Self induced tor... I mean training.

Azamir followed the cheerful doctor to the far port side of the ship where the medbay and what seemed to be dedicated lab equipment was. As they entered Azamir could see all kinds of devices and tools, test tubes, and measuring equipment.

He also saw a converted medical bed into a device that seemed to be supporting heavy machinery as the bed was attached to the ceiling by a large moving mechanical arm as opposed to the floor! The room around him was sterile and the buzzing of machinery was all around him.

"Please step onto the examination table," Doctor Simmons stood next to the suspended medical bed and motioned for Azamir to approach. Azamir complied and stepped up and turned around to he lay at an incline to where he was partially standing on the lip of the table.

The doctor then tapped a few keys on the terminal and a digital scanner moved in front of azamir and began to take detailed scans of his body. A green light shone from his head down to the bottom of his stomach before the light switched to red and then back to green when it scanned below his thighs.

"Uhh, do I want to know ?" Azamir mumbled in the doctor's direction.

"High energy particles my dear! You wouldn't want energy like that near your future kids would you?"

"My future kids? ... wait how deeply did you just scan my body!?"

"Why down to your molecular structure my dear! I need to know all I can to make you the best version of you!"

What if she finds out about the system!?! Azamir started sweating bullets once the thought passed through his mind. Doc Simmons must have noticed because she smirked and joked with him.

"It no use worrying about it dear, I already saw everything. Don't feel ashamed though, your a fine male specimen! In fact, I am very interested in your body!"

"My body! you can't have it!"

Doctor Simmons couldn't contain it any longer and bust up laughing in the middle of the scan. "hahaha, OH my dear I am not interested in THAT part of your body. You are far too young for me and inexperienced to be worried about that. No, what I am interested in is how adaptable your body seems to be to changes! Why it's changing even now and you hardly notice!"

Azamir burned red with embarrassment at the doctor's antics before considering what she was saying. Changes? She was right, Azamir really felt nothing going on in his body other than a slight discomfort of the scanner going back and forth across his body. He even discreetly called up his status while the doctor was focused on her work.

[name: Azamir Ternum]

[age: 20 years]

[physical traits]

[Dexterity: 0.8, Strength 1.22, Vitality: 1.1]

[Mental Traits]

[Intelligence 0.9, Critical thinking 2.2, Will: ???]


[Tactics: Beginner II]

[Marksmanship: Beginner I]: Handguns - I, Rifles - I

[Analyze: Beginner I]

[notice: system charging 13%]

That's odd, even after checking his own status many times lately he never noticed a charging state for the system. What could that possibly mean? Azamir's brain churned in the background as it thought to what's going on while watching the scanner go back and forth across his body for what seemed to be about the 6th time now. What more was there to scan? Wait...

"This... is not just a scanner is it?"

"Oh! how astute of you to notice, yes we finished scanning you within the first pass. Now I am just bombarding your body with energy in preparation for training!"

"What? What does that do anyway!"

The doctor brightened immediately when Azamir expressed interest in her profession. "Why it primes your muscles for the upcoming exercise of course! This process will allow you to accelerate your training in weeks what a bodybuilding campaign would accomplish in months of time!"

The scan ended and the doctor led him off the table to a regular set up for machine weightlifting. Azamir was instructed to lay on the bench and start with the ever-popular bench press.

"Don't worry about the weight my dear, the machine exerts a force on you calibrated to what you are supposed to withstand."

"Okay, here I go then.." Azamir started doing sets of five until the machine was able to calculate the appropriate weight onto his arms. The exercise was rather normal until the final rep on his bench press where it felt like he had a wildfire spread through his chest and arms! Blinded by the pain he dropped the bar until the safety cut in and the weight lifting bar was reset automatically.

"YEAAARGH, WHAT F**k IS THIS!?!" Azamir howled in pain with every movement on his upper body.

"oh good it kicked in finally, I was wondering how long it would take! This is quite unusual as Borridin only took three sets before the effects kicked in! You should be proud you did five!" Doctor Simmons chirped.

Borridin? Oh damn, now Azamir knew why he looked like he had just gone through hell!

The doctor quickly sat him back down on the suspended examination table and injected him with a solution before beginning the scanning procedure once again. Azamir protested with grunts and groans until he noticed the burning pain regress and slowly go away. He was glad to be rid of the pain until he heard the Doctors next sentence.

"Good! it looks like your ready for the next run! Isn't it wonderful you get a whole extra TWO hours? You will really benefit from this training procedure!"

TWO HOURS???? Azamir balked at the sentence. "you mean we will be doing this again?"

"Of course! we are systematically targeting your muscle groups and rapidly breaking them down and repairing them up again!"

She calls this training! This was sheer perpetual torture! Azamir might have even declined if not for another thing popping up in his view!

[System trait update: Str +.001 Dex +.0001]

Azamir's eyes widened, but he still despised the idea! "Stupid System!" He mumbled to himself.

He slid off of the examination table after he felt better and picked up more weights. "AAAAAAAAH!"

The process continued...

Azamir left the med bay 3 hours later unbelievably sore and barely able to maintain a steady gate without stumbling and grasping the wall to steady himself.

"Ta ta my dear! Good work today! I shall see you in another two days!"

The words made Azamir grimace as he retreated before she was able to pull him back into the lab to poke and prod him more. He trudged his way to the mess hall of the ship to get a meal before finding his way back to their own cabin on the ship and pass out from exhaustion. It was quite a busy day!

The next four days passed in this manner where Azamir and the other trainees would be subjected to various tests and training programs to get them to the baseline average of a mercenary candidate and become well rounded. Azamir had to admit that while brutal and taxing, his efforts bore fruit and were not wasted on all the training.

It was during the fifth day of the schedule where things finally changed and a new practice was put in place.

EXO-suit training.