Chapter 7

Standing on a branch that was thicker than his leg, he observed the forest ahead of him. It was wide, and stretched for miles with tall vigorous trees with an open grassland ahead of it. This world has always looked fictitious to him; the animals, the weird gigantic forestation, the exceedingly slow moving clouds, the inexplicable nauseous feeling he gets from time to time. The only perk is that the nauseating feeling is slowly disappearing, it always made me feel like he was suffocating therefore he was glad it went away. As for what it was, he would find out in the future.

Standing at the top of his home, he peered into the heart of the jungle. He felt his eyes becoming more focused and his gaze more unrelenting. He loved the feeling of it for a moment, he got the illusion that the world is more connected than he thought. Is this what it felt like to be a ranger back on Earth he didn't hate it one bit.

He got back on track and made preparations for his next step. Where he had experimented on his plants and animals was a deep scent of blood and flesh, it was scary to look at. What he did next was to sprinkle some grains and all kinds of small plants he found there the size of a grain onto the slaughter scene.

After waiting for an entire day, he finally saw a flock of birds diving down. Just as they touched the ground, he jumped towards them with his shirt and covered them, forming a sack and dragging them out while also scaring other birds away.

He repeated this technique for a entire till he ran out of bird feed. He now had tens of birds in a small hole he had dug up near his home. After he covered up the hole with a big nest he found earlier during the day, he attached a long vine on top of it, stretching about a few tens of meters. He got that vine and tied it to the top of the tree.

As soon as he was done with that, he went to collect the flesh and blood from his experiment site and dumped it into the hole. After he was done covering the birds with flesh and blood, he ignored the angry squeaking and climbed the tree again. As soon as he got to the top of his home, he did some meditation exercises and focus all his brain power for the coming moment. He knew he couldn't miss this chance since it was the only opportunity he got to do this experiment. As soon as he got in his best state, he grabbed onto the vine and pulled it up. He gnashed his teeth and focused as hard as humanly possible.

As soon as the lip of the small hole was lifted, he heard a large amount of fluttering of wings under him. The trapped birds escaped the scarily dark hole they found themselves trapped and fled in all directions, totally ignoring which direction they flew. Thaw=t was the moment he was waiting for.

Just as the birds reached for the sky above the jungle, he told himself to calm down no matter what happens but even that didn't prepare him for the shock he experienced at that moment. In the always quiet and peaceful forest, suddenly horrifying growls and vast amounts of pressure almost made him fall off the tree.

Animals of all kinds of sizes and specie jumped into the air to grab the blood scented birds from the sky, other animals that couldn't jump just growled from the disturbance while others were scared and started to run around in their small territories as if they have gone mad from fear or the scent of blood in the air. Weirdly enough, none of the animals stepped out of their territories and no fights happened. It was just that the scene was so scary in front of the Earthling who has never even gone to camp that he had no choice but to bite his tongue to calm himself down and do the memory test in his view.

Without any further ado, He bit his finger hard enough for blood to come out, he started doting on a banana leaf. As soon as he did that,he climbed down the tree slowly while making sure the banana leaf doesn't tilt and pour out the blood he wasted on building this DIY map. He had no choice since staying a the top of the tree might make him a target for those vicious animals. As he was climbing down, he reminded himself to get more charcoal in the future since making maps seemed to be vital for his survival.

As soon as he reached down, the transcribed what was on the banana leaf onto the tree trunk and updated his old map. This made me realize how terribly he could have died if he had ignored everything and followed the old map to get out of the forest.

Finishing that, the next step was to study map and make out a path for himself. He didn't believe himself to be so unlucky he can't even make it out of this starter forest. As for making a more advanced map, he had neither the time or resources for that. He could feel his body getting more and more uncomfortable. he hadn't even showered for two weeks and the smell coming out of him was that of a beast. This plus the guilt for what he did to the small animals urged him to stop thinking up of any other experiments and use what he had.

Like a chess game, he started creating a path towards the stream. Marking it as the enemies' king. The queens and her subordinates represented the animals in the forest but they were placed in accordance to their location. It didn't matter their power or strength since they were all predator beasts in his eyes. What differentiated them with queens, bishops and knights was the distance they could travel to attack him.

After playing this distorted chess game, he came up with a path of survival after two days and nights of playing without sleeping. His hands were cramping from the simulations he ran they entire 48 hours on the ground before reaching a conclusion.

He decided to sleep for one day before rubbed mud on his face and arms, even his clothes. This created a simple camouflage that would maximize his sneaking level.

He had decided to run in territories with small beasts while walk sneakily and slowly in areas with strong beasts. That was the only idea he could come up with for the moment. After guzzling down huge amounts of calories and a side of the usual disgusting blood, he stretched his joints and prepared himself for the run. Deciding it was time, he jumped and ran into the forest at he fastest speed he could conjure up.

While looking down occasionally on his map inscribed onto the palm of his hand, he followed the path he had made the previous day and voila, he finally made it out of the forest. Ignoring the animals that were drinking from the water-stream, he ran up and jumped in a diving motion into the water and stayed there for a while.

Before those animals drinking at the stream could complain at this arrogant ant that dared to jump into their drinking water, suddenly a shudder ran under their feet and a vast pressure covered them. Knowing a forest king was arriving, they all sprang up and ran away in all directions, totally ignoring the human that was still in the water.

Before long, a huge number of animals, a beast tide that almost covered the entire forest came and stood in the grassland close to the water-stream and searched high and low for the annoying human that caused chaos in their habitat but all they found was nothing in the whole area.

Failing in their endeavor, they growled and howled to the sky and returned back to the forest feeling humiliated. They had no choice since staying here would achieve nothing.

After a few minutes, a stick that had been floating upright in the waters suddenly moved and a head came out of the water. Seeing that no animal was remaining on the beach, he came out of the water and threw the tube shaped tree stem had had been using to breathe underwater and lay on the ground to sleep. He didn't have any other thoughts but just to sleep at the moment since he felt even more tired than the time he created his first home in the dreaded forest. He slept knowing that the mud on his face and hands would fool the simple animals on the shore he was standing on.

He woke up hungry after a few hours of rest and went ahead for a drink and shower that he needed urgently. He remembered to wash his clothes since he couldn't bare to wear those clothes again if they still smelled like a dead skunk. Just as he was done with that, he felt a knew feeling, kind of nostalgic and reminiscent of the old world he was from. He didn't know what it was for a moment. He looked around and found nothing, then looked across the water-stream to the other side, the place he had made all kinds of plans and machinations to go to in the past fortnight.

It was at that moment he looked ahead a saw an old man with a kind smile on his face and crook on his right hand. This gave him a nostalgic feeling similar to the time he had visited his grandfather in the village and helped his rear the herd and help out at the farm.

Knowing his Canaan had arrived, a sudden deep dark feeling of fatigue swallowed and he went unconscious that very moment, he accepted it willingly since he had always forced it back and never let himself fall into deep sleep since that would have been his death.

Except this time, he embraced it.