Chapter 1

"This is the end, Albero."

Said the man who stood against the wounded dictator as he pointed his blade coated with blood at him. They have no strength left in their bodies. And the dictator laughed,

"Ha ha ha, so this defeat feels like, so shameful and frustrating. " The Evil Dictator won many battles and killed many innocent civilians during his invasions. They also knew him as the strongest mage of the era. But this was the first time the dictator lost in a battle.

"Today, I created a new era, but I'm not able to see it... as it cost my life".

After that, the dictator died. The man sheathed his blade to its sleeve and walked out of the castle. Blood and dead bodies filled the castle that was guarded by thousands of great soldiers. Same with the blood of thousands of heroes who lost their lives for freedom.

The man raised his blade, and the eyes of many people saw it, signifying that they won the war. And he shouted,

"The dictator is dead!"

That day was marked in the history of humankind. And the man was called the hero and named Asir. But after the Hero's victory, there were rumors came out explaining how a young man defeated a powerful foe—questioning the Hero's identity and purpose. Nevertheless, the world was at peace and until today, the answers to those rumors are still mysteries.

~After five years, each city and kingdom gradually recovered after the death of the Dictator. One of them is V'leska City, the capital of the Divine Kingdom. The divine kingdom was one of the leading Kingdoms that fought against the Dictator, and they said that this was the Hero's hometown. But after the war, the hero suddenly disappeared, and no one knows what happened to him.

A man, named Michael, works as a teacher at Heindrich Academy. This school is well-known for training magic warriors and mages throughout the entire country. This year, he became a homeroom teacher, but unfortunately, he was assigned to class-E. This class has an unpleasant history because of its bad-ass students. Many teachers tried to teach here, but they all signed their resignation on the day after their class. But Michael accepted the job. The reason was—

"Dammit, don't have money for this month, so I don't have any choice but to accept this job", he grumbled.

He arrived at the door of the assigned classroom; he saw all the students clashing all around the classroom. Some are practicing their magic and showing their weapons prohibited outside the allowed area of the campus. And when they had noticed Michael entered the room, they stopped and followed a stare as he walked into the room. He turned back and printed his name on the board.

"I'm Michael Ridden, I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the school year", Michael said. The students began murmuring against Michael.

"What's up with these brats, it makes me feel uncomfortable", Michael wondered.

"Are you just a tier 1 magician?", Said a girl with red hair.

Then one of the students stood and came close to Michael. He suddenly grabbed his tie and glared at his face. He is a man with a muscular body with yellow hair.

"I'm amazed at your courage to teach us, even if you're just a weakling tier 1 magician"

"Thank you, I'm flattered, but what is your name again?", Michael said as he felt his intense aura out of his body.

"I'll give you the honor to know my name, my name is Zod Dassett, I am the son of the Chief of the Primal Knights". The Primal Knights are known as the strongest soldiers of the Empire. They were trained in both physical and magical aspects. It was said that they could conquer a country by just using two hundred soldiers.

"Okay, and you're really quite strong, aren't you? —so, Mr. Dassett, can you please let go of your hand?"

"What if I don't?". Zod replied.

"What a troublemaker, I don't want to do this but...", Michael sighed and suddenly grabbed Zod's hand and locked it in his back at an insane speed. And passed his head to the table while down on his knee.

* Bump! *

"Lesson number 1, never underestimate your teacher even if he is only a low-tier magician, because if not, then you're dead. "


It startled the students. Michael released Zod and pushed him away. Zod was knocked down and yet immediately stood up and charged again.

"How dare you! Take this bastard!"

[Flame Fist]

Zod's hand blazed as it charges towards Michael.

He caught Zod's attack with only one hand; the collision made the flames immediately disperse in the air. Zod was startled. He was shocked that his attack was negated. After that, Michael's face became serious.

"Lesson number 2, don't mess up with your teacher, brat... [Predator]----"

A trembling aura filled the whole room and because of its strength, some students fell on their knees and could not utter any words until the spell was over. The magic was gone, but all the students were still frightened, even Zod who couldn't even make a stance anymore.

"What is this terrifying aura"

"This man – impossible", a girl with red hair wondered.

Then Michael smiled as he restrained his aura, and he said:

"Okay, shall we start the lesson?"


Magic is divided into three types according to the construction of magic circles and mana manifestation of their crest: Type 1, called 'kreto', is well known as creation magic, they specialized in summoning monsters, physical enhancements, and displacement magics.

Type 2 crest is called 'kremos' or destruction magic, they specialize in casting offensive spells and curses. But type 3 is still unknown, it said that it specializes in both two types, but some said it has both crest properties, but different in construction. It is believed that the 'Evil Dictator', and the hero defeats him, has this crest.

The color of the aura that the magician emits could identify the Crest: Green for Type 1 crest and crimson red for Type 2 crest, and the type 3 crest-like what people rumored was pale white~

"Do you have questions?", Michael asked. And he saw the students were sleepy and not listening.

"This is such pain in the ass", he sighed.

"[Predator]" — the whole has trembled in fear again until he stopped it.

He smiled and asked again, "Okay, do you want to listen again?".

"Hey, that's cheating, bastard. You can't just cast it all the time with your students!"

"Yeah, That's abuse!". The students protested.

"It is because you were not listening, do you know how hard it is to talk in front of you guys?". Michael said.

And one student stood and complained, "Because it is boring, we already knew that previous teachers always said that on their first day".

"And they make them resign after… These brats are so hilarious", Michael thought.

Michael felt the ill intent of his students towards him.

As expected, in the last section, these students were proud and stubborn, and some of them were sons and daughters of nobles. Nobles were one of the empire's problems after the war, some of them become abusive to their power for boasting that they were major contributors to the empire's victory. No one can fight against them they are powerful people.

But an idea came to Michael's mind and immediately found a solution to make these students submit to him.

"Okay, fine, let's make this easy. Tomorrow, I will test all your abilities one by one. Let's treat this as your pretest", he suggested, then the students immediately stopped.

"Why would we do that such thing!?", Shouted by one of the students.

"Sorry, we're not really interested." And the class laughed.

"I think you would like this, kids. The test will be a duel, all of you against me", Michael said. The students were surprised and started laughing. But Michael continued to speak.

"The bet is if you manage to defeat me, then I will immediately sign my resignation; but if not, then you guys must submit to me for the rest of the school year. What can you say?"

Zod smirked and stood up from his chair. He clenched his arms and glared towards Michael, and he said:

"I accept it --- so be prepared, you fool."

The whole class shouted as they were accepting the challenge. But despite the noise inside the room, the red-haired girl remained calm, and instead, she just observed Michael the entire time, and she thought:

"It's so strange…"


After the class was dismissed, Michael received an email from the school director.

|Mr. Ridden, may I have your presence here in the office? ASAP.

He grinned. And when he arrived at the school director's office. When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman standing on the side of the school director. The school director crossed her legs and leaned her head on her hand.

" It is nice to see you again, Michael. Or, war hero, Asir ".