Chapter 11

On the dawn of a new day. The crickets chirped with vigor. Dew decorated the morning grass with a shiny spark and grasshoppers were hopping with renewed vigor. On this day, a youth and an old man walked out of a small building. Brisk footsteps were heard and cars fluttered out of the way for the two. After moving forward a few meters the young man stopped, then turned around. He looked back at the house that was his home with complicated feelings. Regardless of what happened in it, this was his first home in this world. It's where he learned how to work and talk. One could even say it was his first real home. After all, he learned more than he ever had on Earth. He learned skills for gardening, pottery, how to defend himself and finally meta talk. Now that he has walked out of this building, he knows he will never return as a household member but as a guest. Of course, these complicated thoughts ran across his mind in less than a few seconds and immediately turned around and continued with the old man.

It was at that moment that someone came to visit Long. Both the old man and the youth peered into the distance and observed an old lady walked towards them. Deciding to wait for her, they quiet and looked closely to glean clues on who the old lady might be. As soon as she was in viewable distance. It was noticed that she was the ugly neighbor. It seems she came to request for more dragon wood wine this morning. What a drunkard he thought.

After she had reached within a few meters. She looked and Shang Fei and let out a cold snort. Shang nervously chucked and she somehow became even more angry. After a few seconds, she seemed to ignore him and turned towards the youth next to the old man.

"Xiao Jerry. It seems you're already old enough and you're moving away. Sigh, now who will help out the old lady around the house. My old bones are creaking and can't handle that kind of work."

"Auntie, stop lying. You look as young as me, so how can you already be so old and weak. Someone must have cast an illusion on you."

"Haha, brat. It seemed you learned how to flatter from the old man. It seems he finally taught you something good. Anyway, it seems I can't stop you. I only hope you don't forget me and come to visit me."

After they said their goodbyes, the old lady continued on, totally ignoring Shang Fei. There was no reaction from him, like he was used to it. Jerry looked at the old man and knew there was some story between the two but he ignored it. Lifting the sack that was on the ground, he placed it on his shoulder and walked away.

Inside the building, an old man in bed suddenly opened his eyes and grinned to himself. After a while he turned to the other side of the bed and wanted to continue sleeping. That came to a stop when he heard a loud shout outside.


Listening to that voice, Long Shi mumbled to himself.

"Damn kid,he went away and didn't forget to leave this catastrophe at my door."

After some hesitation and grumbling, he still got out of bed and went towards the door.

At this moment, two people were walking out of the village towards a stony path that leads to the top of the mountain. With a crook in hand, Shang Fei trekked the Rocky Mountains through an uneven path. The path was overridden with grass at some spot and dried mud footsteps that were deeply embedded into the ground. Behind the old man was a youth who was hyper ventilating from the extreme heat and long hours of walking. He had realized that climbing a mountain with a bag over his shoulder isn't the ability of a modern person. As for what was in the bag, only he knows.

After reaching an even plain halfway through their journey. The old man finally decided to take a break. The youth slumped down with tiredness written all over his face. Then he opened his bag an d took out a satchel of water. He handed it to the old man and let him take a sip. Just as the old man was done, he took it away from him and also took a sip. As for hygiene, he left it back on Earth.

After that short rest, they stood up again and headed towards the top of the mountain again. Hours passed and finally, the path they were on seemed to have an end that disappears on top of the mountain. As soon as Jerry reached the end of the path, he saw an unforgettable scene. It was a wide plain, almost too wide for the mountain he was on. It looked strangely flat like it was cut using a sharp sword. It was a vast endless plain that made him realize how much he underestimated the size of the this mountain. On this plain, he saw many people and strange clothing styles. Some wore golden robes with patterns on them in form of mythological beasts. Whoever met them either bowed or dares not to look them in the eye.

He noticed this strange phenomenon while working towards what seemed to be a tall thick wall and extremely tall. The wall had sharp edges on top of it. It was an ugly and novel idea that has a strange appeal to him. On this totally enclosed wall, there seemed to be a tall line with small human figures on it. At this point, he realized that this city was far away. After walking quietly with the old man for a few minutes towards the city and saw a grand and majestic wall, towering towards the heaven and exuding an ancient breathe of vicissitude. It was at this moment he felt a pressure for the first time in his life that he couldn't breathe. A pressure so hard that he could hardly breathe and almost got on his knees. He cursed himself that it was just a stupid wall so why should he be so scared! Therefore he tried to look towards the wall with determination. All he got was a few snickers from the side, seeming to mock his futile struggle. As he tried to look at the wall again, he realized he couldn't and almost gave up and fell on his knees.

As his knees almost fell to the ground, he felt hand grab his shoulder and a kind voice speaking to him.

"C'mon, let's enter the city."