Chapter 16

The sound of a Qilin Fox eagle sounded throughout the mansion. It was eerily soothing but hid a certain danger. However this weird sound woke up the people in the pile. The huge pile that occupied a thousand li looked Gothic in its structure and that's how the city lord had designed his mansion to look like. At this time, the family members and high level household members seemed to wake up at the same time as they welcomed a new day filled with happiness and cordiality. However amidst this cordiality was endless scheming and conspiracy comparable to a emperor's palace.

Behind this pile was a hovel for low level servants of all kinds in charge of taking care of the upper hierarchy. Most of the people here were douches who looked down on the weak and feared the strong. Due to this situation, the hierarchy in the city lord's mansion was maintained for a long time without anyone interfering with the other's interest.

At this time, Jerry has become a complete background character without any motivation to change his lifestyle or cause waves among his fellow workers. He found this life slightly fulfilling and he didn't want to test the waters of the hierarchy by doing anything unordinary however the gods seemed to be blind to his wishes and got him involved in some drama he never expected.

As he was walking back to his dormitory, he happened to see a beautiful jade bracelet inlaid with colorful stones of unknown origin. He picked it up to observe it but discovered that it was still clean, meaning that someone dropped it as opposed to having been there for a long time. Since he was tired, he decided it was better to go rest first then return it in the morning.

The next day he was awoken by his roommates saying there was an emergency and someone from the "pile" had lost a treasure and whoever finds it will be awarded 300 cabat. Listening to this price, Jerry's eyes gleamed as he almost jumped out of bed and went to wash himself up quickly. The first thing he did was to run towards Ji Tiandi to submit the jade bracelet for the reward since he's the only person that he could trust. However when he was walking towards his place, he paused for a moment and thought about it carefully. Moments passed as he indulged himself in his thoughts until he seemed to reach a conclusion and continue in his journey.

When he reached the office of Ji Tiandi, he called out to him and mentioned the purpose of his visit. He didn't say it was him who had the bracelet, just that someone in his dormitory was showing it off and planning to give it back during lunch time. Hearing this, the fatty's eyes flashed with greed and asked him to reveal who it was. Of course, Jerry gladly listed the thug number 2 who always wanted a piece of him ever since he entered the dormitory. The fatty seemed to think for a moment and then decided to pay Jerry on the shoulder for his honesty and graciousness. Knowing the shameless of Ji Tiandi, Jerry also cooperated with him and gave him a knowing smile, indicating that all this was just to hug the fatty's thighs and gain a backer. After a few more flatterings, he went back to work at the pen until it was lunch time. His day was peaceful, even the usual bullies were too busy to ignore him and went on their business.

At lunch time, he sneaked out of the cafeteria carrying a few dried snacks walking to the "pile" area of the city lord's mansion. Usually the people who enter here are highly distinguished guests or workers with a certain duty like those who carry food or clean up. The other low level workers weren't allowed in unless it was a an emergency. As he arrived at the entrance into the inner area of the mansion where the "pile" was located, he could smell the luxury from a mile away and lamented at the poverty he found himself in. He was stopped by the guards and explained that he might have found the jade bracelet everyone has been looking for. In less than the time to burn an incense, a majestic woman walked out with a veil covering her face and and pouch of money in her hands. She didn't even look at Jerry but turned toward the guards at the entrance and told them to fetch the jade bracelet. Knowing the arrogance of the upper hierarchy, he didn't mind and cautiously handed the jade bracelet from his pocket to the guard. The guards suddenly changed their faces and looked at him with disgust. The guard looked at him with intense hatred that Jerry almost felt crazy and scared not knowing what he had done wrong. The guard suddenly pulled out a clean and expensive looking cloth from his pocket and held the bracelet that Jerry handed to him and threw the coins towards Jerry with a huge force that it hurt his hands. After the guard handed the bracelet back to the lady, the woman walked back holding the bracelet with a cloth covering it like she was holding dog poop and her other hand was clenching a fist in anger. Knowing he had violated another unknown stupid rule by noble, Jerry felt so sad that he almost cried out. I'm really innocent he thought to himself. However, he knew no one would care and he had gained a big wig as an enemy.

A few days later, he returned from a pavilion selling medicines and cultivation products. By now he he learned to accept that he was in a cultivation world where it seemed normal and even cultivation methods were sold. However these products were extremely expensive for a minimum wage worker like him and even more ridiculous for civilians who live in the city and the surrounding mountain villages. Just the cheapest cultivation manual that strengthened your body enough to work for 8 hours without stop cost 200 cabbat. It was the cheapest thing and almost everyone who worked in the city lord's mansion owned a higher level of it. It was the wood breaking fist manual and even if you trained with it to the extreme, the best you could do was to be able to fight a kangaroo beast without being slapped to death. Therefore, it was sold at an extremely cheap price compared to the medicinal materials that started at 1000 cabbat and above. However many people in the villages still bought it to gain enough strength to work in the city.

Looking at the 100 cabbat in his pocket that can't buy anything cultivation like, he saw his dreams of becoming a cultivator flying away on a sword faster than he can say "please wait".