Chapter 22

Ji Tiandi was now feeling angry, frustrated, helpless and even regretful about his current situation. It was just a normal day for bullying a little kid but he didn't know the brat would be ruthless enough to rob and frame him. He knew everything was over since it's almost impossible for anyone to believe him if he told the truth. He felt the world around him starting to fall apart and a certain killing intent appeared in his heart. He had never felt this feeling against his fellow employees but the hatred he felt towards Jerry made him ignore his morality. He then turned to Jerry who was previously grinning at him with a hate filled gaze and saw him walking towards Shang Fei and felt cold chill on his back as Shang also looked back at him when he started to talk to Jerry. Ji Tiandi immediately decided to hide his head and concentrate back on the event and troubles ahead of him. The most that will happen is that he is kicked out of the mansion.

At this time in the square, small groups had formed as quidnuncs started gathering and spreading what they heard.

"Hey, have you heard? It seems the upper class in the manor house were robbed of their belongings in the middle of the night. I heard the little princess of the of the city lord is coming over to supervise the situation. Do you know how they did it?"

"I don't know. I did hear that the thief used inferior nerve poison pill to make them sleep deeply and sneaked in after that. Did you know that no traces were found the next morning? That's why they summoned us here. It must have ben done by an expert."

As Ji Tiandi heard these comments, he almost spit out blood. What kind of expert! It's obviously some brat who liked messing around. He immediately ignored these rumors and continued to watch as Jerry was talking to Shang. At this time Shang was wondering why Jerry approached him in this chaos.

"Uncle Shang, I came to consult you about a predicament I'm currently facing. I came into contact with a powerful cultivator and want to negotiate with him regarding some matters. However, I'm merely a mortal and can't deal with a cultivator unless I have a blood contract to restrain them from hurting me."

Hearing this Shang Fei was surprised what kind of deal a small guy like him can have with a cultivator, but he still understood his meaning. He pulled out a contract from his storage ring and handed him one. He didn't ask him much but just patted him on the shoulder and was proud of him for finally coming into contact with cultivators and trying to improve his status.

After he received the contract, he walked towards Ji Tiandi with a calm pace, and reached him after a few seconds. A lot of people made way after seeing the angry face of Ji Tiandi and were curious as to what made Tiandi hate the mortal kid a lot. Therefore, a huge circle had formed when Jerry reached his boss. They stood apart from each other by a few meters and the quidnuncs made a huge gap of a few tens of meters around them. At this time, Jerry spoke first.

"Hello boss, did you miss me? It seems you have been thinking about me a lot."

"Not bad kid, not bad but since I'm about to lose everything. What makes you think I won't kill you here and now? Obviously you're just a mortal and no one will care much about revenge except Shang Fei, and I'm not even weaker than him. So what makes you confident enough to come near a desperate tiger."

As Tiandi said this, he released his killing intent and showed his fangs. However, instead of becoming scared, Jerry pulled out a contract from his waist pocket. The killing intent in Tiandi's eyes disappeared and it was replaced by deep curiosity.

"I won't let you kill me, because I have a way to save you from the predicament."

As Jerry said this, he immediately grabbed a quill and sliced his hand a little. He dipped the quill in the tiny wound without a change in expression and started to write on the contract. Tiandi was astounded by his ruthlessness and also realized it was a blood contract. He kept quiet and let him finish writing on it. Afterwards he was given the contract and read it from head to toe. The contract stated that as long as Jerry takes full responsibility for the stolen merchandise and say he gave it to Tiandi for safe keeping, Tiandi would promise to help and fund three projects for him. Tiandi felt a little curious about what Jerry wanted him to do, but he still agreed to it. He cut his finger a little bit and put a stamp with his blood on the contract. The moment he did, the contract blood red flame and disappeared.

The rest of the people around were even more surprised by what just happened but they hadn't dared to eavesdrop before therefore they didn't know what kind of deal they had reached together. This scene had attracted everyone's attention, including the housekeeper's. Jerry suddenly turned and walked towards the housekeeper while everyone moved out of the way.

"Housekeeper Feng Mian, I have an idea about the theft that happened. I may have seen the thief last night as I came from outside the manor. It was on a dark night when then owls were cooing, heralding the coming of the deep night, the shadows were creeping along the walls while people walked besides them. The moon was reflected in the majestic ponds while crickets were-"

"Shut up and get to the point, what happened that night."

"As I reentered the manor, I looked touched the two walls besides me and felt them vibrate a little, I then got vigilant and looked up, only to see a dark figure running on top of the wall. He tried to jump to the other side wall and dropped a satchel. The thief then discovered me on the ground as he came to pick up his bag and tried to kill me then. It was my luck that senior brother Ji Tiandi came fast and saved me at that moment. The thief, realizing it might be dangerous, abandoned the satchel and ran away into the darkness. Eldest senior then picked up the satchel, thinking it belonged to the thief but due to my greed, I said it belonged to me. I even made him keep it for me until morning when I realized there were stolen goods. I don't deserve his kindness and I'm willing to be punished for my sins."

After everyone heard that, their expressions changed immediately.