I will just use it!" Azamir thought to himself. The woman eyed Azamir as he stood and entered a combat stance herself.

"seems like you have decent reflexes, you ready? its time to kick it up a notch," The woman said as she began to advance step by step.

Azamir began to sweat. "Nothing ventured..." he sardonically thought before he looked her in the eye and said "yes."

[Verbal confirmation is given: forced stat adjustment initiaded]

[Enabling reflex assist]

[Duration: 4:59]

[Duration: 4:58]

Suddenly, Azamir experienced a surge in energy and his thoughts became crystal clear opposed to a minute ago. He felt as if he could take on a whole squad by himself right now! He took advantage of the calm to enter his basic deflection combat stance and stood ready for her approach.

The woman's eyes narrowed, she couldn't quite put her finger on it but the feeling in the air just changed. "This kid... it's like his whole demeanor just changed," she thought to herself. The woman advanced before throwing a few jabs to test his defenses. She began with a jab to the face! followed by a stomach shot!

Azamir only thought one word.


He saw the jab coming for what seemed like seconds and moved just slightly out of the way each time! on the third jab, he smacked the underside of her wrist! Deflecting the strike to the side before striking her chest with his palm!

The sudden deflection caught her off guard! she moved back two steps before smiling back at Azamir with her predatory look again. "ooh this could be interesting," she thought. Noticing Azamir remaining in his combat stance she advanced again. This time she threw a combination of a two jab punch as a feint to raise his guard and threw a kick to his right unprotected side!

Azamir saw the jabs pull back right after he raised his arms to block, eyes wide he quickly shifted his weight to the left and in a move that was fluid to the eyes and impossibly fast he gripped her leg and spun! He intended to use the force of her strike to throw her away! Unfortunately, he wasn't quite used to his reaction time yet and failed to put enough power in the swing to cause her to go out of the ring!

The woman quickly took the tumble and moved into a combat roll to come back up in a defensive stance. "Very good! But not quite enough!" she exclaimed. The students in the crowd were baffled, what they thought was going to be another one-sided beatdown was becoming an even fight.

They saw hope in front of them! if Azamir could pass the test then maybe they could too! Azamir even noticed a few side bets happening amongst the other mercenaries past the wring and chuckled darkly to himself.

"well if they want a show, I might as well oblige," He thought to himself.

"I need to find a weakness I can exploit," Thinking internally Azamir heard a response.

[Analyzing - injury detected on right forarm]

[Suggestion: aggravate and exploit]

"works for me," as Azamir finished his internal strategy session which lasted only a few seconds the fight resumed in earnest with Azamir initiating the strike! He led with a left hook! The woman brought her arm up to defend but no blow came!

It was a faint!

Azamir pulled the hook as soon as she brought up her guard to quickly kick his left leg straight for her arm! It hit her forearm causing a bruise as she stumbled a step to regain her balance! He immediately went for another strike while she was recovering and kicked her again!

his front kick caused her to fall father backward and right outside the ring! he just earned 5 points in one shot! The students cheered! He managed to score points! Azamir quickly took this moment to check the time remaining on this 'combat status' he was in.



That means he did it! Azamir noticed that he earned the required 10 points!

The woman grunted in pain a bit before shaking her head and with a moment of athleticism, she brought both legs up to spring back on her feet before re-entering the ring. Azamir had to admit, this woman had grace in all of her movements. He had a sinking feeling that she had more depth to her abilities than she let on in the match.

The woman stopped in the middle of the ring facing Azamir before smiling. "if my math is correct you just scored the 10 points you needed," She said while motioning over to the desk. "Go ahead and talk to the rep, you earned your time." She allowed Azamir to pass beyond the edge of the ring into the Merc company booth. She had squinted observing his demeanor as he exited the staging ring and noticed the air shift again into a more normal state.

"Hmm, ill have to keep my eye on you," she thought to herself before turning to the next challenger.

[Combat concluded! exiting combat state]

[Verdict: Victory conditions met]

[Rewards: 50/500 Points (reward diminished for use of system assist)]

Azamir's eyes lit up in satisfaction as he viewed the messages in the corner of his vision and smiled to himself while he approached the merc rep.

[Warning: prepare for feedback]

Suddenly his energy levels diminished and Azamir felt ridiculously sluggish and stumbled a bit before catching himself before the representative. "Wow! I feel like I just ran a marathon," Azamir thought to himself.

The Representative chuckled at Azamir's perceived appearance after the fight. "It's funny how people underestimate just how much combat can take out of a person until they experience it for themselves. Though I'm sure your starting to understand now that you fought mercy and managed to pull that stunt you did." The Representative reached out his hand to shake with Azamir's. "The names Dawson. Dawson Wayland. I am the captain of this crazy bunch, what's your name kid?"

Azamir got a good look at Dawson while shaking his hand, firm grip, along with a neat and yet laid back appearance that seethed casual while somehow maintaining an air of authority about him. He was Captain material. This was relatively significant as the man only looked 28 years old! His combed over silver hair and steel-gray eyes all the more impactful with his look.

Ranks in the mercenary groups are similar to the military, in a sense. A captain led a detached unit of the mercenary company as a whole and could lead multiple units if a mission called for it! the normal ranks ranged by both experience and merit granted for mission success with distinction. It formally started at a rank of rookie going up into squaddie, lancer, lieutenant, captain, and ultimately a company commander at the top! This was someone to impress upon!

"The name is Azamir sir. Azamir Ternum," Azamir introduced himself with the remaining stamina he had to bear after feeling so drained. Dawson let go of his hand and nodded in approval "Good to meet you Azamir. That combat exercise told me plenty of what you have to offer in physical ability. I see here from your resume you have some training along with a class in small unit tactics? That's an interesting choice for a student not in a military track." Dawson seemed to be holding Azamir's datapad and going through his credentials. "don't be alarmed, I had one of the men grab this after you managed the first throw on Mercy. I wanted a look before you finished." Azamir swallowed any argument he was about to bring up as any attention from a captain would be good news for him!

"Azamir, what do you know about the Mercenary Review Board? Normally known as MRB?" Dawson had turned and led him to the desk nearby before sitting down across from Azamir.

Azamir frowned, but answered regardless "Isn't it the objective board that certifies company performance on any missions they undertake? I understand they keep records and rate companies for higher or lower contracts based on reputation."

Dawson nodded along with his explanation. "Your half correct Azamir, However you may not know is that nobody is allowed to recruit directly into mercenary companies. Rather its the MRB that recruits new members based on recommendations from established companies. Trainees that accept any recommendation give consent to MRB to utilize their person completely."

Azamir was confused "but sir, what does that mean? that sounds vague."

Dawson chuckled and continued, "That's quite on purpose Azamir. In layman's terms it means if you accept this offer I am about to extend to you. The MRB will own you body and soul for the next 4 years."