Chapter 3

She smiled at him and said." It's a secret. Anyway, how long have you been in America."

The replied again resignedly. "I don't even care anymore how you know. About five years ago."

She asked him once again.

" So what do you think? Disappointing yet?"

He nodded to that question.

"Yes. It pretty disappointing compared to my expectations. Maybe the movie sets and news exaggerated the beauty of the country a bit too much. I once thought it was about bumping into James Bond to work and start dodging bullets on the way flying cars and cure of AIDS. But now I found out all actors are in Beverly Hills and they're just as disconnected to the rest of the country as the rest of the world. Taxes are freakin annoying and 80 percent of the population thinks they are smart just because they use google. And almost memes, it's like memes are the only ways of communication."

She smiled and spoke to him again .

" You're pretty cynical and prejudiced a bit. That can't be helped since it's a big country and the culture you came into contact with is a bit weird. I just hope you're not anything that end with -cist. "

He spoke with some surprise.

"How could you doubt an honest and handsome good looking angel like me? With a chiseled nose like mine, hair of a Greek god and a body that can make Persephone faint. And some other exaggerated similes."

She replied to him.

"You forgot jade beauty and slender legs."

He burst out laughing. Completely startling the rest of the passengers. It was short conversation, a bit awkward since they were strangers but he totally enjoyed it. Suddenly the train reached its destination and he got off with her. At the moment they were outside, he turned to her and extended his hand.

"I am Jerry, nice to meet you."

At that moment, he suddenly got chills. He felt brain starting to shake and regretted doing that, he instinctively new something bad was going to happen to him. He tried to pull his hand away but she had already grabbed it. She held on tightly and wouldn't let go. It was at that moment he knew, he f**ked up.

" I feel like you're an interesting guy, fine. I will tell you my name. It's Jael."

He no longer cares about her, trying all his best to pull his hands from her but to no avail. He didn't even care about the strange looks the surrounding people gave him. His only thought was to get away from this woman and all will be great.

"Did you know that I always hated the plot armor that surrounded the MCs? How fun would it be if characters had to be absolutely careful and follow security guidelines in a cultivation world. Hmmmm, I wonder?"

At that moment, he was almost crying. He struggled even further. He felt that if he had a saw, he would have cut off that limb and run away, never turning back.

" please no."




Before he said anything further, he felt a jerk from his arm and saw the girl pulling him towards her side. He got relieved thinking she was just pulling him towards the ground. That was when he noticed something strange.

As he was falling forwards. He noticed the ground turning black, and then he sunk in.

On the outside, everybody suddenly felt like they've woken up from a strange dream and went on their own ways. The young woman that just yanked companion into what one might describe as a hole suddenly turned to the camera, did a hand movement and walked away. She then mumbled to herself.

"Please show me something interesting."


As Jerry fell into what he thought of as a sink hole, he suddenly saw something he couldn't believe, a glowing blue wall that was transparent, it was so huge that he couldn't see the end of it or start. And he was approaching it speedily. He screaming his lungs out as he thought he was going to be smashed into pulp.

The moment he made contact with the wall, he passed through it like jelly, and then immediately passed through many blue glowing walls. He had closed his eyes and waited for his death but didn't hear a sound, so he opened his eyes. At that moment, he now saw a glowing yellow transparent wall . Like the rest of the environment, it was all darkness surrounding him, except for the glowing walls in front and behind him.

He doesn't know how many times he passed through the glowing walls at a speed of a meteor. And then noticed something strange. As he turned back, he noticed he now has after images and they keep on increasing, from one to ten to a hundred. Before he knew it, he was leaving after images along his path.

That was when he noticed his after images suddenly become part of him, like they were overlapping with him. That was he looked at his hands and shouted in his mind.

" Why am I freakin animated?"

That only took less than a second and he already returned to the normal darkness and walls. When he passed through a glowing wall, he felt extremely strange. Like he knows all he did and will ever do. And his entire existence has been nothing but a book, and he can got to any part of that book and flip to it.

That was until he noticed the approaching wall and realized what it means. He forcefully removed that memory and continued passing through the walls. When he came out, he got shivers and didn't know what happened in the space of the previous wall enclosure. But he had a general idea about what happened to him.

After going through seemingly multiple colored-walls that are endless in size and even got waved at by random people always sitting in tiny thrones and others glaring at him, also some areas forced him to wipe his memory and other were too bright for him to notice anything . He thought about it realized his conclusions were right.

Before he thought any further , he passed through a glowing blue wall and saw something extremely amazing that he will never forget, at least hopes so since he pretty much forgot 80 percent of what he just went through. He saw twinkling stars, endless and surrounding him all around and what he can perceive as galaxies. He noticed himself slowing down, but he was still zipping so fast that he passed by some galaxies , which should be impossible since nothing can travel as fast as him, not even light.

Before he thought any further, he felt a sudden jolt and saw darkness cover his eyes. He didn't know what was going on but concluded that it was him starting to faint. As his consciousness started to fade, he heard the sound of poultry and sheep bleating. That led him to think his was near some kind of farm.

As he thought more about the walls and strange phenomena he noticed. He concluded one thing.

He had been transmigrated, and forcefully by that girl. "Dang it" he thought.

As for the glowing walls, he decided they were dimension borders or something similar, and he was passing through different universes and realities. Since at one time, he was animated, that made him think it was a two dimensional world or something.

Either that, or he's in some acid trip while watching an iTunes visualizer and is lying in a hospital bed due to his concussion brought by the violent little woman.

Before he thought any further, his consciousness gave up and he fainted.